Dispelling Beauty Lies: The Truth About Feminine Beauty

Dispelling Beauty Lies: The Truth About Feminine Beauty

The facts about feminine beauty are simple and intuitive, even obvious. But public discussion of the topic is dominated by lies that confuse many women. Oddly enough, intelligent women seem to be the most susceptible. This makes it harder for them to attract mates, subjects them to misguided self-doubts, and even damages their health. Their efforts to improve their appearance are in vain because they aim at the wrong target. All too often they simply give up on a game they could win if they understood the rules. But for fear of being impolite, men never correct their illusions.

In this article I’ll dispel the confusion and tell you the straight truth about feminine attractiveness. In the closing section I’ll offer some practical advice. (Note: if you can't read the font, click the "translate" button above.)

Dispelling Beauty Lies is the world's most-banned guide to beauty and seduction. If you made it here anyway, destiny is calling.

A warning before you continue: I won't pander to boost your self-esteem. Writing the truth instead of repeating familiar lies will offend some readers. Most women will experience discomfort. If you're emotionally fragile or psychologically troubled, you should stop here. However, learning the truth will enable clear-sighted women to improve their appearance and succeed at the game of beauty. This is a prize that's worth the cost.

Dispelling Beauty Lies is the most accurate and comprehensive guide to feminine beauty ever written. If you’re ready for real answers, read on.

I. Everyone lies
II. Learning from love goddesses
III. Imaginary women
IV. The truth about breast size
V. Common and uncommon tastes
VI. Market forces
VII. The most important secret about faces
VIII. A note on masculine beauty
IX. "Beauty" and "hotness"
X. Correcting homework
XI. Drawing the right conclusions
XII. Reality-based beauty tips
1. Finding the best weight for you
2. Clothing and fashion
3. Cosmetics and cosmetic surgery
4. Hair, skin, and eyes
5. Motion and posture
6. The most common misconception about seduction
7. Personality and individuality
8. Beauty and aging.
XIII. Answering objections
XIV. Censorship and suppression
Appendix: survey results
Review: the top twenty-two worst lies

I. Everyone lies

a. The many reasons to lie
b. Who's really your enemy?
c. Beauty is an athletic skill

a. The many reasons to lie

Why are lies about beauty abundant? Beauty is so socially important that almost everyone has a reason to lie about it.

The fashion industry uses tall, ultra-thin models to impress and intimidate customers. The tactic increases clothing sales, but these models aren’t the best examples of beauty. Similarly, paid beauty writers and influencers make their money from advertising fashion and beauty products. The conflict of interest discourages them from giving accurate advice.

Body-positive influencers sometimes praise the beauty of unhealthy figures in a way that seems disconnected from reality. They expand their audience through flattery and pandering, not honesty. Journalists lie about beauty to bolster their favorite social and political causes, which they consider far more important than the truth.

Market forces compel even well-meaning people in the beauty industry to endorse conventional lies instead of providing all the help they could. As one cosmetic surgeon informed me with regret, “You can't tell women the truth because they'll crucify you. You'll go out of business.”

He gave them honest advice.

Men have incentives to lie about what attracts them as well. To be polite, or to flatter. Or even to show their good taste. Pretending not to notice overt sex appeal is a way of signaling refinement and class. It implies that they’re subtler and more perceptive than other men. But it also projects a false picture of what they really want. It's not that men think through these lies with reason. They tell them compulsively by default, because they know what they're supposed to say and what you want to hear.

Men who can't get what they want will claim to want what they can get in order to improve their chances at sex.

Some insecure women deride any concept of beauty that doesn't match what they see in the mirror. Unable to acknowledge their own imperfections, they hope words alone can make them the fairest of all. Others intentionally promote beauty lies with fabrications, malicious gossip, and petty insults directed at their more attractive competitors.

Even the most beautiful and self-assured women will lie, whether to guard their secrets, to sabotage their competitors, or because they don’t really know the answers themselves.

Are you sure you can trust her?

Self-deception compounds the problem. Once you're invested in the lies you've been told by marketers, flatterers, and competitors, it's psychologically difficult to accept the truth. You're tempted to behead the messenger and cling to feeble counterarguments you wouldn't take seriously in any other context. And your friends tell you what you want to hear, because their only alternative is to hurt and offend someone they love.

"Of course you look pretty today."

“What makes a woman attractive?” is a milgram question. In other words, the social penalty for an unflattering answer is much higher than the reward for telling the truth. Because of this we simply can’t trust the answers we receive, even if they’re coming from friends.

"I think you'd look good in short hair."

In sum, everyone’s lying about beauty. And when you consider the motivations I’ve just listed, it shouldn’t be a surprise. We have very good reasons to lie!

“Your highness, I’m afraid we made a point of hiring astrologers and diviners who specialize in precisely the kind of predictions which cannot be verified until after their pensioned retirement.”

All these lies can carry over into science. Scientific studies of beauty are often based on questionnaires. The scientists just perform a statistical analysis and repackage the results as verified truth. But survey responses on sexual topics are unreliable. Fancy mathematical language might make these studies sound authoritative, but it can't transform a collection of false answers into a true one. And there's a limit to how well a handful of numbers can characterize beauty.

So to reveal the truth I won’t rely on surveys or professed opinions. Instead I’ll present direct evidence of men’s real preferences.

Feminine beauty painted by Lord Leighton, a wealthy heir and baron, in 1857.

b. Who's really your enemy?

Why should men be the ones to judge what's beautiful? My approach here is simple and practical, not philosophical. The main purpose of personal beauty is to attract and satisfy a member of the opposite sex. There are other reasons to be beautiful, but they make a much smaller contribution to human happiness. That means men are the most important judges of feminine beauty, just as women are the most important judges of masculine beauty.

"He has nice shoulders, but I just can't get used to his face."

Your professors may have taught you to loathe the "male gaze." This crazy attitude will do you more harm than good. In fact, it's far worse than a beauty lie. You can't win by condemning the judges. Instead you should embrace your potential for beauty, and use it to cultivate a fulfilling romantic and sexual relationship.

Men: believe it or not, you don't have to behead them.

Some claim an uncompromising analysis of feminine beauty is inherently misogynistic. This is quite opposite to the truth. Empowerment is about being able to get what you want. The more beauty you have, the easier it is to get what you want. And the better you understand beauty, the easier it is to obtain it. It's that simple.

Contrary to what you've been told, the vilification of the male gaze hurts women more than men. I'll explain why this is the case further on.

Those who justify dishonesty by labelling the truth misogynistic are taking advantage of you. They're disempowering you and implying women are too fragile to handle reality. This article, in contrast, aims to help any woman who's ready to open her eyes. In the final account, its accuracy will be borne out by its efficacy.

Pretty lies won't make you pretty. Nor strong, nor free. They'll only lock you in chains of your flatterers' design.

c. Beauty is an athletic skill

The hardest lies to conquer are the ones we tell ourselves. So before we continue I'm going to explain the right way to think about your beauty. This explanation will anticipate some conclusions I haven't justified yet, but I'm offering it in advance to ease your mind.

Beauty is confusing because it combines elements that seem personal with elements that are purely physical, and we easily mix these up. Figure skating is a good metaphor. Both a great figure skater and a great beauty seamlessly blend personal expression with physical excellence. Yet these are still two different things. And in beauty as in skating, physical excellence is more important.

Just personal expression? Really?

It's popular to tell women beauty is just self-expression, and the unique person you are will always be beautiful to the right man. This sounds nice, but it's the verbal equivalent of a frenemy giving you a warm hug as she stabs you in the back. It's no different from telling someone she can be good at figure skating simply by expressing herself, and that physical skill doesn't matter. A skater who follows this sort of advice won't only miss the Olympics, she'll skate badly and never improve.

People who tell you nice-sounding lies about beauty are sabotaging you for their own personal gain, not helping you or being supportive.

In fact, this “nice” idea is the single most harmful beauty lie. It reinforces the misperception that a woman's beauty is her personal essence, so if men don't appreciate your appearance, you must be a worthless person with an unlovable soul. That isn't true at all, and believing it is will damage your mental health.

Not this, not that.

For your own good, please stop thinking of beauty as only or even mainly self-expression. Instead, start thinking of beauty as an athletic skill that allows you to express yourself better. Some women are more naturally talented at this skill than others. But just as everyone can skate better with practice, everyone can contribute more beauty to the world if she makes a well-directed effort.

Once you reorient yourself in this way, you'll realize your imperfections aren't cause for despair. Even the few women who bring home medals still make mistakes.

Perfection is out of human reach, and that's okay.

Your personality is, of course, already golden. But you're about to learn how to score top marks for technical merit too. And instead of just winning medals, you're going to win hearts. Are you ready?

Aesthetic athletes in training.
If you suffer from anorexia, body dysmorphia, or distress related to your body image, it may be best to read the section titled “Finding The Best Weight For You” first.

II. Learning from love goddesses

a. Historical exemplars of feminine beauty
b. Limitations of the historical record

a. Historical exemplars of feminine beauty

Let’s begin with the most enduring visual examples of feminine beauty: love goddesses. The representations below were created hundreds or even thousands of years apart by groups that spoke different languages and lived in different climates. Despite differences in their style, function, and degree of realism, they share common features.

The love goddesses typically have an hourglass figure, with a small waist, larger than average breasts, and pronounced hips. They have a moderate, healthy weight: fairly slim, but not skinny.

This Indian statue is two thousand years old.

These two Minoan examples are more than three thousand years old.

This Babylonian love goddess is nearly four thousand years old.

Below are erotic odalisque paintings from 19th-century America, France, and Italy.

A mountain of historical evidence shows no correlation between high status and a taste for thin, curveless women. This is a sculpture of a famous upper-class courtesan from 19th-century Paris.

Nor were obese women widely preferred. Rubens is often cited as a counterexample to conventional beauty standards. But his corpulent figures, such as the last image below, are exceptions in a long history of love-goddess representations that fit the general trend. Outliers like this don't nullify the rule.

Obese prehistoric figurines like the 30,000-year-old “Venus of Willendorf” are also frequently raised as counterexamples. But they don't qualify as love goddesses. The “Venus” appellation is arbitrary and disputed by scholars. These figurines weren't found with a label, and their true meaning and function are unknown.

And there is, in fact, no shortage of ancient figurines which do exhibit the hourglass shape common in verifiable love-goddess representations.

In the next gallery you’ll find a selection of famous cartoons of attractive women that spans several decades: Sleeping Beauty, Jasmine, Jessica Rabbit, and three popular Japanese anime characters.

These images are in some cases exaggerated, but that’s the nature of cartoon art. On the other hand, social conventions set limits on the figures "serious" artists could depict. For instance, critics condemned William Etty's Venus and her Satellites (below) as pornographic in the 1830s.

"A brothel on fire would be a modest exhibition in comparison," declared The Observer of this Venus painting. "An egregious error," wrote The Times. "Obsessed with breasts and bums," said Constable.

Most paintings and sculptures are sexually understated, partly because they’re made for public display in places where it would be inappropriate to inspire lust, and partly because unrestrained sex appeal would dominate men's attention and distract them from subtler elements of the artwork.

Despite these limitations, the cartoons, paintings, and sculptures of love goddesses share the same salient characteristics.

Cultural and regional variations do exist, but are smaller than you might assume. For instance, the ideal women preferred by American and Japanese men are more similar than real American and Japanese women!

Finally, here are three of the goddesses juxtaposed with human models.

b. Limitations of the historical record

So love goddesses and archetypes of beauty follow a pattern. However, they're not all identical. For instance, classical Greek statues don't have the small waist and wide hips evident in our other examples. Nor do the later Venuses copied from them. In fact, Van Gogh quit art school when he was assigned to copy the Venus de Milo because he believed its hips were too narrow.

While the persistence of this particular deviation was partly driven by a founder effect, its original motive is open to debate. Even in ancient times many influential artists were homosexual, perhaps including Botticelli himself.

When we look earlier into Greek history, we can find the familiar figure seen in love-goddess representations around the world.

Nevertheless, exceptions are real and can't all be dismissed so easily.

Historical artwork may be compelling, but it's not enough to make a strong case. Furthermore, we can't rule out the possibility that current tastes differ from traditional ones. To reliably determine what men find attractive today, we'll have to examine more evidence.

The Temptation of Buddha, 1921.

III. Imaginary women

a. Why imaginary women are the best guide to beauty
b. Doll proportions
c. Anime proportions
d. Height
e. Legs, thighs, and hips
f. Age
g. The neoteny-curves axis
h. Refuting objections to imaginary women

a. Why imaginary women are the best guide to beauty

If men won’t tell the truth when asked what they find attractive, how can we ever know? One way is to look at what they choose in secret when they're free to have exactly what they want.

AI girls: an oncoming erotic terminator—with valuable lessons to teach.

Humans are imperfect by nature. So in real life men rarely have the option to pick exactly what they want, and compromise is the norm. To avoid hurting feelings they publicly pretend their compromise was their ideal all along. Imaginary substitutes, however, allow men to bypass the limitations of reality and get something that actually does look just like their ideal.

The best guides to men's real beauty preferences, therefore, are imaginary women selected in private. These fall into three main categories: sex dolls, erotic drawings, and computer-generated women like those above. In this section I'll analyze each in turn.

It would be a mistake to dismiss all imaginary women as mere sex objects. Some are intended to represent idealized romantic partners, much like the heroes of romance novels written for women.

Women are typically loath to give credence to any of these privately imagined ideals. Not only are they incurious, they actively turn away from them to avoid knowing. This is an unfortunate mistake.

AI-generated erotic art. Don't close your eyes to the facts.

Putting your head in the sand may soothe your ego in the short term, but in the long term ignorance will do you harm. So please set aside your squeamishness and skepticism for a moment. There will be plenty of time later to debate the value of the evidence.

Statues and paintings also depict imaginary women, but they're designed for public display and with other functions in mind. This makes them imperfect models of attractiveness.
Dispelling Beauty Lies contains a large number of images for good reason. They'll help you develop an intuitive understanding of feminine beauty that's more accurate than the one inculcated by exposure to the usual images of women displayed in movies, media, and advertising. Please take the time to examine them as you read.

b. Doll proportions

I’ve researched sex doll inventories at four online stores. Below I'll tell you what I found, starting with a little math you can skim over if you wish.

In mathematical terms, the most popular sex dolls at the four retailers had a waist-to-bust ratio of 0.61, and a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.61 too. In normal bust-waist-hips clothing measurements, that’s equivalent to 39-24-39. To check this number I averaged the measurements of over two hundred sex dolls from the inventory of one retailer. The resulting proportions were 0.65 and 0.61 respectively, equivalent to 37-24-39. By contrast, the average Victoria’s Secret lingerie model has a waist-to-bust ratio of 0.75, a waist-to-hip ratio of 0.71, and clothing measurements of 32-24-34.

Not the body type men find most attractive.

The exact numbers aren't especially important here. In plain language, the majority of men choose dolls with far more pronounced curves than lingerie models.

As you can see, the typical sex doll resembles the example images in the previous section, while the runway model is distinctly different: not only thinner, but also narrower at both the hips and chest. The runway model's greater height also causes her body to seem more elongated.

The differences are evident from the rear as well. In addition to wider hips, the typical sex doll has far thicker buttocks and thighs than a runway model, with no thigh gap. The overall appearance is rounded instead of flat.

Sex dolls might be inherently tawdry, but the example below shows their basic shape is both beautiful and respectable in a woman with the right clothing and presentation, even when judged by very conservative standards. In fact, sex dolls are much closer to the classic female figure of traditional painting than fashion models are.

You can see the same shape in these photos of vintage actress Sophia Loren, who measures 38-24-38. Her figure is classic, beautiful, and elegant, not trashy or cheap. She looks good in many different styles, including formal and business attire.

Since the publication of Dispelling Beauty Lies, academic researchers have independently replicated my findings regarding sex doll proportions.

c. Anime proportions

How can we confirm our observations? Let's consider erotic drawings. This is another case where men can choose exactly what they want, privately and without compromises.

The figures in modern erotic drawings again share basic similarities with those found in traditional paintings, but they're less limited by social restrictions on sexual expression.

The imaginary proportions of fictional women in manga and anime intended to appeal to men are strikingly similar to those of sex dolls. Fourteen female characters selected from the most popular erotic animes have a purported median waist-to-bust ratio of 0.62 and a median waist-to-hip ratio of 0.64, equivalent to clothing measurements of 39-24-37. Of course, the drawings themselves can be far more outlandish than these imaginary numbers. You can see some example figures below.

The rear view of popular erotic anime girls also confirms our observations. Just like sex dolls, their legs have a rounded shape and no thigh gap. They're thicker than many women expect.

d. Height

Height is widely thought to have little effect on feminine beauty. The average sex doll is exactly as tall as the average woman worldwide, and the range of variation is close to that seen in the female population. This supports the conventional view.

Fashion models' height doesn't make them more beautiful, but it does ensure that average women's attempts to copy their look will be futile. You can't obtain a tall person's elongated figure by losing weight.

Nevertheless, height still causes confusion. Fashion models aren't just tall in absolute terms. They also have a low width-to-height ratio that makes them look reedy.

A praying mantis in a concrete dungeon (with handbags).

Fashion marketing encourages women to believe these elongated proportions are the most beautiful. But that's not the case.

A visual examination of AI girls makes this clear. In the examples above and below, I've elongated or shortened a typical AI girl's body to imitate the difference between an average woman and a runway model.

Some women assume the images at right are the most attractive. But the center images are the ones actually created by AI artists.

Erotic drawings show considerable variation, but usually look closer to the center figures above than the left or right ones.

Sex dolls, on the other hand, often do look elongated. Here material costs have intervened. Sex dolls are expensive, and thicker dolls cost more. So poor men buy dolls with a low width-to-height ratio, short torso, and thin legs to save money without compromising other traits they care about more. You can see the result below. At left is an AI girl, and at right is a sex doll with cheap legs. Sex dolls are convenient examples for study because their measurements are provided by the manufacturer, but AI girls are more perfect examples of beauty because they're free of any financial constraints.

This difference between sex dolls and other imaginary women is informative regardless of whether financial limitations are fully responsible. While men may prefer a particular width-to-height ratio, it's of secondary importance, and considerable deviation from the mean is tolerable. So elongated women aren't more beautiful than average women, but they're not particularly ugly either.

Real-World Side-Effects of Height

All else being equal, taller women look less curvaceous than women of average height, whereas shorter women look more curvaceous. Because imaginary women are already quite curvaceous, shortening them can sometimes produce unusual extremes, and elongating them does little harm. But in the real world, where few have all the feminine curves men desire, this side-effect is more likely to work to the advantage of short women and the disadvantage of tall ones.

e. Legs, thighs, and hips

Even apart from height in general, long legs in particular are sometimes cited in movies as exemplifying sex appeal. But once again, this has no basis in reality. Men consider the sizes and shapes of butts and thighs important, not leg length. That's why AI girls are normally cropped above the knees. You can verify this by scanning through the images provided.

Imaginary women tend to have plump thighs. If you compare arms and thighs you'll see this isn't just a matter of being heavy. Most men prefer thin arms, with fat deposits located specifically in the thighs.

Thin arms, thick thighs. Garter belts, stockings, and even thigh bracelets are often found on AI girls because they draw attention to thigh plumpness. They specifically help to demonstrate that thick thighs are composed of fat, not muscle.

Women struggle to understand the appeal of thick thighs, perhaps because they'd be ugly on men. But if men liked the same things you do, they'd be gay. Whether it makes sense to you or not, thick thighs are an attractive trait.

A very attractive arm-to-thigh ratio.

Imaginary women have wide hips too. Sex dolls' hips are normally only wide in comparison to their waists. But erotic drawings and AI girls often have hips that are wide in absolute terms. Consider the images below.

If your waist isn't as small as a sex doll's, wide hips are necessary to create a good hourglass figure. And if you do have a tiny waist, they're still advantageous. Narrow hips, on the other hand, are unattractive in women.

This model's waist would look mediocre if paired with average hips.

f. Age

Sex dolls don't really have an age, but it's worth asking what age they appear to be. I circulated a dozen photos of randomly selected dolls on social media and asked readers to guess. The median estimate was twenty-two. This closely matches the stereotypically ideal age of twenty-one. So peak attractiveness appears to occur in the early twenties. You can see these dolls in the gallery below and make your own estimate.

A major retailer categorizes 25% of their dolls as “teen,” 12% as “milf,” and 63% as standard. If most men really preferred teenagers, as some claim, we'd expect most sex dolls to be listed in the teen category. But that isn't the case. In fact, teens are only twice as popular as "milfs."

Even so, some signs of age are unequivocally bad. While a few sex dolls do have gray hair, none have obvious wrinkles. This suggests the variance in men's taste for youthfulness is rather limited. You can see a “milf” doll below.

Sex dolls in the "milf" category don't look old.

Anime girls have very young faces and very adult bodies, and they're drawn in an unrealistic style. By consequence it's impossible to determine their age.

How old is she?

The confusing combination of a juvenile face and a sexually mature body isn't an accident, however. It's common in AI-generated erotic imagery as well. When they were shown the following AI-generated image in two pieces, men estimated her face to be around sixteen and her body to be around twenty-four.

Similarly, the thirtysomething model below accrued millions of followers by using a "teen" AI filter to make her face look much younger than her body. Oddly enough, men rarely notice the incongruity before it's pointed out. To see the images they're paying for, click here. The real, unfiltered model is circled in red at the bottom of the page. (N.B. Most links, including this one, are to unclothed images.)

So men typically prefer the combination of a mature body and a neotenous face. Imaginary women can take this to extremes never found in reality.

I call these figments of the imagination inverse vampires. You'll have to wait till the section on masculine beauty to learn why this is the most logical name.

An inverse vampire. Are you scared?

Inverse vampires may not be real, yet some of the most attractive real women do exhibit similar traits. "Early twenties" isn't a magic number that men fetishize. It just happens to be the age where the right combination of youthful and mature elements is most likely to occur.

Compare this real actress, famous for her beauty, to the previous AI girl.

You might find the generous curves showcased here overwhelming, and wish men were indifferent to the size of your hips, butt, and breasts. Well, be careful what you wish for.

While few in number, curveless imaginary women do exist. They still have childlike faces, but they almost never possess the tall, lanky adult figure of runway models. Instead they just look juvenile. And indeed, underage.

Images of underage AI girls are omitted from this article. As such images may be subject to deletion from public channels, I make no guarantee you'll be able to replicate the numbers given below.

How common is the taste for immature women? 3% of the sexualized images posted under the #aigirl hashtag have neither adult faces nor adult bodies. I evaluated 350 images and included only indisputable cases, so this errs on the side of understatement. Many look as young as eight or nine years old. In a large database of erotic drawings, 2% of images tagged “one girl” are also tagged “loli” (n=5,700,000). This too is likely an underestimate of real preferences, because loli images require a paid subscription that other images don't. (None of the images shown in this article are categorized as “loli.”) Finally, in a popular online fetish survey, 3.9% of men expressed interest in pre-pubescent children.

This kind of data isn't completely reliable, and given the sensitivity of the topic we can't establish exact numbers. But with multiple lines of evidence in agreement, it's reasonable to estimate the fraction of men who prefer pre-pubescent girls at around three percent. That's one in thirty.

g. The neoteny-curves axis

So there are indeed men who don't like curves. And imaginary women, by evading the legal restrictions on photos, reveal a simple rule about them. Men who don't like curves like kids. This rule isn't absolute, but exceptions are remarkably rare.

To some extent the rule applies in degrees as well. Because curves aren't fully developed until adulthood, men with a stronger preference for youth tend to be less interested in curves, while men who prefer larger curves tend to be less concerned about age. Tension between these preferences explains some of the variation in men's tastes.

This same tension allows us to explain some of the apparent inconsistencies in the historical examples we reviewed in the previous section. Many historical cultures favored earlier marriages than are now considered permissible. So they necessarily imputed greater sexual value to immature figures, and sometimes represented them in their art. At present, however, the fraction of men who desire children's bodies is quite low, and the taste for a well-developed adult body is the norm.

Concluding qualifications are in order. The fact that men today perceive peak attractiveness to occur in the early twenties on average doesn't imply that everyone peaks at the same age. Nor does it imply that a younger woman is always more beautiful than her seniors, nor least of all that beauty "hits a wall" at age thirty. Peak and slope are not the same thing.

As I'll explain later, there's still hope for older women. So please be patient and keep reading whatever your age.

Can't wait?
The Curves-Neoteny Axis

The two most fundamental elements of attractiveness are curves and neoteny (a juvenile appearance). Though these are sometimes in conflict, it's best to have both to the extent possible. That said, the less you have of one, the more important the other becomes. That means more neoteny helps to excuse a lack of curves. And similarly, more pronounced curves reduce your dependence on youth. Tall, curveless women are at the highest risk of suffering from low sex appeal, because it's hard for them to exploit either.
Curves help you retain sex appeal as youth fades.

h. Refuting objections to imaginary women

Some people object to the idea of using sex dolls, erotic drawings, and AI girls to reveal men's preferences. They claim imaginary women in general, and sex dolls in particular, are the refuge of low-value men, and because of this they're not a reliable indicator of broader male tastes. However, you may have noticed that ice cream tastes good to the young and old, the rich and the poor alike. So it is with many types of beauty.

"Only low-value men think cherry blossoms are pretty."

What distinguishes sexually successful men from unsuccessful ones isn't their basic sense of the female form, but rather their ability to obtain it. A broad network of evidence, including love goddesses and erotic oil paintings commissioned by wealthy aristocrats, tells the same story about feminine beauty. And we'll expand this evidence further as we continue. Dismissing all of it is simply wishful thinking, usually motivated by insecurity.


Today's media pushes a false narrative about attractiveness and class to discourage certain groups of women from achieving their full potential for beauty. Tune them out and look at the evidence.

The footage above shows upper-class women walking at a park in 1902. Traditional aristocratic clothing was designed to create a pronounced hourglass surpassing even today's most generously proportioned sex dolls. Those who deride the taste for curves evident in imaginary women as low-class or porn-induced are historically ignorant. If they wish to engage in snobbery, they shouldn't do it by advertising the plebian quality of their education.

Too small for genuine patricians?

It's important to understand that imaginary women actually give us a more accurate picture of male preferences than real glamour models. That’s because if men prefer multiple uncorrelated traits on the tail of the distribution in the female population, even the best real models will necessarily be a compromise with the mean. The same argument applies a fortiori to pornographic actresses, who are drawn from the very small population of willing participants, and thus unlikely to represent the ideal. This is a consequence of statistical laws, not male desire, and it leads us to underestimate the demand for rare traits.

Fake News

Failure to consider the basic statistical principles I've just explained has led academic researchers to draw erroneous conclusions about feminine beauty over and over for decades. For instance, the ideal waist-hip ratio is not 0.7, as previously claimed by professors and widely publicized in the media. The median male preference is actually closer to 0.6, as explained earlier in this section. Curiously, that true number happens to match the inverse of the famous “golden ratio” (1.61) almost exactly.
Statistically improbable.

So real glamour models can indicate the direction of male preferences, but not their extent. Imaginary women aren’t subject to the same limitation. This makes them especially useful for answering our next question.

IV. The truth about breast size

a. Men's real breast-size preferences
b. Rich women prefer small penises
c. Size lies and why everyone tells them
d. Women's secret breast obsession

a. Men's real breast-size preferences

Women frequently ask: what breast size do men really prefer? Of all the questions about attractiveness, this is the one where men are most likely to lie when asked directly. In fact, they lie so often that some women begin to doubt the obvious answer.

This anecdote shouldn't be surprising. Men lie to flatter you, and those with extreme tastes are the most likely to lie.

A professor thoroughly reviewed the scientific research on size preferences for a major periodical. He concluded that men prefer average breasts, and women are fooling themselves into believing size matters.

Some girls might be inclined to believe intellectual authorities like this professor instead of stereotypes and common sense. But they shouldn't. He's wrong.

Once again we can learn the truth if we look at what men actually choose in private. A large online sex-doll retailer categorizes their dolls by breast size. The frequency of these sizes is as follows:

Frequency of breast sizes at a large online sex doll retailer. 21% small, 27% medium, 37% large, 14% huge (n=971). For visual examples, see the next gallery.

Note that the terminology they use is misleading, since "small" refers to the typical size of a slim woman, and "medium" is already large by everyday standards. That means around 80% of men choose what we normally call big breasts. And they do so even though buxom dolls are more expensive. Here are examples of each size according to the retailer's classification.

A second retailer categorizes dolls by cup size. The distribution of their inventory is visualized in the next graph. The result is essentially the same, but we can add a few additional details to our observations:

  • Only 2% of men want an A cup.
  • 90% of men want more than a B cup.
  • 78% of men want "large" breasts (D cup or more).
  • The average man wants an E or F cup.
  • 43% of men want a G cup or more.
  • Men want I cups and above much more than Bs and As.

I also estimated the cup sizes of AI girls, using these images as a reference. It involved some guesswork, so the data is less reliable than the measurements provided by doll manufacturers. The sample set also included artistic images I wouldn't normally classify as AI girls, and to avoid making any editorial decisions, I counted them too. Nevertheless, the results are quite similar. This time I've presented them in a curve to illustrate the distribution of tastes.

The median is a full E cup, indicated by the gold arrow. But it's not the only relevant information. What the chart also shows is that men's tastes are asymmetrical. The biggest breasts are far more popular than they would be in a normal curve. This means the women who have them enjoy a special advantage that isn't apparent if you only consider the most common taste.

Below you'll find similar data drawn from an anime image site, once again followed by examples of each size. Men's order of preference is exactly the same as above. In fact, among this audience large breasts take an even bigger lead over the other sizes. However, the meaning of “large” has changed. The median now looks closer to a J or K cup than an E or F.

Breast sizes of the most popular anime images (n=182) in a very extensive archive (n=1,654,169) over a 30-day period. 14% small, 21% medium, 59% large, 5% huge. For visual examples, see the next gallery.

Cartoons are prone to exaggeration, so we can't assume these translate directly to reality. Nor should we assume they don't. Fortunately exactness isn't necessary for our purposes here. From the evidence above we can draw three reliable conclusions that will hold even if our data is imprecise.

Women have no innate appreciation for this look, so they systematically underestimate its value to men. Remember, if men liked the same things you do, they'd be gay.

First, male preferences for breast size vary a great deal. Not all men prefer big breasts. Some prefer small, others enormous.

Some girls are bigger than others.

Second, the demand for larger sizes is much greater than the supply. The average male already prefers a size rarely found in nature, and the gap between supply and demand increases with size, without any practical limit.

Can you trust your boyfriend to tell you what he really thinks about this photo?

This means that “bigger is better” is true in an economic sense even if it isn’t true in an absolute sense. In simple terms, the most buxom women are highly valued because there aren’t enough of them to go around, not because all men prefer them.

Third, the median preference is broadly similar to the size we’ve seen in earlier examples, and conforms to well-known stereotypes. It’s also close to the size of common glamour models like “page 3” girls or centerfolds. In fact, some vintage centerfolds (NSFW) are larger than most sex dolls, despite the extreme rarity of this size in the general population. So are these storefront mannequins designed to attract passersby.

When we consider both overall clothing measurements and bust size, here’s what the median sex doll looks like.

“Miss Average”
Flatness: Connecting the Dots

The fraction of sex dolls with an A cup (2%) is quite similar to the fraction of sexualized images depicting children's bodies that we cited in the previous section (3%). A flat chest is desired mainly as part of a suite of juvenile features.
Almost all flat AI girls (not shown) look underage.

You might still be tempted to dismiss these conclusions because they're derived from an analysis of imaginary women. So I’ll now draw your attention to the top 50 uncensored image-search results for “best breasts” (NSFW). This search was conducted anonymously using Tor to avoid contaminating the results with any past history.

Estimated sizes of the top 50 uncensored search results for "best breasts." 2% small (A-B), 18% medium (C-D), 80% large or huge (E+).

Large breasts are the most common result by a wide margin, and only a single image shows an A cup. The first model resembles the median sex doll above. An uncensored search for older images yields a very similar outcome.

Of course, search results can fluctuate depending on the precise terms used, the search engine, and the degree of censorship. In Bing, censorship and term variation increases the average bust size from large to huge. Google skews results toward celebrity gossip unless you use an explicit term. Yahoo falls somewhere in between. But no matter how you search, big always comes out ahead.

While you shouldn't put much faith in search results on their own, they do add more evidence to an already voluminous pile. And it turns out that sex dolls and AI girls actually give us a moderate and conservative representation of male taste. Dispelling Beauty Lies may draw on imaginary women, but the conclusions are quite real.

Skeptics are thus faced with an impossible question: if guys don't like large breasts, why do they keep seeking them out when you're not looking?

b. Rich women prefer small penises

Some just can't accept the fact that a substantial majority of men prefer well-endowed women. Feeling their self-esteem is at stake, they resort to flimsy fallback positions. The most popular of these is “But rich men prefer small breasts.” This is no more plausible than the claim that rich women prefer poorly endowed men. If women with wealthy husbands really believed it, they'd hire maids with double-Ds to protect their marriages. But they don't.

The most popular erotic anime image on the day these words were written. The perfect maid to keep your wealthy husband faithful?

It's easy to explain the supposed class difference in breast size preference. Status-conscious men feign indifference to the obvious in order to signal their refinement. Then flat-chested women who fear they can't compete on the basis of sex appeal amplify the claim to stigmatize a trait they don't possess and slander their competitors as peasants.

They're lying for their own gain. And they're guilty of hypocrisy too, because women's analogous attraction to size is just as strong as men's.

Self-Serving Fallacies

When women who are insecure about their appearance lash out, their sometimes lengthy tirades can usually be reduced to one selfish claim:

Men who don't think I'm the hottest are bad people.

Naturally they allow exceptions for women who resemble them in the ways they consider relevant. Then they try to build a social consensus about this badness, definitionally excluding counterexamples. Their aim is to inflate their own value while harming other women they feel inadequate to compete with through fair means. The claim that “men who like big boobs are low class and if you disagree you are too” is merely one instance among many.

c. Size lies and why everyone tells them

Faux refinement and politeness aren't the only reasons men lie about size. Sex is an even more pervasive reason. The average woman has small breasts. And average women like to feel desirable. By pretending average breasts are more desirable than they really are, average men hope to increase their chance at bedding average women. In other words, they have ulterior motives of the most straightforward kind.

"Are you telling me men would lie to obtain sex?"

Tact is a virtue. Dishonesty is not. Yet men are quite happy to cross the line from one to the other if it means more sex and less hysteria. So they perpetuate denialism by continually reassuring women that the ideal size is only slightly larger than average, or that average is best, or that size doesn't matter, or even that they like small breasts more than large. As we've seen, this is rarely true of men who prefer adult women. It's a claim that should inspire suspicion, not relief.

Common sense, stereotypes, search results, AI images, sex dolls, anime girls, and vintage centerfolds all agree. It doesn't matter if men deny it to be polite, to sleep with you, or to impress you with their refinement. The evidence they want large breasts is overwhelming. In practice, bigger is better.

The "Blame Porn" Excuse

A preference for large breasts isn't evident in all love-goddess representations. But that doesn't mean it's just a recent development brought on by exposure to pornography. The median sex doll's proportions fall within the historical range of variation that predates modern media, as the two ancient examples above should make plain. Early centerfolds are even clearer evidence that men's taste for large breasts isn't the product of excessive porn exposure. In the middle 20th century pornography was and had been far less common than it is today, and implants didn't exist. Yet the biggest breasts were clearly still the most sought after.

So what do "perfect" breasts actually look like? I asked men to submit photos of large breasts with a perfect shape and then vote on their favorites. You can see the most popular images here (NSFW). Men's top choices look remarkably similar.

If someone told you she was more attractive because her eyes were big, would you be offended? Why not?

d. Women's secret breast obsession

It isn't surprising that men are fascinated by large breasts. But the public response to the data I've just presented reveals that many women are too.

Another maid who'll keep your husband faithful.

Women react much more strongly to remarks on breast size than any other beauty topic, including weight and age. This implies they subconsciously believe, or at least fear, that large breasts are the centerpiece of feminine sex appeal. The most impassioned denials come from the most breast obsessed. After all, if they didn't think breast size was extremely important, they wouldn't be so upset.

In the world of breast-size denialism, the view count of the video below is completely inexplicable and mystifying. Back here in reality, the cause is dead obvious.

The almost universal refusal to publicly acknowledge just how big a contribution big breasts make to feminine beauty is one of the most bizarre social phenomena of our time. Future generations will surely wonder what the fuss was about, why so many people failed at basic pattern recognition, and whether this section really had to be so thorough. Unfortunately, it did.

"Why do men act like she's so hot when her face is so unspectacular? I have to find out what perfume she's wearing."

If you're poorly endowed, don't despair. There are many elements of beauty, and however important it might be, breast size is still only one of them. So please resist the temptation to obsess. Later in this article I'll offer some words of encouragement, and also discuss whether cosmetic surgery might be a viable option.

Cup Size Isn't A Perfect Measurement, But That Doesn't Change Anything

Because band size varies and letters have a different meaning in different countries, they're not a perfect guide to breast size. To accurately understand men's preferences you should refer to the visual examples instead of obsessing about letters. The letters are only cited for the sake of convenience in the absence of more precise measurements.

V. Common and uncommon tastes

a. The common male taste
b. Media understatement perpetuates confusion
c. Who dominates the fashion industry?
d. Our insistent instinct for beauty
e. Beauty lies create a negative-sum game
f. Uncommon tastes

a. The common male taste

The diverse examples we’ve examined so far point toward a common male taste. This common taste is remarkably consistent between times and places. To summarize, most men are attracted to women with a small waist, large breasts, a rounded rear, and prominent hips. They prefer women who have pronounced curves but aren’t overweight or obese. There's no evidence they favor the extreme thinness and tall, elongated figure of fashion models. In fact, the shape preferred by men is strikingly different from the shape of fashion models.

Above center: a popular glamour model. Above left and right: two of Vogue’s “top fifteen models.”

The average woman is also strikingly different from fashion models, and resembles a sex doll more than a runway model, as the following table of measurements shows.

The average woman from 1951 is four or five inches wider than runway models in every measurement. Yet her bust and hips are almost the same as those of sex dolls or anime girls. Waist size and cup size are the most significant factors that set an attractive figure apart from an average one.

b. Media understatement perpetuates confusion

Women assume they can see through fashion marketing and other beauty lies, and will claim to know that men like curves. But they're often confused about what "men like curves" really means. They may envision lingerie models in push-up bras, or actresses whose curves fall well short of the proportions men prefer. These media representations of sex appeal aren't accurate.

The drawings above have much larger breasts, wider hips, thicker legs, and higher bodyfat than the models and actresses. You can see the same pattern in the images below, which compare typical models for a famous "sexy" lingerie brand to similarly dressed women whom most men would find more appealing.

And the pattern isn't limited to the most popular images. The next chart shows the relative frequency of over four million tags in a huge database of erotic drawings. Curves are overwhelmingly important, while "thinness" barely even registers.

Breasts might top the list, but they're not the only thing that matters. Women today also underestimate the value of curvaceous thighs, hips, buttocks, and even cheeks, as well as the ideal bodyfat level more generally. So when you read the word “curves” in this article, don't succumb to breast obsession and interpret it as just a euphemism for “boobs.”

The gap between women's intuitions about what's attractive and men's actual preferences is most pronounced at the extremes. The unusually curvaceous woman below was rated "hot" by 91% of men, but only 60% of women.

To guess what men want, you should use reason, not just intuition. When in doubt, assume that more is more.

More is more popular than you think. And after social pressure to valorize extreme skinniness is finally ended, the distribution of male tastes will shift even further toward thick women than is already the case at the time of writing.

One major sex-doll retailer sells over a hundred detachable heads, and only a single headless body. This limitation gives them a strong incentive to offer a body with proportions that will please the largest possible number of men and offend the fewest, and gives us a perfect opportunity to visualize the common male taste. You can see it here (NSFW). Now you have an accurate picture.

(Long after the previous paragraph was written, the retailer added two more torsos made by a different brand, shown in the gallery above. As you can see, the range of variation is quite limited.)

An evil vizier explaining the hourglass.

The voluptuous hourglass figure preferred by so many men is a well-known stereotype, but oddly excluded from magazines and media that address the topic of fashion and beauty for women. The narrow and skinny ideal that replaces it is both less attainable and less attractive.

Some women feel compelled to make excuses for the errors of the beauty industry. It's Stockholm syndrome. They claim a boyish figure is what women really want, and that rail-thin models are necessary to put clothes on display effectively. These defenses are absurd.

A real ad for women's clothing. Competing with other women to achieve a fashionable appearance nobody actually likes will only bring sorrow.

c. Who dominates the fashion industry?

It's a verifiable fact that most influential fashion designers aren't attracted to women. It would be unreasonable to assume this has no impact on their tastes, and also unreasonable to assume their tastes have no influence on their work.

The claim that designers choose models who resemble boys because "they're like walking coat hangers and better for showing off women's clothing" is already implausible at first blush. There's simply no reason women's clothes would look better on hangers than on women's bodies unless they're not properly designed for women's bodies. And there's no non-laughable excuse for standardizing female models' measurements to match those of male teenagers.

The deeper you look, the more farfetched the stock defenses sound. Indeed, they're exactly the kind of lies you'd tell if you wanted to remove the female form from the runway. When you trust male gays over the male gaze, you should expect to be misled in particular ways. It's not that they want to turn women into men in order to sleep with them, but that their instincts draw them away from truly feminine proportions rather than toward them.

The images below reveal a double standard. While male models have pronounced masculine sexual traits, female models have diminished feminine sexual traits. In other words, designers promote men who look like men, and women who look like (or are) boys. What's most astonishing is that they've convinced the public to swallow this.

This isn't just a transitory accident. It's gone on systematically, and for generations. So long, in fact, that few can remember a time when fashion favored the female form.

It's unlikely this elaborate fraud increases profits. At left below you can see the website of a top Chinese retail exporter. At right you can see top Western retailers. If the kind of attractive models who are systematically excluded from Western fashion really reduced sales, the Chinese wouldn't be using them to sell clothes to women in the West. But they are.

The problem isn't limited to the choice of models. Below you can see styles from nine different designers at Paris Fashion Week. In each case the clothing itself imposes a masculine V shape (broad shoulders, narrow hips) on the model's body. It erases the female form and overwrites it with a male one. Properly designed clothes would do the opposite, bringing out the hourglass shape to enhance femininity.

The fashion world's de facto campaign against the female form has been so effective that today most women think the model on the right below is a weird and abnormal example of feminine beauty, whereas the model on the left is a good and admirable one. They've quite literally been trained to believe that men make more beautiful women than women. When they double down and denounce those who prefer the female model as “misogynistic,” one doesn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Some will admit runway models are prone to excess, yet believe they can find the correct answer by averaging these two figures. That's lazy thinking. Averaging a wrong answer and a right one just gives you another wrong answer.

Model for a major online retailer. Is the fashion world repulsed by the female form?

d. Our insistent instinct for beauty

In sharp contrast to fashion designers' vision of beauty, consider the vintage romance covers below. These novels were written by women and cater to women's fantasies. Many of the covers were painted by women as well. The protagonists resemble sex dolls and AI girls more than fashion models or actresses. And this doesn't prevent their dresses from being very appealing to men and women alike.

Women sometimes trick themselves into believing their innate sense of beauty matches the fashionable one, while the kind of “genuine feminine beauty” presented in this article is just something men try to impose on them against their will. The romance covers above reveal that this self-analysis is backward. The fashionable ideal is the one men have imposed on them. Gay men, that is. And generations of relentless marketing have pressured women to mistake this indoctrination for intuition.

It's time to let yourself dream again.

The fashion world has created a negative-sum game with arbitrary rules. They grant women status points for achieving a boyish look that's both taxing to maintain and unattractive to the majority of the population. But when free to dream their own private dreams, women would rather have a curvaceous, feminine figure that satisfies the common male taste. They want to be loved and lusted after, not just held up as trophies for public display.

You might assume that because men have an innate instinct for feminine beauty, they're completely unaffected by the flood of aesthetic propaganda from the media and beauty industry. But that's not quite how instinct works. Instinct only reveals itself in the course of experience. It asserts itself separately from and often later than the social learning that teaches young people what they're “supposed” to like.

Don't trust everything you learn in school, kids.

Despite its vulgarity, the humorous post below illustrates this well. Its author has been bombarded by media valorization of thinness for his entire life. He seems to be unaware that the near totality of art history portrayed thick women as the most beautiful. So when instinct finally informs him in no uncertain terms that he prefers thick to thin, it strikes him as both undeniable, and incomprehensible. Incomprehensible because he's bewildered by the conflict between what he was taught is good and what he actually discovered to be good.

e. Beauty lies create a negative-sum game

There's no denying that the particular type of ugliness promoted by the fashion industry can increase a woman's status in some subcultures today. And if society were less interconnected, it would be amusing to let so-called "elites" continue mimicking gay beauty ideals to impress each other for another hundred years. But this same influence is pushing all women to make poorer choices, look worse, and enjoy life less than they could.

And in fact, the fashion industry's errors extend well beyond the level that could be reasonably explained by homosexual designers alone. Gay men, after all, aren't known for liking ugly things, even if their taste differs from the norm in other respects. Yet some of today's most prominent fashions resemble elements in a satanic ritual aimed at intentionally making women as unattractive as possible. A bizarre worship of ugliness seems to have taken over the top of our society, putting "elites'" definition of status into direct opposition with the good and the beautiful.

A negative-sum signaling regime impoverishes everyone it touches. Because today's fashionable ideals are doing real harm to public welfare, they need to be harshly criticized until their influence is ended. Realigning socially approved aesthetic goals with genuine beauty, as revealed in men's true, private preferences, will have enormous benefits whose full extent will only be appreciated in retrospect.

"Status gruel" is an unenjoyable aesthetic experience pursued for its social signaling value.
Status Gruel

A renowned chef at an exclusive restaurant serves thin gruel in beautiful porcelain bowls. It doesn't taste good and it's not nourishing. But any diner who says so out loud will seem uncultivated. Instead they eat it up, and then ask for more to show how refined they are. They praise her gruel so consistently that the chef begins to think they actually enjoy it, and she makes it even thinner.

So it is in the realm of feminine beauty. Thin fashion models are status gruel presented in pretty bowls.
Status-seekers are castrating themselves to prove their superiority. Have they convinced you?

The impression that you need to reduce your body's sex appeal to find a quality mate is nothing more than an illusion generated by beauty lies. It's simply not the case. Later on I'll explain how good clothing choices, speech, and behavior allow you to display class and character. You don't need to sacrifice your beauty to the twisted norms of the fashion world.

It should go without saying that the images of scantily clad women in this article are not intended to serve as everyday clothing recommendations. Here's an example of casual everyday clothing that's both classy and attractive.

f. Uncommon tastes

Of course, not all men are looking for an hourglass. Uncommon tastes are quite real. Everyone knows there are some who prefer the petite, girlish look, or the tomboy look, or the extravagantly well-endowed look, even though these tastes aren’t pervasive enough to be reflected in the statues of love goddesses. And a few men really do prefer runway models or Rubenesque figures.

Below you can see a random selection of AI-generated images posted on social media under the "#AIgirl" hashtag. While most of them match the common male taste, the remainder cater instead to the minority tastes I've just mentioned.

Unfortunately, some writers become too enamored of relativism. They use these real minority tastes to justify the pretense that the norm doesn’t exist and doesn’t matter. Then they go on to claim that everything is beautiful. This lazy attitude is intended to flatter your self-esteem, not help you succeed. You shouldn’t trust it.

"A Balanced Figure"

Balance is less important than women assume. A full hourglass may be the most popular figure. But men value top-heavy and bottom-heavy figures more than a balanced figure that lacks curves. People mainly like to praise balance because it sounds so respectable. "More is more" or "something is better than nothing" are closer to the truth.
Men will find her legs attractive whether or not her cup size matches them.

VI. Market forces

a. Supply and demand
b. Why weird can win
c. The truth about butt size
d. The indifference effect
e. Let's increase the supply of beauty

a. Supply and demand

Beauty might be relative. Does that mean anything goes? Practically speaking, no. Consider supply and demand.

To catch and please a mate, it’s advantageous to have traits whose demand exceeds the supply. It’s disadvantageous to have traits whose supply exceeds the demand. (Where taste is concerned, the reverse is true. That is, you'll have an easier time getting what you want if there's an oversupply of potential mates who match your taste.)

For example, there are more men who prefer a small waist than there are women who have one. So women with a small waist have a relatively easy time finding a mate. In contrast, only a few men prefer obese women. There are far more obese women than there are men who prefer them, so they have a hard time finding a mate. And even if they succeed, they may be treated carelessly, because they're easily replaced. Don't behead the messenger. This is the cruelty of Mother Nature.

"Pretenders who think they can break into my industry just by kidnapping a few virgins and setting up an auction block—after which they expect dinars will flower from the sand—are always quickly disappointed, and retreat to easier careers in the management of actresses, prostitutes, and singers."

The logic of supply and demand seems too cold and disturbing for some women to accept. But consider the alternatives. If we pretend beauty is objective and universal, we can't explain the variation in tastes. And if we pretend everyone is equally beautiful, we can't explain why some looks are valued more than others. Only an economic analysis respects differences and still accurately captures what we all observe. It's by far the most broad-minded way to make sense of human beauty.

It's Subjective”

Some people who dislike reality believe they can short-circuit any discussion of beauty by pointing out that it's subjective. This is not the automatic win they think it is. The unpleasant odor of a woman smeared in feces is subjective, as flies find the same odor very appealing. The ugliness of obesity and other disfigurements is subjective in exactly the same way. It actually doesn't matter whether the value of a given look is subjective. What matters is which subjects find it attractive. If you want to mate with a fly, you can safely dismiss human reactions to your perfume.

While polls aren’t particularly reliable, the poll below gives a reasonable estimate of overall demand. The added black lines indicate approximate supply. The most advantageous traits are the ones with the biggest gap between these two.

According to the poll, the most advantageous set of traits is: hourglass figure, thin, oversized breasts, bubble butt. Once again, this matches the beauty examples we’ve given above. But the variety evident in the poll also shows that there’s more than one way to be attractive. It’s not necessary to conform to the majority taste to succeed.

"As soon as the sultan was settled into place, she surprised us all by starting her dance unbidden, swaying with the slow shimmy of experienced belly dancers."

b. Why weird can win

The data we gathered earlier allowed us to establish a simple mathematical formula for the woman preferred by the median male: 37-24-39, F cup, 21 years old. But supply and demand shifts the advantage away from this median toward rarer extremes, like the example below.

This image is divisive, with a substantial minority of men finding it very attractive, most being unimpressed, and a few dismissing it as gross. It's still a win on net. A market isn't a democracy where the majority vote prevails. A woman with this figure will be highly valued if she knows how to present herself well.

In fact, the appearance desired by the largest number of men isn't always the best. It's counterintuitive, but some women can have more success with rare looks the majority of men dislike! In these cases it's actually good to be weird.

Men most commonly prefer a small nose with a narrow bridge, sometimes upturned at a thirty-degree angle. But a meaningful fraction actually prefer the nose above to the alternatives, provided it's on the right face. It's not necessary or interesting for all women to have the same nose.

Skeptical? The next illustration shows one way this can happen. If you can't follow this graph, don't worry. Just remember that you don't need to please everyone to be beautiful.

When the supply and demand for degrees of a given trait (e.g. butt size or hair length) fit normal curves with different means, it's best to “overshoot” the demand mean unless the demand curve has a much smaller standard deviation. As it happens, some demand curves have fat right tails, which further increases the advantage of overshooting the mean. This esoteric beauty tip is for brainy girls only.
Normie Envy

Some men who don’t share common male tastes refuse to accept that those tastes are indeed common. They wish to feel normal, and they fear that being in the minority makes them less manly. But that doesn’t follow. There’s no reason everyone should share identical preferences, and nothing wrong with being a minority. And by the same token, there's nothing wrong with appealing to men who have uncommon tastes.
Sporty girls are another minority taste, though a less common one than some women want to believe.

Nevertheless, rarity isn't sufficient to make everything valuable. When demand is too low, uncommon traits are still a real disadvantage. For instance, tattoos are a dubious choice even in subcultures where they've been normalized.

Pie chart of sex dolls with and without tattoos: 99.8% not tattooed, 0.2% tattooed (n=1,092). Tattoos are similarly rare in erotic drawings, paintings, and sculptures.

c. The truth about butt size

Butt size is an element of beauty where supply and demand is especially relevant. That's why I'm going to discuss it at greater length here rather than in a separate section.

Men broadly agree about the best butt shape, but disagree about the best size. This is the case for leg volume in general as well. Data from sex dolls and anime girls suggests that around a third of men prefer large butts over medium. That's less than a majority. But because there are more men who desire them than women who have them, bigger is better anyway.

That men disagree about the best butt size is surprising, especially in light of the fact that a large bubble butt more clearly distinguishes an adult female rear from a male one. The conflict between curves and neoteny mentioned earlier is likely one reason tastes vary.

Traits that are this divisive are usually rather unimportant. But many of the men who prefer large butts consider them the single most erotic trait. This is confirmed by the clear popularity of models whose main selling point is a large rear. Here's one example with both a particularly good shape and a substantial following.

So women who have a large rear should play it up, and those who can develop one should do so. This will turn some men off even as it turns others on. But as I've already pointed out, it's better to be highly attractive to some men than only moderately attractive to all men.

Men evaluate both breast size and butt size in relation to waist size.

I asked men to send me unclothed reference photos of the best large butt shape and then vote on their submissions. Here you can see the most popular photos. And here are larger submissions which are less popular, but rarer and therefore highly valued. Take note of the extra rear projection evident in some of these images, and especially the left photo below. This is an attractive characteristic distinct from size.

The Patrician Taste For Big Butts

Today the same beauty lies used to denigrate the hourglass figure and large breasts are also trotted out to denigrate large rears. Some claim they're only preferred by low-status men. Some even go so far as to say that men who like big butts have been tricked into an unnatural taste by musicians from the ghetto. In fact, the reverse is closer to the truth.

In the days when there were real aristocrats, big butts were warmly endorsed by upper-class art and fashions. The evidence is irrefutable. The examples below include some of the most famous paintings from the 19th century. The idea that smaller butts are more aristocratic is yet another fiction invented by homosexuals and then repeated by poorly endowed women for selfish reasons. If musicians from the ghetto have any influence on the matter, it's only to restore the aesthetic honesty of traditional high culture.

d. The indifference effect

Supply and demand aren't the only factors that shift the most desirable appearance away from the median. Surprisingly, indifference does as well.

The plumeria blossom is a nice touch.

Suppose you're planning dinner with a friend. You don't care what you eat, but your friend insists on seafood. Naturally, you won't bother to argue. Seafood wins, because your friend cares and you don't. A similar effect applies to feminine beauty.

Do men who prefer blondes care more about hair color than men who prefer brunettes?

Whenever some men care about a trait others are indifferent to, the most valuable trait isn't the one that matches the median taste. It's the one that satisfies those who care. This applies in degrees as well, and impacts many salient traits, including age, nose shape, butt and breast size, hair length, hair color, and even eyebrows.

Since the men who care most about age prefer younger women, the indifference effect increases the value of youth.

Although the consequences vary, the indifference effect tends to benefit women who satisfy tastes for uncommon traits. Indifferent men create the illusion of an optimum closer to the average woman, because they're likely to choose common traits by default rather than genuine preference.

Any traits that some men like and the remainder are indifferent to will increase both a woman’s popularity and her market value, no matter how small the first group. The most valued look theoretically includes all such traits, regardless of median preferences.

Before we move on, let's pause to summarize this section in a few sentences. Median male tastes aren't a perfect guide to attractiveness. Women with rare traits that satisfy minority tastes are valued even if they're unpopular. And often they're more popular than women who match median tastes exactly. Because people neglect to consider market forces, they mistakenly believe the most advantageous appearance falls closer to the average than it really does.

More popular than you think.

e. Let's increase the supply of beauty

I'll address a short post-script regarding market forces to any men who might be reading.

Bidding up prices for the same goods doesn't increase real wealth.

Men typically try to improve the quality of the mates they can catch by raising the “price” they can afford to pay. That is, by improving themselves, their social position, or their skill at seduction. This is rational on an individual level. But it's actually a zero-sum game for men as a group.

Increasing the supply of beauty makes all of us richer.

Collectively, men can only catch better mates by improving the supply. In other words, by helping women to be the best they can be. Please keep this in mind before you engage in the battle of the sexes. The best world is a world where everyone wins.

VII. The most important secret about faces

a. Facial preferences are individual
b. Some faces are still more popular than others
c. Facial details are complicated

a. Facial preferences are individual

Beauty lies aren't a serious problem when it comes to faces, so I'm not going to include a detailed analysis of facial beauty in this article. Instead I'll tell you the most important secret about faces.

It's no secret that men broadly agree on which faces are pretty and which are ugly. This implies that some underlying elements of facial beauty are universal. However, men aren't just searching for generically pretty faces. In fact, each man prefers a different and sometimes shockingly specific type of face.

I asked people to submit images of four faces they consider particularly attractive. Most chose faces that are unique, but also extremely similar to each other. Often so similar they could be mistaken for sisters, and occasionally so similar they could be mistaken for twins. You might not believe me yet, but you will after you see the example sets that follow.

Our first respondent chose four girls who look like sisters. The first two could almost be twins, and both of them are wearing glitter. Not just any glitter, but the same colors of glitter.

In the second example set we again have the impression of sisters. The first two are especially alike. When asked about this, the man who selected them replied:

Respondents consistently reported that they'd been unaware the faces they chose were similar. Some had trouble seeing obvious similarities even after they'd been explained. When it comes to our favorite faces, the sense of beauty seems to hamper our objectivity.

The girls in this third set couldn't be mistaken for sisters. In fact, they appear to have different ancestry. But while they're less obviously alike than the previous submissions, they still share common features.

The first two models have the same brow, eyes, cheeks, mouth, jawline, and chin. The fourth model is more similar to the first than she initially appears. When we superimpose photos taken at the same angle, their features match up so exactly that they create the impression of a single face.

And when we put two sets side by side, the differences are stark. It's incredibly easy to tell which faces belong together.

In the next set the first three faces are again similar in shape. They're all facing the camera directly and tilting their heads at the same angle. The image below superimposes two of them. Although one face is more elongated than the other, their features match.

They're also wearing the same expression. If you examine the previous examples again, you'll notice the faces there are wearing the same expressions too.

We see a slight smile in the first set, a tough glare in the second set, a sad pout in the third set, and a questioning gaze with parted lips in the fourth set.

One respondent included these three photos of women smiling in an identical fashion. The first two also have similar features, similar hairstyles, and similar poses.

Another submission included the two photos above, featuring a unique lopsided grin. The expression doesn't occur in any of the other examples, but this respondent chose it twice.

What's interesting about the next set is that the respondent selected four women from different parts of the world, but still managed to find two with both the same expression and the same face. The second is simply a wider version of the first.

Where facial preferences are concerned, matching features are more consistently important than matching ancestry. You can see another example of this below. Despite different origins, these four faces share very wide cheekbones, the same jaw and chin, the same hair, and noses of the same length.

Some respondents were sensitive to the mood of the images they chose. They submitted high-quality photographs with an artistic color scheme. Yet the first three faces in the tasteful black, white, and sepia photographs below are no less similar than the blurry selfies we examined earlier. In fact, this attention to aesthetic detail increases the impression of sameness.

You might assume the examples I've selected above are exceptional, but that isn't the case. Similar faces are the norm, and sister faces are common. Only a minority of submissions included four faces that were markedly different.

The faces in eclectic sets are frequently celebrities, so it's not unreasonable to imagine that external factors like laziness, the easy availability of photos, or the aura of fame sometimes motivated the choices. Still, we shouldn't rule out the possibility that they reveal genuine preferences. Some men may not have a "type."

One reader contacted me to say he didn't agree with my theory about faces. He argued the evidence was weak. So I asked him to submit his own set. Here's what he chose.

When I pointed out the similarities between his first two faces, he still disagreed. He told me the hands were a coincidence and the remaining two faces were actually very different, and submitted a new photo of the third face. To his mind, this new photo showed the resemblance was an illusion. Was he correct? I'll let you be the judge.

The preceding sections of this article demonstrated that most men share a common taste for the same female body shape. Bodily attractiveness is often as simple as having a smaller waist and larger breasts than other women. This is a very unromantic conclusion that suggests individuality has no relevance to feminine beauty.

Attractive bodies tend to be generic rather than meaningful expressions of individual character.

Below the neck, that conclusion isn't entirely false. Minority tastes do exist, but they're not very specific either. And because of unequal supply and demand, stereotypically desirable traits still end up being the most advantageous in practice.

Where faces are concerned, a much different picture emerges. As we've acknowledged, men usually agree on which faces are ugly and which are pretty. But they aren't just seeking any pretty face. They each have an individual taste for a specific ideal face that very few women match. And the face that's perfect to one man may be quite uninteresting to another. So much so that the man who compiled set three wouldn't bother pursuing any of the women in sets one and two. That's a very significant effect!

At this point you might be thinking, "Fine. I'm convinced men really do have weirdly specific visual tastes. But women aren't like that. Women mainly care about status and narrative." Not true. Female submissions show the same pattern.

This female respondent submitted three faces that could belong to brothers, as well as a fourth half-brother. The first two are especially close, including the style of facial hair and squinting eyes.

This second female respondent drew on radically different sources but still came up with a complete set of brothers. The second and third faces could almost be twins and are posing at the same angle with the same expression and the same hair. When submitting these faces she wrote, "It's partially the physical attractiveness, but much more so everything else surrounding them (character, story, status etc.) that makes them stand out."

No objective observer could draw that conclusion. Certainly such factors influenced her selection. But even taking into account their shared ancestry, these are extraordinarily similar faces on a purely visual level. Her self-analysis implies that our unique facial preferences influence us subconsciously.

Fated lovers are actually real?

If we're each seeking specific and uncommon faces, good matches are rare and special, and effectively determined in advance. So the romantic idea that relationships are both individualized and predestined isn't far from the truth.

Strangely enough, we go through life completely unaware of this, and invent other justifications for our choices. The right faces seem so meaningful to us that we can't believe we loved them because of an arbitrary visual preference.

Despite the incredible diversity of female faces submitted, fewer than 1% have short hair. Nearly all men agree that short hair is unattractive. Faces without makeup are equally rare.

In sum, to catch a mate it's not enough to be beautiful. You need to match his taste. If someone is indifferent to you, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're plain or have an unlikeable personality. You may just not have the right face for him. In such cases it's best to accept fate and move on.

These facts about faces are important and clear up many mysteries about beauty and romance. They should be made common knowledge. As far as I'm aware, this is the first time they've been systematically explained.

Nevertheless, to maintain a balanced mind romantic notions are best tempered by colder truths.

I also asked men to choose their favorites from the set of facial composites below. These superimpose many faces to filter out details and blemishes and depict general types. To rank them I gave each man's first choice three points, his second choice two points, and his third choice one point. The totals are recorded above the faces. A second poll of the top three faces given on a separate occasion confirmed the same order of popularity.

I've already said that surveys aren't trustworthy. And for reasons I'll explain in a moment, faces are particularly intractable. So I'm not presenting these scores to create a classification system or determine the “best” facial type. Instead they're valuable because they reveal a larger pattern in facial preferences.

"You're telling me there's no best face?"

In the first half of this section we observed that each man has a unique ideal he loves the most. But the lopsided scores in the chart show these preferences aren't evenly distributed. Some facial types attract many more suitors than others. And that remains the case after blemishes, disfigurements, and asymmetries are corrected.

So making small improvements to create the “best version” of a given face isn't enough to make that face popular. Its maximum popularity is largely predetermined by its basic architecture, which is something most women would be reluctant to change even if they could.

Why does popularity matter? The least popular face in the survey only had one suitor among the three hundred men who participated. In contrast, the most popular had well over a hundred. That's a big difference. Because even if there is one man out there who loves every face, there's no guarantee he'll be the man you want.

"I'm stuck with you?"

Women with both popular and unpopular faces do have a chance to catch the man of their dreams. And both may be considered equally pretty by someone. However, women with popular faces enjoy a more favorable supply-demand ratio and a wider selection of mates. These advantages make them more likely to succeed. They're playing the same game, but fate has loaded the dice in their favor.

Born lucky.

Of course, it's obvious to everyone that some women have more options than others. But there's a counterintuitive conclusion to draw here as well. Men are likely to end up with the least popular facial type they select as one of their favorites. That's because they value this type more than other men, so they're willing to “pay” more for it than other men are. When they do, they'll still feel like they're getting a deal. And their unpopular lover will too. Everybody wins.

There's a downside to popularity as well. Women with popular faces are “spoiled for choice.” Because they have so many suitors to choose from, they're subject to greater temptations, and easier matches already make their relationships less sticky than those of women whose faces have narrower appeal.

So it is advantageous to be one of the popular girls. But the real-world outcome isn't as unequal as you'd assume looking at the numbers in the chart. While your search for love will be more challenging, you can be unpopular with the crowd and still a dream come true to someone.

Fashionable Face Errors

While most fashion models do have good faces, the fashion world still has a tendency toward masculinization you should be wary of. Fashionable faces show a higher incidence of rectangular structure and hollow cheeks than the faces preferred by men. Sometimes this masculine shape is artificially emphasized on purpose. Attractive female faces typically have a rounded structure, a modest jaw and chin, and a small nose with a narrow bridge, slightly upturned. Their cheeks are full, and often form a heart shape, whereas masculinized faces either square this or deform it toward a T, as if sucking hard into a straw. Few men find that look beautiful, so you shouldn’t cultivate it intentionally.

c. Facial details are complicated

I'm not going to analyze individual facial traits in any further detail here. While that kind of approach might be helpful for a few basics, it's just not an effective way to go about solving the mystery of facial beauty.

AI girls' faces are a good guide to the most conventionally attractive facial features.

It's often easy to see what distinguishes a bad face from a good face. But determining which factors differentiate an average face from an excellent face is another matter.

The best faces aren't just better in two or three simple traits. They're slightly better in many small, interrelated dimensions. Nose shape, frequently targeted by surgeons, is only the most obvious. These many dimensions of facial beauty are hard to identify and measure, and eyeballing it based on rough rules of thumb simply isn’t enough.

AI can be useful, but it's important to resist the temptation to treat it like an oracle. It's not infallible, and because its knowledge ultimately derives from humans, it can repeat human errors and biases like the very ones dissected in this article. Attractive AI girls aren't created by AI alone, but with the careful intervention of human artists.

In the past women who wanted to improve their faces had to trust a cosmetic surgeon's professional opinion and hope for the best. But today we can also make use of AI.

"There is a true man of no rank always coming and going from the portals of your face. Who is that true man of no rank?"

Because AI can easily calculate a huge number of dimensions, it’s very useful for the analysis of faces. With this technology at our disposal, writing up a meticulous analysis of every facial feature would be a waste of effort.

A hundred and fifty dimensions of beauty.

I'll elaborate further when I discuss cosmetic surgery in the second half of Dispelling Beauty Lies, where I'll also address noses in particular. But that's a ways off yet. So for now, please be patient and keep reading.

The most powerfully attractive expression contains a mixture of pleasure, painful longing, and fear, and is very far from a smile. It's sometimes referred to as a rictus of pleasure.
No, Smiles Are Not The Answer

Contrary to popular opinion, smiling isn't a reliable way to make faces more beautiful. Reexamine the faces in this section. Some are smiling, but many are not, and some are even scowling. Glamour models smile much less than half the time. Smiling is mainly important because it tells people you like them, not because it has beautifying effects. When men believe you like them, they tend to like you more in return. Frequent smiling is also useful for unattached women of mediocre beauty who want to be approached by timid men more often.

This isn't intended to imply that smiling is ugly or that you should avoid it. Some women really do have more charm when smiling. But it's not magic, and open-mouthed expressions like those below tend to be more attractive.

VIII. A note on masculine beauty

a. RC men
b. Women's dream age gaps
c. The goldilocks age gap
d. Hair
e. Penis size
f. Good and bad advice for men
g. The dominance problem

The truth about masculine beauty isn't obscure, and the lies are few in number. There's therefore no special need for an in-depth article on the topic. However, this section will provide useful context for our observations on feminine beauty, as well as an opportunity to discuss age gaps in detail. You can skip it if you'd like.

a. RC men

Generic romance-novel covers repeat an almost identical male physique over and over. And although the artistic quality of cover art has declined sharply, the physiques depicted in modern romance novels and vintage ones from fifty years ago are almost identical. International editions of these novels sometimes have their own cover art, but their representations of the heroes are little different. So it's reasonable to assume romance-novel covers are a good starting point for understanding masculine beauty.

RC men were setting "unrealistic and unattainable" beauty standards for decades before AI girls even existed.

Romance-cover heroes are closely analogous to AI girls. I'm going to call them “RC men” in the remainder of this section to make sure you remember the analogy.

Most academic research suggests that height, upper-body strength, and penis size are the main factors in masculine bodily attractiveness. This time more reliable sources like cover art, novels, stereotypes, and sex dolls corroborate the professors' claims, in direction if not in degree. Naturally a healthy weight is assumed to precede these three factors. Women also tend to prefer men who are older than them.

Published research from highly ranked universities. If you uncritically trust peer-reviewed social science professors, you'll have exactly the knowledge you deserve.

Height is so simple that there's very little to say about it. But men do sometimes overlook the value of relative height. Short men will obviously have more success with short women. Tall men should keep in mind that their natural advantage is multiplied where tall women are concerned, because these are reluctant to date men of average height. Since they're competing with a smaller pool of suitors, tall men can expect a higher success rate if they make it a priority to approach tall women.

Some women claim they prefer a physique that wasn't built in the weight room. But both sexes enjoy the sound of “natural” far more than the look. Unless your job involves moving heavy things all day, it's impossible to achieve the body of even the weakest RC man without weightlifting.

"I never lift weights, darling."

However, a common beauty mistake men make is to imagine that raw muscle size is a cure-all. RC men don't display the extreme bulk nor the extreme leanness of the biggest bodybuilding competitors. Precisely determining the optimum build is a difficult problem I don't intend to tackle here. If you're weaker than the men shown in this section, adding muscle should improve your attractiveness to the average woman. Even so, it's only one factor among many.

Sex dolls marketed as “for women” typically have physiques that resemble those of the actors above, and are slimmer than RC men. Despite the marketing, some male sex dolls are clearly being purchased by men, so their value as evidence is uncertain. And as I explained earlier, manufacturers make sex dolls as narrow as they can get away with in order to save money. Because of this RC men, like AI girls, should be more accurate exemplars of ideally attractive proportions.

When does masculine beauty peak? The fictional magic in vampire romances allows us to separate physical appearance from other factors that make older heroes appealing. Despite chronological age gaps that extend to hundreds of years, they normally look mid twenties to early forties, with occasional outliers. Male sex dolls, as we've just seen, tend to look thirtysomething. We can therefore locate peak masculine beauty somewhere in the thirties. Thirty-four is a reasonable estimate. The exact number will of course vary from person to person.

Vampires and Inverse Vampires

Vampires combine the experience of extreme old age with the physical characteristics of men in their prime. The combination is unnatural, but very appealing to women. As we discussed earlier, many imaginary women combine children's features with the fertile bodies of mature adults. The combination is unnatural, but very appealing to men. So now you can see why I called these imaginary women "inverse vampires." They're actually an upside-down version of the vampires women fantasize about in romance novels.

b. Women's dream age gaps

It's not controversial to say that women prefer men who are older than them, and that masculine beauty peaks later than feminine beauty. And thirty-four and twenty-two are widely accepted as approximate ages of peak beauty. But the fact that there's a twelve-year gap between these two ages is another matter. Because age gaps are the subject of beauty lies inspired by wishful thinking and misguided moralizing, I'm going to discuss them in detail.

In this popular vampire series directed at a female audience, the vampire hero was fictionally 150 years older than the heroine. The actor who played the hero, however, was aged 39 to 44 during filming, 14 years older than the actress who played the heroine. The two thespians later married.

In vintage romance novels a fifteen- or twenty-year age gap is common. Substantial age gaps occur frequently in recent romances too. Some protest that only old men find large age gaps desirable, and only old women read novels that feature them. But as I demonstrate in the gallery below, neither claim is true.

Romance novels also contradict the popular idea that the maximum desirable gap increases with absolute age, sometimes known as the "half-your-age-plus-seven rule." The heroines are often in their early twenties, or even late teens, clearly violating the so-called rule. (It has no empirical basis, and isn't a rule. It just sounds clever because it includes the number seven.)

Nevertheless, there are several reasons to be wary of this evidence. First, it's important to acknowledge that while there are many women who enjoy romantic stories with age gaps, there are also some who aren't so keen.

A bestseller, but not to everyone's taste.

Second, the large age gaps women imagine in fiction are contradicted not only by their self-reports, but everyday reality as well. In dating apps, the average woman requests a maximum age gap of eight years. In surveys women say they prefer an even smaller age gap. Most marriages involve a gap of less than five years, and the modal relationship has hardly any age gap at all.

Why might the age gaps women choose in reality be so much smaller than those common in fantasies? The ideal man accrues more experience, confidence, ability, gravitas, status, power, and wealth over time, and these give signs of age a positive meaning, so younger men look callow in comparison. Of course, he ages well on a raw physical level too. In contrast, the average man today accrues less or none of these things, and ages poorly on a raw physical level.

It goes without saying that men don't wait till they're thirty to start looking for women. So most desirable older men are already taken. People interact more with their same-age cohort, which makes same-age relationships more probable whether or not they're ideal. And social pressures play a role as well, perhaps against the best interests of individuals. All these factors work together to ensure large age gaps are the exception rather than the rule.

c. The goldilocks age gap

Let's set romance novels aside now and consider fundamentals. The chart below illustrates how age gaps affect relationships as time passes. “Peak gap” refers to the amount of time between peak feminine and peak masculine beauty, while “age gap” refers to the difference between two lovers' ages. Reality is more complicated than this simple model, but it still shows the general pattern.

As you can see from the first row, although relationships with small age gaps satisfy both men and women equally in their late twenties, men become less satisfied than women as those relationships continue. This isn't because women age faster than men, as conventional wisdom would have it. It's simply because they peak earlier. The illusion that women age faster comes about because most relationships begin before the second peak. This sets up a decline in the woman's beauty relative to the man's, since she'll move away from her peak as he moves closer to his.

When young women are in relationships with very big gaps, as shown on the second row of the chart, the reverse happens. Women become less satisfied than men as these relationships continue. So a twenty-two-year gap can be just as problematic as a two-year gap.

However, when the age gap matches the peak gap, both lovers remain equally satisfied as they get older. And that holds no matter when their relationship begins or how long it lasts. You can see this on the third row of the chart.

A half-generation age gap.

I've estimated the peak gap at twelve years here, but that's only a rough number. We could just as plausibly locate the male peak at thirty-five and the female peak at the traditional twenty-one, producing a fourteen-year gap. To avoid the impression we're making precision measurements, I'm going to call the peak gap half a generation. Since a generation is roughly twenty to thirty years, a half-generation is in the neighborhood of ten to fifteen. As I've already pointed out, most men and women today age poorly, and for any given real couple the peak gap may be greater or lesser. But the same logic still holds. The closer the age gap is to the peak gap, the better it is for the relationship.

If you have a job as a galley slave it's okay to skip bodybuilding.
The Peak Gap Is The Goldilocks Age Gap

An age gap that matches the peak gap equalizes masculine and feminine beauty, minimizes the development of inequality as a couple ages, and often features in women's romantic fantasies. These advantages make it better for long-term relationships than gaps that are smaller or bigger. For attractive couples who age well, this goldilocks gap is around half a generation.
The rules of attraction put young women in a much stronger position than young men. Oddly, everyone pretends young women are in a weak position when the reverse is true. Young men can't acknowledge this openly without seeming even weaker, and so even less attractive. Men between 18 and 21 are at a particular disadvantage, because while current laws and customs inhibit them from dating high-school students, they're still below the age preferred by recent female graduates. Be patient and persistent, and don't give in to discouragement. Your day will come.

At present small age gaps are widely touted as more egalitarian, and therefore more morally correct. It should now be clear that the opposite is true. They're less egalitarian. And if you insist on moralizing about equality, they're therefore less morally correct too. The inequalities just arise gradually after a delay, so they're hard to distinguish from general dissatisfaction. They may even lead to affairs and divorces that will be blamed on other causes. In truth, they're scheduled from the start, regardless of what the couple wants or expects. Matching the age gap to the peak gap avoids baking in this kind of trouble.

Because one lover's dissatisfaction leads to fewer expressions of affection and more tension, it ends up hurting the other too. The side that appears to have an advantage in an unequal relationship isn't necessarily coming out ahead.

Some will be offended by the unconventional conclusion that a half-generation age gap is ideal. But the math is what it is. 34-22=12. If you know how to subtract 22 from 34 and come up with a number more acceptable than 12, be my guest. As we've already seen, this is the kind of age gap many women fantasize about anyway. That makes objecting seem rather absurd, even if you do find a new way to do math.

Later on I'll discuss what aging women in relationships with small gaps can do to keep their lovers satisfied to the extent possible. But for now I'll just repeat that this article is about beauty. People have many other reasons for choosing relationships. In real life, practicality and convenience often trump theoretical ideals, and rightly so. The age gap that best equalizes beauty over time isn't necessarily the best age gap when the bigger picture is taken into account.

Vampires are often so old that they raise the average age gap in a random selection of modern romance novels to many decades, well above the median.
Experience: Attractive In Men, But Not In Women

The extreme chronological ages of vampires in women's fantasies suggest experience has an attractive value of its own. Popular male fantasies, in contrast, suggest men value inexperience independent of physical age. So if physical factors were irrelevant, the most desirable age gap wouldn't shrink. It would approach infinity. How much this impacts real-life relationships is hard to say, but it should push gaps meaningfully higher than they are in our analysis of beauty. If you'd like a mathematical formulation, the theoretically ideal age gap is half a generation plus X, where X is the experience factor (an unspecified positive number).
In this bestselling 1993 romance classic the strong, independent heroine pursues the hero rather than the other way around. He's 36, and she's 17 (half his age minus one). On the cover their age gap looks even bigger, but that didn't deter female readers from buying the book.

Thus far I've highlighted women's desire for age-gap relationships. But what about men's? It goes without saying that men find younger women attractive. However, when it comes to serious relationships, they're wary of large age gaps for other reasons. Older men almost always have more wealth, status, ability, social connections, and wisdom. They worry you're only pretending to like them until you can take advantage of these, without having ever shared in the years of struggle they endured to gain them. Their success becomes their greatest vulnerability. So catching an older man isn't just about convincing him you're attractive. It's about building trust that your affection for him is real and durable.

"She loves me, she loves me not." Some women genuinely love much older men and others are only gold diggers or status whores. Distinguishing one from the other is a hard test of a man's good judgment.

Let's pull everything together before we move on. Age gaps of up to twenty years do fall within the normal range of female tastes, whether or not they're to everyone's liking. In theory, a half-generation age gap makes the most sense, and should be widely popular. In reality, however, it isn't, partly because few men live up to the ideal, and partly for practical reasons. Making a half-generation age gap the norm across society is obviously unfeasible, even if it is ideal for individual relationships.

Small age gaps are the commonest, and they're what the average man should plan on. Commonness doesn't fix the fundamental inequalities I've explained above, but you'll just have to find a way to deal with them. It's also imprudent to assume you'll "age like wine." Some do, most don't.

This may be demoralizing. Yet until we develop a cure, the truth about age will continue to irritate both men and women alike. Let's dream bigger and develop that cure faster. The highest goal of technology isn't flying cars or terraforming Mars. It's making sure we all stay twenty-one (and thirty-four) forever.

Where particular relationships are concerned, I advise you not to take theories about age gaps too seriously (including mine). Just judge each relationship on its own merits. You may not realize you don't really care about age gaps until you meet the right person.

"Anyone Younger Than Me Is A Child, Anyone Older Than Me Is A Hag"

Some people impugn age gaps with sophistical, faux-moral objections intended to reduce competition from their juniors (or elders). These fit the pattern of "self-serving fallacies" identified earlier, and you needn't pay them any mind. Choose the mate you consider best.
A popular myth holds that men's later peak is more advantageous than women's earlier peak, and that women are deserving of sympathy in this regard, whereas men are deserving of opprobrium for exploiting their lovers' youth. This is completely backwards, and indeed one of the biggest beauty lies. Due to the time value of money, an early peak is inherently better than a late peak, and the earlier it is, the bigger the advantage. That's why the net benefits of age gaps are greater for women than for men, despite the chorus of older women claiming otherwise for obvious, self-serving reasons. They want to have a cake they've already eaten.

d. Hair

Let's resume our analysis of masculine beauty with some less fraught observations.

The actress' hair in this photo is much too short for women, but the actor's hair is not too long for men.

Short hair doesn't have the strongly negative effect on men that it has on women. However, very short hair is still detrimental. RC men rarely have hair less than a few inches long, and none are balding. Medium-length hair is common, and long hair occurs more often than you might expect, although usually in a historical context. Today men tend to wear their hair a little shorter than they should. Consult the images in this section for a rough guide to attractive hair length.

Most RC men show a hint of stubble, and this should be your default choice of facial hair. While beards are very uncommon on older romance covers, both modern RC men and male sex dolls do wear them occasionally, so don't rule them out if they suit your face. Beards need to be kept neat and closely trimmed. Regardless of the vintage, imaginary men never have bushy, long, or scraggly beards.

The model pictured here was at one time so ubiquitous on the covers of romance novels that he became the butt of jokes. But he was popular for good reason. The written descriptions of the hero accurately match his appearance in this painting, and he remains an excellent example of masculine beauty. His daily exercise routine is 70 minutes of weight training, followed by running or biking, with a diet focused on lean meats.

e. Penis size

Penis size is a particularly sensitive subject for many men. So in public women will often lie about the size they prefer, dodge the question, or at least understate their tastes. As usual, those with the most extreme tastes are the most likely to lie. Men should forgive them, because they tell the same lies for the same reasons when discussing breast size.

It would be hypocritical for men to blame shy size queens, and equally hypocritical for women to blame the male equivalent.

Below you can read a private discussion among women. I'm not presenting this as a typical conversation. It's an anecdotal example intended to shake the preconceptions of men who believe women are less demanding or judgmental than men in their physical preferences. In fact they can be quite brutal.

What penis size do women really prefer? I've gathered data using the same methodology I employed when researching breast size. You can see the results below.

Frequency of realistic dildo sizes at three specialty online retailers appearing on the first page of internet search results, as categorized by retailers. 2% small (3-5"), 28% medium (5-7"), 44% large (7-9"), 25% huge (9"+), n=834. The percentages given are averaged between the three retailers.

The taste isn't universal, but "large" is clearly the most popular size. For a more precise answer, I manually counted up all the realistic dildos at a single retailer. Previous studies of dildo size have arrived at lower numbers by including vibrators and unrealistic dildos in their sample, but that's a poor method for obvious reasons.

The average realistic dildo also measures 5.6" in circumference, 1.9 standard deviations above the global mean of 4.7" (Western mean 4.8"). From this data we can make the following observations:

  • Only 1% of women want less than five inches.
  • 80% of women want seven inches or more.
  • The average woman wants eight inches.
  • 33% of women want nine inches or more.
  • The average realistic dildo is 2.4" longer and double the volume of the average real penis.
If she hadn't dropped it, no one would have guessed.

We can't assume these dildo statistics transfer exactly to reality, of course. But we don't need to. The gap is so substantial that larger members will have an economic advantage even if dildo sizes overstate real preferences by a considerable margin. In practice, penis size is another case of bigger is better.

The best ad for lip fillers?

Some will argue that evidence derived from the sex toy business doesn't represent what women really want. Below you can see the results of an anonymous internet poll. Polls are unreliable, but this one gives remarkably similar answers to the research presented above. Romance novels, stereotypes, and even science tell the same basic story. And let's face it: the idea that women are buying toys they don't enjoy is pretty implausible.

With cosmetic surgery and good weight management, women can increase their breast size by four cups or more. Men, on the other hand, have essentially no ability to control their size. So why bother publishing this data? To put an end to hypocrisy, finger-pointing, and denialism about beauty, and show that men and women are more alike in their preferences than is commonly acknowledged. The battle of the sexes is a negative-sum game we shouldn't be playing. Put down your rhetorical weapons and try to build mutually fulfilling relationships instead.

Below I've made a composite of these two charts. We can easily see that there's a close analogy between women's penis-size preferences and men's breast-size preferences. For instance, an A cup is equivalent to a four-inch penis, a B cup is equivalent to a five-inch penis, and an H cup is equivalent to a nine-inch penis. This "translation" may help you to understand and accept the tastes of the opposite sex.

The comparison reveals that both sexes prefer partners who are very far above the mean. That shouldn't be surprising at all. Why wouldn't they? But since humans are flawed and insecure, they rely on lies, complaints, and accusations to cover over uncomfortable truths, no matter how natural and obvious they might be. Women who feel hurt or offended by men's beauty preferences ought to stop and look in the mirror.

If you'd prefer a much larger member than your boyfriend has, would you tell him so? Probably not. Why, then, would you expect him to be honest with you about his own preferences?

A more remarkable conclusion we can draw from this data is that around a third of the people you'll meet today are attracted to extravagant sizes hardly ever found in reality. This applies to both genders. A number of women even want a penis size that's expected to occur in fewer than one out of a hundred billion men.

Some people have trouble accepting that preferences for scarce or impossible traits not only exist, but are normal. It seems to irk their moral sense even more than their pride. What they want is to live in a world where the real is already the ideal, or close to it. But not only is that not the case, it fundamentally can't be the case. I'll explain the reason for this later on.

Poorly endowed men shouldn't obsess over their size. There are many factors that influence attractiveness. A disadvantage in one trait won't prevent you from building a successful relationship. To put this in perspective, consider that a small penis and a flat chest are about equally popular with the opposite sex. But no one believes flat girls can't find love. You can find it too.

Be patient, dear female readers. Comforting words about love are scheduled for Section XI.

In practice, penis size is less important than breast size, because it doesn't affect your clothed appearance. Since advertising is the first and most important step for finding a mate, the practical utility of a trait you can't advertise is limited. Never let on that your size bothers you. Instead, project confidence and win her over with other traits. The ability to maintain an aura of strength despite your weaknesses is a key masculine virtue.

Confidence: Important For Men, But Not For Women

Most beauty advisors tell women that confidence will make them sexy. This amounts to a beauty lie. The sexes aren't symmetrical, and what's attractive in one may not be attractive in the other. Assuming otherwise is a common mistake today.

Uncertainty and fear are consistently unattractive in men, but neutral or even positive in women. Confidence may make it psychologically easier for women to carry themselves well and behave seductively, but it's the bearing and seductiveness that are attractive. Here is a notable illustration. The model walks confidently, but something about her expression betrays a hidden uncertainty that makes her more, not less appealing. I'll explain further in the section on seduction.
The circumcision room, Topkapi Palace.
A Note on Circumcision

Some women claim to prefer the appearance of a circumcised penis to an uncircumcised one. But the foreskin contains a significant fraction of the penile nerves responsible for sexual pleasure. It shouldn’t take more than a moment’s reflection to realize that removing it is quite insane, regardless of the visual outcome. For similar reasons, I advise women against cosmetic surgery on their genitals. Any purported aesthetic benefits are easily outweighed by the risks and drawbacks. I discuss the psychology behind the bizarre persistence of genital mutilation here.
In 2020 approximately 4% of women and 40% of men worldwide were victims of genital mutilation, normally executed in infancy and without their consent.

f. Good and bad advice for men

Male readers are hoping I'll conclude this section with tricks that will help them to catch women. I'd very much like to. However, the facts compel me to advise fatalism.

Of the three main factors in male bodily attractiveness, only muscular strength is under your control, and even that to a limited degree. Fashions are bland, and makeup is out of the question. There are some effective options for facial cosmetic surgery that I haven't time to discuss here. But overall, men's ability to improve the appearance they inherited is considerably less than women's.

Men looking for a magic solution to this limitation sometimes turn to pick-up artist “game” (a collection of psychological tricks for seducing women). I won't claim that game is entirely false.

However, the effect size is limited, and those who peddle it are often guilty of overpromising. The next time you walk down a busy street, observe the couples. They have a similar level of purely physical attractiveness. If psychological tricks could really cancel out a poor appearance, this wouldn't be the case. The exceptions are so rare and noticeable that they prove the rule, and they typically involve large sums of money.

Would you trust her? The heroes of romance novels are usually well off. However, using money to catch a better mate than you otherwise could is a dangerous tactic. It works best on women who want your money more than they want you, and they may only feign attraction until they take it. Some wealthy men see this happen enough times that they decide it's best to only date wealthy women. And that largely cancels out the advantage.

I'll leave men with a short list of advice.

1. Maintain a healthy weight.
2. Develop your upper body strength.
3. Approach many women and don't take rejection to heart, because it's impossible to know in advance who will particularly like your face.
4. It's good to love women, but loving a woman is trouble. Don't allow your emotions to fixate on one woman before she shows strong evidence of commitment and reliability.
5. Character does matter. Read romance novels to learn which traits women find attractive. These are not the same as the traits society praises as virtuous.
6. Once you've done the above, accept that the rest is up to fate. Believing you control things you don't is a recipe for unhappiness.

The third point in the list deserves special emphasis, because today many otherwise decent young men neglect it and suffer the consequences. When you approach women in your league, rejections will be more common than matches, and there's no way to avoid this with premeditation and calculation. To optimize your outcome you must have the courage to repeatedly put your self-esteem at risk, and persist despite the inevitable demoralizing rejections. If you do not do this and instead aim to minimize rejections, you'll underperform your potential.

Rejection isn't always genuine, but sometimes a test to see if you'll insist. By insisting, you demonstrate that your interest isn't fickle, and also make her feel more desirable. Whether a rejection is definitive or leaves the door open to further courtship is something you'll need to decide with good judgment. It's also smart to know when to stop.

Not all fantasies are meant to be fulfilled.

g. The dominance problem

As a side note, fantasies of dominance and violence are much more common among women than men. In fact, they don't even make the top fifteen list of men's fantasies. Women aren't aware of this gap, and those who project a lust for sexual violence onto men in order to enhance their own jouissance don't really want to be aware. Some women may expect you to engage in a theater of dominance that doesn't come naturally, and even detracts from your enjoyment. Whether you choose to indulge them is up to you. In my article “The Illusion of Dominance” I discuss this issue in detail, and also identify a fundamental error of “game” and “redpill” seduction techniques.

This romance author sold 60 million novels on themes such as being captured and ravished by Viking warlords, being disenfranchised by seven-foot tall aliens who look like Fabio, and being enslaved and seduced in the exotic sands of the Orient. In her novels physical attraction is of primary importance, and love never precedes sex. While it's not clear she represents the majority taste, there's no denying that her work was popular with women.
Johanna Lindsey around the time she wrote the third passage quoted above.
Male and Female Sexual Psychology: Different but Complementary

Men's erotic sensibility focuses on the female form. Women's erotic sensibility, however, does not focus on the male form. Rather, it focuses on the pleasured female form as an object of desire.

That's why the erotica commonly preferred by women includes “forced seduction” (an enactment of desire), lesbian pornography (a spectacle of the pleasured female form), and even solo girls (female form as object of the desiring male gaze), but not male centerfolds. Male beauty is relevant because it affects the value of the desiring subject. Only to a lesser degree is it the object of erotic contemplation.

The vilification of the male gaze instigated by ugly girls actually does more harm to women than to men, because it gives women a psychological complex about being the object of desire when this is the primary source of their own enjoyment.

IX. "Beauty" and "hotness"

a. Beauty and hotness are complementary
b. There are no tradeoffs between beauty and hotness
c. The modern Madonna-whore complex
d. All the good things

a. Beauty and hotness are complementary

Some women make a fuss over a purported conflict between platonic “beauty” and visceral “hotness.” They're afraid too much sex appeal will make them less beautiful. They may even fear an overtly attractive body will harm their reputation, whether or not their behavior is virtuous. This is a mistake. It's best to have all the good things together.

Movies and television shows often typecast the most attractive women as bimbos, villains, or "mean girls" to contrast them with a more virtuous but less sexy heroine. This is a cheap literary device, not a reflection of reality.

For your inspiration, I asked men to send me images they consider both hot and beautiful. I've presented their submissions unfiltered and unedited in the galleries featured in this section.

Platonic beauty and hotness might be distinct. But they don't detract from each other. They complement and enhance each other. “Feminine beauty,” as I discuss it in the rest of this article, comprises both.

Public discussion tends to emphasize platonic beauty over sex appeal because it sounds more respectable. Consequently, an honest account like the one you're now reading will appear to do the reverse.

There are serious disadvantages to having a type of beauty that lacks sex appeal. You'll be put on a pedestal like an antique art object. Praised and even sought after, but not truly desired. You may even become a victim of infidelity. That's not a fulfilling state of affairs. It's in your own self-interest to pursue the full complement of feminine attractiveness.

Other women may try to deter you from being as hot as you are beautiful. But you should be aware they're engaging in intrasexual competition. By convincing you to handicap yourself, they reduce the chance you could poach their mates or potential mates. By denigrating attractive traits, they confuse and demoralize the naturally gifted. Even your friends might do this unconsciously.

b. There are no tradeoffs between beauty and hotness

The illusion that beauty and hotness are in conflict is partly a result of social norms restricting the acknowledgement of genuine feminine sex appealeven at a time when sexualization seems ubiquitous. And it's partly a consequence of the statistical probabilities that govern the selection of models. A model chosen for erotically charged traits will likely be average in other traits, and therefore plainer than models selected purely for their facial beauty. The converse is also true. This might appear to imply a tradeoff or contradiction, but it doesn't. It's just chance.

Models chosen for a rare physique are likely to have average faces. This doesn't mean one causes the other.

This same principle applies to less tangible elements of aesthetics as well, such as a model's fashion sense, or the technical and artistic quality of her photographs.

The notion that there are always tradeoffs between good things is a lie we tell ourselves to support the flattering illusion that our faults are, in some larger sense, not faults at all. But aesthetics isn't a roleplaying game where each player gets a set number of points and distributes them, so that one point here means fewer points elsewhere. Nicer hair doesn't come at the cost of uglier toenails.

There's also no contradiction between hotness and intelligence.

This vintage centerfold is a striking example of beautiful eroticism. The model's extravagant chest does no harm to her prettiness, which is photographed in a style reminiscent of pre-Raphaelite painting. And this modern centerfold shows sex appeal and beauty complement each other as well today as they did decades ago. There's simply no meaningful aesthetic tradeoff for being hot.

There is, however, a meaningful social tradeoff for dressing in clothes that portray you as easily available. While they attract more men, they also deter the best long-term partners. Some women observe this and conclude that hotness itself deters the best partners, and it's better to be average than stunning, or even shun sex appeal altogether. But that's the wrong conclusion. Slutty fashions deter the best partners because they suggest you won't be faithful, not because hotness and beauty are fundamentally in conflict.

Hot, beautiful . . . and unreliable.

When you're searching for a mate it's important to select styles that signal your fidelity and your broader value. The photos men submitted for this section indeed show fashions that are hot and beautiful, but not all of them are appropriate for every context. This doesn't mean you need to dress conservatively, let alone intentionally make yourself plain. It's possible to look sexy without looking promiscuous, easy, or cheap. I'll provide detailed examples in the beauty tips at the end of this article.

c. The modern Madonna-whore complex

The misconceptions I've just identified are part of a broader error known as the Madonna-whore complex. The Madonna-whore complex is an irrational assumption that good character and high sex appeal can't coexist. In other words, that women can't be hot and virtuous at the same time. This supposed contradiction has no logical or factual basis.

In past times the Madonna-whore complex was a product of religious guilt about sexuality. But while religious guilt has declined, the Madonna-whore complex hasn't. That's because the fashion industry and the modern media gave it a new form by associating high status with women who have limited or low sex appeal, and low status with women who have very high sex appeal.

You might be afraid of looking “too” attractive. But the girls on your boyfriend's phone aren't. Possibly this is the wrong thing for you to be worrying about.

Contemporary culture claims to be sex positive, so women don't notice they've internalized an irrational complex. They just dismiss high sex appeal as objectionable or low class without thinking about it. The “rich women prefer small penises” argument I refuted earlier is only one example among many. Misleading media messages have trained them to classify some of the most attractive behaviors, movements, styles, and body types as inherently trashy even when they aren't.

Purity of heart is to will many things.

The Madonna-whore complex is a damaging attitude you ought to shrug off. It forces you into an unnecessary conflict with the different sides of your nature that will prevent you from enjoying life as much as you could. It keeps you on a leash, so you're only allowed to be “sort of hot” but never “really hot.” Can you think of a single good reason to stay on that leash?

d. All the good things

Take some time to look closely at these galleries of images submitted by men. The makeup, clothes, lighting, and even scenery are aesthetically appealing. Each model has an individual character. Feminine sexual traits are indispensable, of course. But men have a finer and more holistic sensibility than you would assume if you judged their tastes on the basis of today's typically ugly pornography.

Here are some unclothed examples of “hot and beautiful” women submitted by readers. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9. If you have a particularly good example you'd like to submit, you can reach me at the social-media account listed here.

Don't let yourself be trapped in an aesthetic Madonna-whore complex. The distinction between platonic beauty and hotness is rarely useful, and best forgotten. Instead, embrace an undivided feminine beauty and enjoy together all the good things life has to offer.

Imaginary Women Revisited

Some argue imaginary women like those we analyzed earlier are misleading examples of beauty, because they're designed solely to stimulate lust. This claim doesn't survive scrutiny. It's unlikely anyone would have recourse to still images of clothed women for such a purpose when video pornography is readily available. Instead they provide useful examples of idealized women who are both hot and beautiful. And their salient characteristics closely match those of other imaginary women made to appeal to men.

X. Correcting homework

a. Why women have a psychological block about beauty
b. Women giving wrong answers
c. Answer key
d. You can learn the truth if you want to

a. Why women have a psychological block about beauty

I gave my female readers a simple homework assignment. I asked them to submit images they believed would receive the most positive votes when men were polled on how attractive they are. As we discussed earlier, popularity is different from value. However, it's still important to understand what most men like well enough that you can provide accurate examples.

Could you fill an empty harem to the sultan's satisfaction?

All the women who participated were familiar with this article. But a surprising thing happened. Almost none of them submitted images that match the ideals described in it. Naturally, their submissions received mediocre ratings from male voters. And we don't need to rely on survey results to know they fall short of the mark. Anyone who compares them to the beauty examples elsewhere in the article will see they don't match.

Image submitted by a female reader. Pretending that sexually unthreatening models are ideally beautiful is a subconscious defense mechanism. Poll results: 10% very attractive, 43% somewhat attractive, 47% not attractive. N=1,334.

There's only one possible explanation for such a strange outcome. Most women have a psychological block about acknowledging what men find attractive. It centers around body type in particular. They can read thousands of words and yet still choose the wrong answer.

The main source of this block is fragile vanity. Because women's self-esteem and erotic satisfaction depend on feeling desirable, they try to see themselves as desirable even when they're not confident it's true. This impairs their ability to reflect objectively on attractiveness so much that ideally attractive women disappear into a mental blind spot. It also fills them with an unstable mix of self-doubt and self-aggrandizement.

"I'm either too good for everyone, or not good enough for anyone. But which is it?"

So they bounce back and forth between excesses of pride and feelings of worthlessness, always searching for confirmation that's never lastingly convincing. Fragile vanity is an emotional rollercoaster from which only the truth can set you free, but it also makes the truth the hardest thing to see.

Because male erotic psychology has an external focus, men rarely suffer from fragile vanity regarding their own beauty, and struggle to understand it. From their perspective it appears as if women are purposely ignoring the truth about feminine beauty out of indifference or ill will. Sometimes this is true, but sometimes it isn't.

The cause of the psychological block, however, can't be reduced to vanity alone. Women tend to conflate status and beauty into a single goal we might call “beautus.” When the media and fashion marketers bombard them with deceptive messages portraying unattractive traits as high status and attractive traits as low status, the contradiction blinds them to genuine beauty in its fullest flower.

According to the media, a strong, independent woman should look like a weak boy. This is obviously the opposite of the truth, but incessant repetition of the lie influences women anyway.

Some compound the problem with a Madonna-whore complex, wrongly viewing sexual traits as shameful, dirty, and low class. This programming is hard to reverse, because it starts at a young age.

What Is Love?

One of the saddest facts about love is that mercenary women who are paid to understand what men like do so quickly and easily, whereas women who aren't invent all sorts of nonsense to avoid understanding, let alone pursuing it. This is because in the former group financial incentives alter their mental frame enough to break the psychological block just discussed.

Our purpose here, obviously, is to enable rewarding romantic relationships, not to encourage prostitution. To help you see clearly without selling your body, I'll go over submissions in detail and explain why they weren't successful. I'll need to be harshly critical, but keep in mind that the intention is to instruct, not to be cruel for the sake of it.

Image submitted by a female reader. Poll result: 4% very attractive, 25% somewhat attractive, 71% not attractive. N=1,009. Too much upper-body muscle looks unfeminine.

Before you continue, find an image yourself. For this particular assignment, your task isn't to pick something to your own taste or your boyfriend's taste, but to correctly guess what the largest number of men will find attractive. After you've done your homework, continue reading to see if your answer was right. If not, you can try again as many times as you like.

Image submitted by a female reader. Poll result: 18% very attractive, 51% somewhat attractive, 31% not attractive. N=1,157.

b. Women giving wrong answers

Despite a pretty face and blonde hair, the submission above scored poorly. The faults here are many. First, the model's hair is short. Men prefer long hair, and indeed very long hair will perform best. Second, her chest is nearly flat. Men strongly dislike a flat chest. Her legs and butt are also quite thin. Some women feel irate that men don't appreciate this look as much as they believe they should. But the facts are the facts. It's simply not what men want.

Poll result: 15% very attractive, 47% somewhat attractive, 38% not attractive. N=1,261.

The next image also scored poorly. The model's clothing is obscuring the most important signals of attractiveness, namely her waist, breasts, and hips. This already ensures she won't register as attractive. Her hair is again too short. Her legs are again on the thin side, and looking at the photo one mainly has an impression of calf muscles. These have little effect on men, who are more attracted to thighs than calves, and typically not excited by muscles.

Poll results: 42% very attractive, 46% somewhat attractive, 12% not attractive. N=1,307.

This model is older than men consider optimal. That doesn't mean she's ugly, but it does mean she won't get a top score. Her breasts aren't especially small, but they're not big enough to be popular. Furthermore, her waist and hips aren't visible. Concealing them reduces attractiveness.

Poll result: 44% very attractive, 41% somewhat attractive, 15% not attractive. N=1,132.

The image above had a mediocre score for two main reasons. First, the model looks heavier in the belly than the average man today wants. Second, her very large rear is her most salient feature. Because men disagree about the best butt size, women with big butts underperform in polls. As explained previously, this doesn't mean big butts aren't attractive. They are. But due to the diversity of opinions, they don't win popularity contests. A medium-sized butt with a full, round shape is the most broadly popular, because everyone likes it reasonably well.

Poll results: 49% very attractive, 44% somewhat attractive, 7% not attractive. N=1,153.

This image had a good but not fantastic score. The model lost points because her hair is too short, her chest is too small, her waist isn't clearly visible, and her legs are unremarkable. But her expression is a little more charming than the previous models, and blonde hair seems to add a few extra points, as some men strongly prefer it.

Poll results: 59% very attractive, 35% somewhat attractive, 6% not attractive. N=1,113.

The model above received a good but not fantastic rating. Her appeal is limited primarily because she doesn't have a true hourglass figure. Her waist should be smaller relative to her ribcage, and her breasts should be larger. Extra-large breasts receive both higher positive and lower negative ratings than medium-sized breasts like these. That's because a significant fraction of the men who appear to prefer small breasts are actually just indifferent to size. Faces are subjective, but hers is perhaps not in the first rank. Last but by no means least, tattoos reduce attractiveness.

Poll results: 69% very attractive, 28% somewhat attractive, 4% not attractive. N=1,304.

This is the most popular model initially submitted by female readers. She has a better figure than any of the previous models and predictably performed well. Her thicker thighs contribute to her appeal. So do her youthfulness and playfully seductive expression and posture. With a prettier face and more pronounced hourglass, she would have performed even better.

Poll results: 83% very attractive, 14% somewhat attractive, 3% not attractive. N=637.

c. Answer key

The next images weren't submitted by women. Instead they're examples of the kind of images that receive high ratings from men.

Poll results: 82% very attractive, 17% somewhat attractive, 1% not attractive. N=1,004.

To get past a psychological block and understand feminine beauty, you need to accept that the typical man's preferences really are exactly as Dispelling Beauty Lies has described them. The top-scoring images look extremely similar. This is not an accident. There's a generic look that consistently wins popularity contests, and this is it.

Poll results: 83% very attractive, 13% somewhat attractive, 4% not attractive. N=1,377. Note that she does not have a thigh gap.

Before you continue reading, compare the next two images. Try to guess the rating of the left image, and explain why men might not like it as much as the right image. Then check your answer below.

Many women consider the figure at left ideal. In public everyone will tell her she's perfect and shouldn't change anything. And men will agree, because if they tell the truth in mixed company they'll seem vulgar and impolite, and make women angry. But while the model at left is pretty, she's just not very exciting. She's too thin and her chest is barely a B cup. Her butt has a good shape, but less volume than the median male prefers, and one can't see her hips. Her thighs lack volume too. Left is what people say is perfect, but right is what most men actually want.

To reiterate, men want a young woman with a small waist, wide hips, large breasts (much larger than you think), a rounded rear with good projection (for maximum popularity, neither too small nor too large), a pretty face, makeup (not overdone), long hair (about waist length), and properly fitted clothing. Any woman who covers all these points will receive a warm response from eighty to ninety percent of men even if other details aren't perfect. The models female readers initially submitted failed to do so.

Poll results: 86% very attractive, 12% somewhat attractive, 3% not attractive. N=805.
Photography Matters

Photographic details influence men's perceptions. The camera angle in the photo above was cleverly chosen to conceal the faults of a model who's markedly less attractive in reality. Photos are inherently distorted because they reduce three dimensions to two. A casual snap won't represent your face accurately, and will typically make you look uglier than reality. It's important to learn how to take selfies that are flattering but not deceptive. If you haven't done this yet, guides are easily found on the internet. The most critical elements aren't your pose or expression, but camera distance and lighting angles.
Image submitted by a female reader after practice. Poll results: 78% very attractive, 20% somewhat attractive, 2% not attractive. N=810.

d. You can learn the truth if you want to

However, when women were coached and allowed to repeatedly submit new images for ratings, some of them quickly learned how to select models just as popular as those chosen by men.

Image submitted by a female reader after practice. Poll results: 75% very attractive, 21% somewhat attractive, 4% not attractive. N=1,222.

After this coaching I arranged a contest where a girls' team competed with a boys' team to choose the most highly rated images. Remarkably, the girls' team won. The image above was one of their winning choices. This proves it's entirely possible to overcome a psychological block and understand men's tastes if you're willing to make the effort.

Image submitted by a female reader after practice. Poll results: 78% very attractive, 16% somewhat attractive, 6% not attractive. N=1,039. A classically beautiful bodyfat level. This image would have scored higher if it were less blurry.

To confirm your understanding, do another little homework assignment. Ignore your intuitions entirely. Instead, force yourself to search for one image that fits exactly the description of a generically attractive woman given a few paragraphs above. You may have to overcome an innate aversion, but you can succeed if you try.

Image submitted by a female reader after practice. Poll results: 80% very attractive, 17% somewhat attractive, 3% not attractive. N=994.

Naturally this is only an exercise. Popularity isn't the same as value. So after you've learned how to satisfy the crowd, broaden your view by finding images that fulfill the minority tastes discussed elsewhere in this article. Don't assume you understand what you've read here until you've finished all your homework.

Refuses to do her homework.
Polls provided a convenient way to "grade" this homework assignment. However, you should never put much trust in them. The other sources presented in this article remain the most reliable benchmarks of feminine beauty.

XI. Drawing the right conclusions

a. It's okay to be imperfect
b. Remembering grace
c. Deadly sins
d. Why care about the truth
e. A visual summary
f. How to share Dispelling Beauty Lies
g. Contact and support

a. It's okay to be imperfect

It's unfortunately common for women who read this article to draw the wrong conclusions from it. Realizing they'll never attain the ideal form desired by men, they react by rejecting the ideal, rejecting men, or even rejecting themselves. Women are sensitive to any criticism of their appearance, so this emotional reaction is understandable. But it's also quite foolish.

Imperfection is part of being human, not a reason to hate yourself. If you always get a perfect score, this only means you're being given tests that are too easy.

This woman does not exist.

A beauty ideal actually needs to be unattainable. If it were attainable, it wouldn't be useful for discriminating between the best potential mates, since all of them would have attained it. That's why a gap between the ideal and the real is fundamental to our sense of sexual aesthetics, and not something that can be argued away. At times this manifests itself as a taste for unreachable extremes, the simplest of which we've examined above.

Nobody looks like this.

So not only is there no shame in falling short of the ideal, it's actually expected that everyone will fall short in one way or another. This isn't your fault nor men's.

b. Remembering grace

In the present day there's a strong push to deal with human shortcomings by lowering or eliminating ideals and standards. All sorts of sophistical arguments are put forth to accomplish the destruction. This race to the bottom isn't motivated only by the resentment of the least successful. It's also happening because our society has, by and large, forgotten grace. High ideals are more psychologically sustainable when they're accompanied by forgiveness for humans who fail to meet them.

A gap between the ideal and the real is a condition of possibility for our aspirations to make the world a better place. So if the truth about beauty is difficult for you to accept, don't join the mob set on erasing ideals. Don't listen to dishonest flattery you'll never really believe. Instead of lies, seek grace. And remember that love neither requires nor expects perfection.

c. Deadly sins

Forgetfulness of grace isn't the only obstacle. Ironically, vanity is the main issue that prevents women from accepting and applying the truth about feminine beauty.

Despite disliking vanity, men continually feed it by flattering you, whether to obtain sex or simply to be nice.

The most obvious form of vanity is being over-proud of your appearance in an egotistical way. This doesn't go unnoticed by perceptive men. But vanity isn't just bad because it makes you look unpleasantly smug. If anyone were to point out her faults, a vain woman might react angrily and dismiss the criticism, even if those faults were real and easily corrected. Her desire to see herself as already perfect stops her from truly becoming more perfect.

Vanity is a bigger problem for women than men because reflexivity is fundamental to female sexuality. See the introduction to the previous section, as well as the segment titled "Male and Female Sexual Psychology," for an explanation.

There's a second form of vanity that goes unrecognized because it seems opposite to the first. Some women suffer from an irrationally negative self-image. They find their flaws too painful to think about, and may even hate themselves. How can a negative self-image be a form of vanity? Because it's based on the assumption that your powers are greater than they really are, that it's therefore fair to judge yourself on a divine scale, and that you've no need for grace. These assumptions are vain and wrong. And they're guaranteed to make you miserable.

Greed is a less serious obstacle than vanity, but it does hamper your pursuit of true beauty. This is mainly because you've been trained by marketers to associate beautification with acquiring consumer goods, even though these have little to no effect. I'll explain further in the next section.

Overcoming excesses of vanity and accepting grace are two steps best taken in a single leap. If you can take that leap, much of the misery you feel will dissipate and the path toward beauty will clear. Strive to be an angel. But accept that you're human.

"I will release you from all sins; grieve not."

d. Why care about the truth

What's the right way to use the information you've learned in Dispelling Beauty Lies? By understanding the truth about feminine beauty, you can target your efforts to improve your appearance more accurately and stop wasting energy running in the wrong direction. The truth won't ensure you reach the ideal, but it will help you get the most out of your innate potential. Realizing that potential is the topic of the second half of this article.

"Sorry I don't have a coat on! I left my phone in my car and I'm just running over to my detached garage to get it."

And in truth, there's no such thing as “ideal” feminine beauty. Men's preferences vary. Unusual women who don't suit the average taste can be highly valued. The most popular look isn't necessarily the best. All this makes it both easy to misrepresent a seemingly straightforward analysis, and impossible to explain it accurately in a few words.

Accept reality and learn to start winning.

e. A visual summary

Nevertheless, it's best to conclude neatly. The cartoon below is a fair representation of the most widely loved appearance. For lack of better, it can serve as a concise, oversimplified summary of our findings.

And if you want to encapsulate the perfect figure in a single phrase, two hearts” makes a nicer souvenir than “hourglass.”

Queen of hearts.

f. How to share Dispelling Beauty Lies

Before we move on to the beauty tips section of this article I'm going to address a difficult problem. How to break it to her? You can skip the next few paragraphs if this question isn't relevant to you.

A man who wants to share Dispelling Beauty Lies with a female acquaintance in a non-confrontational way should try telling her, “This gives a pretty accurate description of what most men like.” You don't need to say anything about whether it does or doesn't represent your own tastes. However, if you’re thinking about sharing it with your wife or girlfriend, you're on more dangerous ground.

A woman with naturally great curves is more likely to respond well to this article.

If she has a strong mind and you have excellent communication, you might be able to send her a direct link or even read Dispelling Beauty Lies together. Sadly, that's a very rare combination. Most women today simply cannot accept the truth about feminine beauty, and will react with unreasonable dismissals regardless of how you present it. This is a consequence of the psychological block described in the previous section, reinforced by damaging media messages.

How brave are you?

There are several ways you can make it more palatable to someone who's open-minded but sensitive. In my view the best is to link her directly to one of the least offensive sections rather than the opening of the article. For this purpose I especially recommend the section on clothing, but the section on attractive weights may work too. Another option is to share a passage that describes something she does well. Or, you can send her an excerpt from the section on masculine beauty and ask if she agrees. You can also bring up one of the passages on beauty, sexuality, or society and use it to start a discussion. Finally, you can send her my essay “The Illusion of Dominance.” It introduces Dispelling Beauty Lies backward, starting with the section on seduction.

Any method is better than nothing. Due to extensive censorship and blacklisting, she'll never find this site by chance. Eventually, of course, she'll read these words herself. But by the time she does, she'll understand it was all for a good cause, and respect that you considered her strong enough to handle the truth. Well, hopefully. But no guts, no glory.

Made of rainbows.

Some readers are keen to share Dispelling Beauty Lies with their daughters, but unsure about the right age. When I discussed this question with parents I found two schools of thought. One is that it's best to wait until her late teens, because so much of the article is “adult content.” Furthermore, young girls may not yet have the intellectual ability to understand all the writing, which could lead to damaging misinterpretations.

Unfortunately the worst thing you can imagine has already played on her phone.

However, other parents make reasonable arguments against this delay, and believe the early teens are best. They point out that kids are already exposed to extreme pornography through their smartphones (typically around age twelve), and exposed to false media messages about beauty and sexuality even earlier. Pretending this isn't happening and “protecting” them from true information can't be helpful.

Learning the truth at a young age may also be less challenging to their self-esteem, because the fullness of their womanhood is something off in the misty future. And by the age of seventeen, kids often ignore even the best parental advice, bizarrely trusting media that strangers have designed to manipulate them over wisdom their parents have gleaned from long experience.

I do think it's safest to share the facts with her in the controlled home environment before she leaves for college, but beyond that I won't take one side or the other. It's your responsibility as a parent to make the best choice you can. A compromise position is to show her only particular excerpts you've selected. This makes sense if she's still quite young but already being harmed by beauty lies promoting excessive thinness.

When I polled readers about the best age to encounter Dispelling Beauty Lies for the first time, sixteen was the most popular answer.

Women will find it interesting to know I've had significantly more men write me that they've shared Dispelling Beauty Lies with their daughters than with their wives or girlfriends. This is the best endorsement anyone could give, though also a little sad, because life is short, and we need opportunities to enjoy beauty now and not just in future generations. Fathers want their daughters to have the tools they need to understand the real world and succeed at the game of love. But they don't know how to broach the truth to their wives without causing offense. In the end, they decide it's not worth it. And who's really to blame?

Fairytale princess.

Although you can't rule out the possibility of an angry reaction, when you do want someone to understand the truth, your only hope is to lead her here. Dispelling Beauty Lies has solved feminine beauty. Everyone else is just goofing off.

Does your girlfriend care about you enough to learn what you like—or, not really?

g. Contact and support

If you have a beauty question or concern, you can reach the author here. And if you feel you've learned something from this free article, please consider making a donation here. Dispelling Beauty Lies is the most comprehensive and accurate analysis of feminine beauty ever produced. Researching, writing, and promoting it took years. And—you're only halfway done.

There's more?!

XII. Reality-based beauty tips

The second half of this article consists of no-nonsense, reality-based beauty tips. Some of them will be familiar. But since you now know the truth about feminine beauty, you can reconsider them with a fresh perspective. The basics of beautification aren’t magic. This advice will work for anyone, including you. (What follows is written for girls only. Male readers are advised to skip past the secrets in this section and hold on to their illusions.)

While women derive erotic satisfaction from feeling attractive, most waste their energy chasing a look that isn't. Why not set yourself up for pleasure instead?

Don’t be discouraged because the ideal body of a love goddess is out of reach. Modest improvements still help. Giving up on the game of beauty because you can’t win first place is a mistake. In fact, average-looking girls benefit more from improving their appearance than naturally gifted women do.

Never let jealousy of other women stop you from achieving your personal best.

It’s also a mistake to rely entirely on your personality and intelligence to sell you as a mate. This is like trying to win a triathlon without learning how to swim. Instead, use your intelligence to improve your appearance. If you follow all the advice below, you might gain three points on the beauty scale. That's the difference between a six and a nine.

You can’t win by brains alone.

More and more women are trapped in a game mass marketing has created for them, and men only have a token role in it. They value the tastes of celebrity spokesmodels above those of their lovers. So they spend time and money on fashion with little to show for it, competing with each other to chase arbitrary targets for no discernable reward. This trend is encouraged by businesses, who exploit rhetoric about "independence" to replace love with dependence on consumerism.

Women aren't just wrong about beauty by accident. They've actually been trained to get it wrong. Most are too prideful to admit they've been fooled and change direction. But their loss can be your gain. There's plenty of room to increase your romantic success and strengthen your relationships if you ignore the chorus of lies and make an effort to apply your new understanding.

The Single Most Important Beauty Technique

The single most important beauty technique is . . . actually caring. It's a superpower. Women always say they care about beauty, but it's rarely true. Instead they care about competing for status points on the basis of standards invented by beauty-industry marketers, which have little connection to genuine beauty. They'd rather feel superior to their friends than attractive to their lovers, even though this brings them less happiness in the end. In fact, our society encourages them to be aggressively indifferent to their lovers' sensibilities. As a result of these attitudes, they never come close to reaching their full potential for beauty, let alone romance. It's a sad thing, but that's the way it is. If you're one of the few who do care about truth, beauty, and romance, I'd like to thank you sincerely for reading this far. You already have a bigger advantage than you realize. I hope the advice I offer in the remainder of this article helps you take your beauty to the next level.
As a woman, you are both the artist and the art. And that's a creative opportunity to cherish.

The stakes are higher now than ever. Today men are increasingly seduced by egirls who hook them with a combination of personal charm, virtual stripteases, and powerful AI effects. While real women have been wasting their time reading Vogue, shopping for handbags, and copying Hollywood actresses, these online strippers have weaponized the truth about feminine beauty. One group is sacrificing the physical basis of love on the altar of consumerism. The other, on the altar of commodification.

Ever wondered what she's doing to your boyfriend while you're busy shopping?

That's not all. Egirls, escorts, and startups designing AI girlfriends have studied this very article to optimize their techniques. They've sent me thanks for information that was written for you.

They'll use every trick in the book to hack men's brains and trap them in a world of virtual sex and imaginary relationships. And it's only a matter of time until improvements in AI take these tricks to the next level. As I explain in my essay on ultrahumanism, even desirable men are vulnerable. Yet real women remain completely unprepared for what's about to happen.

Their castle, or yours? It's time to make fairytales come true.

Only you, dear reader, can save humanity. There's a billion-dollar vice industry geared toward figuring out exactly what men find attractive. I've condensed all that information into a single article, and now I'm handing that article to you. Take the keys to the castle and move in before supercharged modern whores steal everything inside. Don't hold back. Apply the advice below, and beat them at their own game. You'll do us all good.

This AI-optimized siren is doing everything she can to steal your man's heart. Will you fight back and save the world?

1. Finding the best weight for you.
2. Clothing and fashion.
3. Cosmetics and cosmetic surgery.
4. Hair, skin, and eyes.
5. Motion and posture.
6. The most common misconception about seduction.
7. Personality and individuality.
8. Beauty and aging.
9. The top seven ways to look more attractive.

Note: The author does not sell beauty products of any kind, and does not profit from any advertising relationships or affiliate links.

1. Finding the best weight for you.

a. Weight basics
b. Ideal weights for women with a poor fat distribution
c. Ideal weights for women with an average fat distribution
d. Ideal weights for women with a good fat distribution
e. Body types only possible with augmentation
f. Ideal weights review
g. Unhealthy illusions
h. Diet
i. Exercise
j. Ideal leg and thigh shape
k. Limits of exercise

The classic feminine figure has a moderate and healthy weight. This model closely matches the generic sex doll torso.

a. Weight basics

Excess weight harms your appearance and your health. In fact, weight is the single most important element of beauty under your control. But that doesn’t mean anorexia or obsessive dieting are advantageous.

This model is already slim, and losing weight would definitely harm her figure. You should never strive to eliminate all fat from your body.

The examples in this article show that a healthy, slim weight is best, but not less. Minimizing bodyfat by undereating won't maximize attractiveness. In fact, it will actually make you less attractive.

Trolls tell attractive women they're overweight just for the joy of causing pain. You need to learn to ignore them and focus on the facts. When men can choose any bodyfat level they want, as in an erotic drawing, they don't choose a skeletal figure. The image below was the most popular drawing of the day on an anime image site.

One of the most instructive examples of male taste. Well, apart from the ears. Note the thigh bracelet, included to emphasize thigh plumpness.

In erotic drawings and AI-generated images, girls without curves are always depicted as juvenile, never tall and narrow in the manner of fashion models.

When it comes to waist size, smaller is better. But when it comes to feminine curves, bigger is better. Because these goals conflict, you need to aim for a weight that compromises between the two. Simply dieting to chase the smallest waist size is counterproductive, because it fails badly at the second goal.

It's the combination of small waist and feminine curves that make a figure like this so attractive. Not one of them in isolation.

Losing too much weight shrinks your bust, hips, thighs, and rear more than your waist and arms, and the overall effect becomes negative. The tradeoff isn't worth it.

Thick thighs are attractive in combination with a small waist.

You should avoid losing too much weight even if you have breast implants, because extremely low bodyfat will typically make them look more artificial.

While attractive as is, this model would look more natural and blended with a modestly higher bodyfat level.

And a perfectly flat stomach isn't perfectly ideal in the first place. Take a look at the AI girl below.

Fat deposits are apparent around AI girls' navels even when, like this one, they only have modest curves. Examine the navels of all the images in this section for more evidence.

b. Ideal weights for women with a poor fat distribution

The optimal weight for attractiveness depends on your personal bodyfat distribution, not an arbitrary number we can predetermine. The better your bodyfat distribution, the more you benefit from a few extra pounds. The worse your bodyfat distribution, the more important it is to stay slim. To clarify I'll go over a series of examples, starting with the thinnest.

The top fashion model below looks both too thin and too masculine, with no feminine softness at all. A visibly muscular abdomen is unattractive to most men. This is certainly not the best weight for her body. Even if you don't carry weight well, you shouldn't copy her physique.

Not advisable regardless of your body type.

If you have a poor bodyfat distribution (i.e. fat goes to your belly more than your hips, chest, rear, or thighs), adding weight will do more harm than good, and staying rather thin is indeed the best choice. For instance, the model below isn't fat, but because the fat deposits she does have are concentrating in the belly area, she needs to maintain a low weight. While you don't need a flat belly, it's still important to avoid a bulbous, protruding one, and especially so if you lack curves elsewhere.

Don't judge your ideal weight by your arm circumference. “Thin arms, thick thighs” is indeed the best combination. However, arms are relatively unimportant. If only your arms are too thick, ignore them and aim for an attractive weight elsewhere.

Thin arms are usually a plus, but only to a certain point. This example is rather too thin, and any thinner would definitely be worse.

No matter how poor your bodyfat distribution, you shouldn't overdo weight loss. Men who prefer thin women still dislike skeletons. The model below has a thin but healthy and attractive figure. You should never aim to be thinner than this.

c. Ideal weights for women with an average fat distribution

Here's a model with a mediocre bodyfat distribution not far from the average woman's. In this case gaining weight would do harm. But losing weight would eliminate the minimal curves she has and do harm as well. For instance, the difference between a flat chest and a small B cup is very important to men. If you can make that difference with good weight management, you should.

You might feel intimidated by the curvaceous figures praised in Dispelling Beauty Lies because you don't have the genetics or surgical budget to imitate them effectively. However, as the example above shows, most women have some attractive curves when they optimize their weight. That said, a few unlucky women will still end up with an A cup. If you can't grow breasts without also growing a fatter middle than the right photo above, you should stay slim. Later on I'll discuss in detail how you can build curves through artificial means.

This imaginary woman is thinner and flatter than the norm. However, she isn't skeletal, and some attractive bodyfat is clearly on display.

At this link you can see a relatable fine arts model, presented unclothed, with no cosmetic surgery and poor lighting. Her physique is a good target for average women who are a little bottom-heavy. Most women assume she should lose a few pounds, but that would clearly reduce her resemblance to the reference anime girl, and her overall attractiveness as well. The gallery below shows another good weight goal for average women with an average bodyfat distribution.

d. Ideal weights for women with a good fat distribution

Now let's consider some body types that benefit from higher weights. Here's one of the most beautiful vintage actresses. Her natural bodyfat distribution is a little better than average, but not unusual by any means. Similar women today might feel nervous about this weight. However, it was considered suitable for a bikini photo shoot in the middle twentieth century, and it still looks good generations later.

The false idea that thinner is better harms naturally gifted women the most. The AI girl below is an excellent example of a weight women fear is too much, but men find extremely attractive on the right person. This fortunate bodyfat distribution isn't particularly common. But for women who do have it, a lower weight would reduce both sex appeal and beauty.

A perfect weight for this particular figure.

The photo below is also instructive. This model has more belly fat than men typically want today. Yet because her chest is much larger than her waist, the net result is attractive even if it's not perfect. The average woman would look rather plain with the same amount of bodyfat, and should aim to be leaner.

Not advised for most women, but reasonable for this particular model.

This unclothed video shows women who are also well endowed, but smaller and slimmer than the model above. Watch their midriffs. Despite significant bodyfat, their overall proportions are excellent, and they look more natural and smoothly blended than augmented women who are very lean. None of them need to lose weight.

That said, be aware that it's easy to confuse yourself if you fixate on your abdomen in isolation. I've cropped the next example to demonstrate this. Without the larger context, it's hard to tell whether the anime girl it depicts is attractive or not. However, when you do examine the full image, you'll see that she has an ideal weight for her body shape.

Don't fixate on fat deposits in isolation from your overall shape.

A naturally attractive butt is a common casualty of excessive weight loss. If you tend to hold weight in your rear, remember that bigger is better, and don't squander your lucky genetics by dieting your butt away. This AI girl would be less attractive at a lower weight.

Weight that goes to your butt is a positive, not a negative.

The bottom-heavy glamour model shown below has an excellent weight for her body type. There's no doubt that losing weight would make her less attractive.

How much is too much? The models in the next gallery, and others like them, were sent to me by men as examples of perfect butts. If your butt is expanding much faster than your waist, the extra weight is likely increasing your attractiveness even though your rear is already large.

However, because men evaluate your proportions relative to your waist, an excessive waistline will eventually cancel out the value of a large rear or chest. To check whether your fat distribution is attractive, compare your own photo to the two previous galleries.

A good illustration of an attractive lower-body shape even if this waist-hip ratio is exaggerated.

The next AI girl illustrates the theoretical upper range of male taste. This weight only works with an unusually good bodyfat distribution that hardly ever occurs in reality. Provided that criterion is met, the majority of men will find it attractive, although most won't consider it ideal, and a minority will reject it outright. In any case you should never exceed this weight.

Don't exceed this weight regardless of your body type.

Below you can see a glamour model demonstrating a more realistic maximum weight. It's common for traditional painted odalisques and Venuses to have a bodyfat level very similar to that shown here. However, you shouldn't expect to look good at this weight without exceptional genetics.

Attractive to most men, but not a physique it's wise for most women to imitate. Glamour models use surgery to perfect this look, as I'll explain in a moment.

Finally, the AI girl below has a classical figure that's neither too thick nor too thin, and exemplifies beauty, class, and sex appeal at the same time. It's an excellent goal for women who have the body type to pull it off, but not everyone can. Know your limits and find the best weight for you.

An ideal goal, but only for those who can achieve it.

e. Body types only possible with augmentation

Some body types you see in the media are only possible with cosmetic surgery. The “skinny-hot” type, shown below, is one of these. It requires not only a rare natural body type, but an exceptionally well-executed large breast augmentation as well. Skinny-hot is less popular with men than thicker types, and women tend to be more impressed by it than they should be.

Some women believe they can emulate this body type simply by losing weight. That won't work, even setting aside the issue of implants. The skinny-hot type isn't really about low bodyfat levels. It's about having an unusually narrow frame. Examine the abdominal area in the images above and below. No muscle or bone are visible, but only soft flesh, including a little fat. This is essential to get it right, and few can. Women who try to chase a skinny-hot body when it doesn't suit them will end up looking like a pile of sticks and stones with hollow cheeks. That's not the look at all. So if you have any doubts, don't try.

It's now common for glamour models to use fat transfer from the waist to the hips, butt, and thighs, creating a voluptuous hourglass that's hard or impossible to obtain naturally. The example below goes too far, and I don't recommend you imitate it. I'm including it here because it demonstrates the effects very clearly. Women who use the same procedure with more moderation have good results. I'll discuss cosmetic surgery in detail later on.

Unnaturally low bodyfat in the abdominal area after a fat transfer procedure. This extreme is not recommended.

The example below has likely used a similar technique, but with a rear emphasis.

Very unlikely to be natural.

f. Ideal weights review

To review, let's look once more at the range of attractive bodyfat levels we've covered in this section. The reliable average level is closer to the minimum than the maximum because most women have a mediocre fat distribution.

g. Unhealthy illusions

Beauty lies aren't a victimless crime. Some women damage their health and happiness by obsessively seeking thinness. They congregate on social media and reinforce their delusions, making their mental illness harder to escape.

If you're “pro-anorexia,” it's time to reconsider your views. This article is the most honest and accurate analysis of feminine beauty you're going to find. You should take the data it presents seriously. Slimming down at the expense of beauty and health doesn't make sense, even if it impresses other girls who are making the same mistake. Stop hurting yourself and change direction.

In case it wasn't already evident, I'll point out explicitly that thigh gaps are not a useful target for determining your ideal weight. Whether you have a thigh gap at a given weight actually depends on the shape of your pelvis and femurs, making it meaningless even as an indicator. Nor is it a genuine element of beauty in itself. Recall that thick thighs are usually an attractive feature, not an unattractive one.

This sex doll exhibits an excellent rear shape with no thigh gap.

h. Diet

The body of scientific knowledge about diet that currently exists is low quality, inconclusive, and corrupted by the influence of vested interests and academic politics. Of course, that doesn't mean unscientific theories are reliable. For the time being there's just no way to know the healthiest diet with certainty. But what is certain is that a diet that's not working for you can't get any better if you don't change anything.

An ancestral diet is a reasonable starting point, and already enough for most women to maintain a healthy weight. Further specifics are unclear, and vary from person to person. Some seem to benefit from eating more protein and less fat (more lean meats), but others do well eating more fat and less protein and carbs (more fatty meats and oils). Some people have a high tolerance for carbs, others low. Some even thrive on a purely carnivorous diet.

Carb tolerance varies.

To find the best diet for you you'll need to experiment over a long period of time. The first thing you might try is lowering both carbs and fat while increasing protein. This diet is popular with bodybuilders who need to stay lean. If you tend to get addicted to carbs, it's worth lowering them to zero for at least a few months. Then you can gradually add them back in until you find a good balance. If neither of these approaches work, there are others to try. Keep experimenting till you succeed.

Reminder: don't diet away a nice butt.
Extended fasts can be an effective, rapid weight-loss method for overweight women, but are harmful to those prone to anorexia or body dysmorphia, as well as pregnant women, children, and teenagers.
An early example of AI-generated erotic art. With a good fat distribution you can look attractive at a rather high bodyfat level.

If you struggle with anorexia or body dysmorphia, it's important that you consume regular meals with a good balance of nutrients. Fasting or skipping meals can exacerbate psychological issues and even suppress your appetite, creating a vicious cycle of anxiety and undereating. Eat regularly even if you aren't hungry, and when you find yourself stuck in a mental loop, focus your mind on a distracting activity until it passes. Save the beauty examples from this article and remind yourself that you'll be unattractive if you're too thin.

This type of attractive rear is never the product of exercise.

i. Exercise

Exercise is less important to maintain a healthy weight than diet, but still worth some effort.

As far as beauty is concerned, it's likely best to skip upper-body exercise entirely. Broad shoulders and muscular arms are more negative than positive. Idealized imaginary women usually have thin and undeveloped arms regardless of how thick their bodies are. And only a small fraction of men find defined abs attractive.

Persian love goddess, circa 400 AD, featuring a projecting rear that's more prominent than the rest of her legs.

Lower-body exercises can be beneficial, though they're best targeted to specific parts of the lower body. Overdeveloping your glutes relative to the rest of your legs is advantageous. In fact, a glutes-only strength-training regimen may actually work perfectly. Personal trainers and athletes will be appalled. But if you're training for beauty, real, “functional” strength isn't the goal. You want to look hotter, not win at sportsball. Functional strength isn't even ideally attractive in men, let alone women, as most women prefer to see an overdeveloped chest.

For a minimal exercise routine, try doing three sets of glutes-targeted resistance training three times a week, and no other weightlifting. For health and fitness you can supplement this with some form of light exercise.

Attractive slim legs have the same unbalanced emphasis as attractive thick legs, with more volume in the butt and front upper thighs than elsewhere. The thigh bracelet also shows that men like the appearance of fat deposits rather than muscular firmness, even on an unnaturally thin cartoon figure.

j. Ideal leg and thigh shape

Most women have poor intuition for what attractive thighs look like. So if you want to train your thighs, pay careful attention to the following examples. Thighs should taper as they approach the knees, thicken as they approach the hips, and bulge a little below the groin. Each one should make the shape of a meiping vase. The ensemble of hips and thighs forms a heart shape.

A parallel thigh shape, shown in red in the next gallery, is unattractive. It's caused either by too little volume or too much muscle. The actress at left has too little volume, and should try to add some by gaining weight and building muscle. The athlete at right, on the other hand, has overbuilt her thighs. The problem isn't thickness, but shape. The bulge of muscle just above her knees widens the bottom of the vase and creates an unpleasant masculine effect. If you're one of the few women who puts on muscle easily, monitor your progress and know when to stop.

Calf muscles aren't important, but if you do build any muscle there, you want it to project backward, not widen them to the sides.

Adding volume to your rear thighs does more harm than good, because it diminishes the appearance of butt projection. The illustration below summarizes where extra muscle is good and bad.

Attractive legs have disproportionate bulk in the butt, and to a lesser extent the upper part of the front thighs. Avoid adding volume to the red areas.

k. Limits of exercise

While the right strength training is beneficial, there are limits to what it can accomplish, and the typically achievable gains are sometimes exaggerated by the fitness community. The most attractive legs derive their shape primarily from fat, not muscle. The purpose of muscle is only to create the illusion of a more attractive fat distribution. You're effectively making an implant out of muscle instead of silicone. Ideally, it should be hidden under a layer of fat.

Models with a large rear and attractively thick thighs may credit them to exercise, but genetics, good weight management, and surgery are the main causes. Many of them haven't done any exercise at all. Don't assume training harder will give you a similar outcome. Exercise can meaningfully improve the average woman's lower-body shape, but in most cases it only has a modest impact, not a massive one. Surgery is a topic I'll discuss in detail later on, so keep reading.

2. Clothing and fashion.

Men don't have X-ray vision, so beautiful women in ill-fitted clothes can pass unnoticed for years, which is a very sad thing. The best men should be able to think past your clothes, but the truth is most are dumb and only notice what's on display. In this section I'm going to go over a series of clothing basics that most women and most fashion experts today either neglect or get wrong. These include fit, color, and particular fashions that increase sex appeal.

Most of the examples in this article are chosen to display attractive bodies, not good clothing choices. 

a. Fit comes first
b. Modesty, immodesty, and class signaling
c. Styles that boost sex appeal
d. Lingerie types
e. Variety matters, trends don't
f. Color choice
g. Lingerie color
h. Never wear nudes
i. Overrated accessories

a. Fit comes first

Because a small waist is such a critical element of feminine beauty, you should always wear clothes that are fitted at the waist, not loose. This is the single most important principle pertaining to clothing, and in past times all women knew to follow it. However, at present most of the population is overweight, so typical clothes on the rack are made to suit an unpleasantly bulbous waist. Even for healthy women with exactly average curves, they often won't fit properly. And the problem is much greater for women with the coveted "monarchiste" body type shown below.

Monarchistes like this one need to take special care in their clothing selection. Their body type is the most difficult to dress in modern clothes, and also suffers the most from poor fit and bad posture, which can conceal their natural advantages and cause them to look dumpy.

Stretch fabrics or elastic bands are an easy shortcut solution, but sometimes a tailor is necessary. Don't skimp. It's well worth the money to have everything altered to match your personal measurements. In fact, wearing clothes off the rack without having them tailored is the most common reason curvaceous women fail to benefit from their gifts.

There are a few exceptions to the rule. Very straight and thin women can do well with flowing clothes, and top-heavy women with a relatively thick middle may look best in an empire waist. Women with any body type can of course wear baggy clothes as a sheer outer layer, provided an underlayer that hugs their figure is clearly visible.

Flared skirts with a fitted waist can help women who have narrow hips create the impression of an hourglass figure.

If you’re socially anxious and wear baggy or poorly fitted clothes to hide your body even though you have a healthy weight, please stop. There are better ways to be modest. Wear snug but high-necked shirts, and long skirts that are tightly fitted at the waist. These look modest but still allow people to notice that you have an attractive figure.

Well-fitted clothes can be modest without looking sloppy.

b. Modesty, immodesty, and class signaling

Of course, all things being equal, it’s best to dress to an average degree of modesty in the area where you live, with modifications based on the occasion. You’ll normally have the most success with good men if your clothing is neither particularly modest nor particularly immodest. That said, all things aren't necessarily equal. The sexier you are, the more careful your clothing choices should be.

A 19th-century state of undress.

It's obvious that sex appeal alone isn't enough to catch a high-quality man. It's also important to display trustworthiness and class. And attracting high-quality men isn't the only goal. You also want to seem reasonably respectable, and avoid attention from low-quality men. Good fashion choices can help you do this, but it's important to approach them in the right way.

Today women often try solve these perennial problems in ways that unnecessarily reduce their overall attractiveness. For instance, by maintaining an excessively low bodyweight, and wearing fashionable but unappealing clothing.

These are a poor solutions, and they're not the ones women chose historically. They may signal class and deter undesirable men seeking quick sex. But in the same blow they reduce your attractiveness to the men you really do want, and reduce the amount of beauty in the world too.

In past times women signaled class with refined manners and elegant clothing that enhanced rather than reduced their feminine beauty. This clothing was designed to emphasize a curvaceous figure without inviting the wrong kind of attention. So while women's default solution today requires a costly tradeoff, their historical solution did not.

Naturally you don't have the power to bring old dresses into style. But that doesn't mean you can't use the historical solution today. By selecting the right clothing instead of dieting away your curves and wearing unpleasant fashions, you can deter undesirable men while looking elegantly pretty and retaining all of your sex appeal when you undress. You don't need to make yourself plain to filter your suitors.

Good and Bad Ways to Signal Class

Recommending fine manners may seem off topic here. Yet if one has a choice between signaling class by looking less attractive, or signaling class by speaking politely, behaving with refinement, and dressing well, it's obvious which is the better option.
A wealthy heiress with a pure character, modest clothing, and large breast implants. Male dreams, courtesy of AI artists.

It's not possible to give instructions for finding the "right" style that are both precise and universally valid, because standards vary too much from place to place. Below I'll offer a few more general suggestions. But in the end you'll have to rely on your own judgment.

Only the elementary body types of top-heavy, bottom-heavy, hourglass, and curveless are a reliable basis for fashion advice.
Ignore Elaborate Type Systems

Systems like “Kibbe” and “color seasons” combine poetic type names (“cool autumn romantic lush yin”) with seemingly authoritative beauty recommendations. This makes them persuasive to women who are unsure about their own fashion sense and just want to look up the answers. But despite their sciencey feel, these systems are dubious at best. The advice they offer isn't just a little off, but sometimes completely wrong. I haven't time to illustrate their errors in detail here, so I can only encourage you to regard all such systematizing with skepticism. Detailed type systems are false trails, and they don't provide useful guidance in any art, including feminine beauty.
Whether this cut will seem trashy or not depends on the social and cultural context.

Some traditional, aristocratic dresses are quite low cut. Decolletage isn't fundamentally trashy. And there's no doubt it increases male attention. I'd roughly estimate a low neckline alone as causing a 30% boost in “very attractive” ratings compared to a high neckline. However, with today's less ornate styles a good starting guideline is to assume that the more cleavage you can show, the less you should show. That means well-endowed women need to take greater care with their necklines. Compensate with a proper fit that displays your silhouette, and avoid resorting to baggy clothes.

Similarly, if your rear is your most attractive trait, a good fit is a necessity. However, a short skirt isn't. Leggings are fairly common today for this very reason, yet they're hardly the only option. Well-fitted pants, pencil skirts, and dresses also work. And they're prettier too.

While women with below-average curves don't benefit as much from figure-hugging clothing, they have other options that are unique to them. The braless look with discernible nipple imprints causes a large increase in sex appeal. Social acceptability varies by location, and for a well-endowed woman today it will almost always come across as too lewd. But the smaller your chest, the more likely you can get away with it. That makes it a secret weapon for flat girls.

Pretty, but too immodest to wear out of the house at this size. It's safe only for A cups and small Bs. This may change in the future.

The braless look is about topography, not transparency, so choose an opaque top. Sheer with nothing under it is quite boring once the shock wears off. If you can make out the areola, the top is too sheer. Layering with a jacket or cardigan will give you a little more control over how much you reveal and when.

You And I Don't Control The Tide

In the author's view the long-term trend toward wearing increasingly revealing clothing in public does more harm than good to society, not only because it's distracting and emphasizes sex at the wrong place and time, but also because it makes the bedroom reveal less exciting. However, as individuals we have hardly any control over the direction of society, and sometimes it's best to exploit whatever competitive advantage we can find.If you don't have cleavage, show nipples,” isn't a rule yet. But assuming trends continue in the same direction, it will be soon.
Visible nipple outlines excite men even when you don't have cleavage. Yes, men will always notice them, regardless of how subtle they are and regardless of what they say. If you're going to try this look I recommend you ease into it by starting with thick tops that make your nipples only very faintly discernible. That way you can retain plausible deniability and a veneer of modesty.

To be clear, these are only suggestions. The appropriate level of modesty always depends on the social context, and I can't know yours. If women around you have skin-tight pants, plunging necklines, or see-through tops, it may be best to compete in kind. Or it may not. Attracting the wrong type of men is always more hindrance than help. Consider your personal goals, and use your intelligence and sensitivity to position yourself effectively.

Wearing provocative clothes in private while dressing conservatively in public is a great way to reduce tradeoffs and have it all. You shouldn't choose your clothes with a binary switch that can only flip between prude and nude. Even in private, showing everything all the time is less exciting than concealing something that demands to be revealed. That's why it's rare for men to present idealized imaginary women without any clothes or ornamentation.

A peacock doesn't keep his tail open all the time.
Ultra-Busty Bikini Problems

Bikinis for huge-breasted women usually look either too matronly or too skimpy. This is partly an issue of availability, and partly a matter of different clothes suiting different body types. The difficulty of finding bikinis and bras is not evidence that your chest is too large. Popular huge-breasted glamour models who look excellent topless nevertheless tend to avoid posing in bikinis, and even bras. When they want to dress down, they substitute tank tops or t-shirts cropped or tied above the navel. Whether or not you can find the perfect bikini, you may shine more in these alternative styles.

c. Styles that boost sex appeal

So far we've covered fit, figure, and class signaling. Next I'm going to go over particular fashions that increase your sex appeal. Some of these are appropriate anywhere, while others are best reserved for private circumstances.

Wrapping bands around the locations shown in green above reliably boosts attractiveness. The effect is substantial. Yet most women drape jewelry around the locations shown in red instead. This can look nice, but the impact is much smaller.

Choker and necklace. This combination seems like overkill, but it isn't uncommon on imaginary women.

For the neck area, chokers are the best option. Chokers aren't just a fashion that should come and go like other fashions. They have a fundamental appeal that's almost architectural in nature. It has nothing to do with looking "collared" like a dog. In fact, dog-collar chokers are the least appealing kind.

Nice, though not quite as powerful as a solid choker.

Chokers come in many styles, and can be classically beautiful. A few of these are best reserved for private circumstances, but many can be worn in public as well.

A simple ribbon tied in a bow at the front is one of the best choker styles, and the easiest starting point too.

Simple, but excellent. I suggest you try this first.

The most common choker seen on imaginary women is a plain black band with no ornament. This basic style is criminally underused in the real world.

Yes, it's really this easy.

A choker can be ornamented with ruffles or lace as well.

When you're not in the mood for a choker, you can use scarves and turtlenecks to encircle the neck area instead. These aren't as effective as chokers, but they do get part of the benefit.

Tops that cover the neck while leaving a window below it work even better in theory, and some traditional Chinese dresses do this well.

A priceless Ming bodysuit.

But at present it's hard to find nice tops in this style, and both turtlenecks and chokers make a good impact more consistently.

A fashion of the future?

AI girls often wear chokers that form matched sets with their tops or their lingerie. Unfortunately these don't exist in reality yet. More evidence that fashion designers aren't trying very hard to make women attractive.

Have you considered wearing a lace choker that matches your lingerie?

In a sample of two hundred AI girls, I counted both more chokers and more tops that substitute for chokers than regular necklaces. That should underscore just how criminally underused they are today.

What Imaginary Women Tell Us About Piercings

Only ear piercings are common in imaginary women. Navel piercings do occur occasionally, but they're rare, and other piercings are seen even less often. Multiple ear piercings are also very rare. Surprisingly, AI girls wear earrings less than half the time. While the earrings they do wear include all sizes and styles, they tend to wear large earrings more often than real women. So earrings are far from mandatory, but you should consider yourself invited to have fun with striking ones if they suit your mood.

Chokers and choker alternatives are styles women ought to wear more often. Nevertheless, I don't mean to exaggerate their importance or imply you need to wear them. Bands in the thigh area, on the other hand, have a bigger impact that all women should exploit.

Garters are just one of the various thigh bracelets envisioned by AI and anime artists. The garter belt as such isn't an important item apart from its practical function.

The standard and best solution to emphasize the thigh area is a pair of thigh-high stockings. Thigh bracelets are an interesting alternative favored by male artists. However, some styles may not stay up easily, and most real thigh bracelets available today suspend chains or other ornaments, which is a distracting mistake.

Stockings, garters, thigh bracelets, and the like should come up to the midpoint of the thigh, as shown in the earlier diagram. Although deviating from this might sometimes be justified by the ensemble, when all else is equal the benefits are reduced if they're lower or higher. Most stockings for sale are too short.

Stockings, choker, pleated plaid miniskirt. You can stack attractive fashions as you like. Not sure about those shoes though.

Ideally these items should also pinch a little so they display your thigh fat. This attractive pinching is apparent in all images of AI girls. For boots, compromise on length and fit may be necessary.

The Japanese have invented a term for the gap between stocking and skirt, and even proposed ideal precision measurements. This degree of mathiness strikes me as overkill. But I'll cite it anyway to remind you not to lazily buy over-knee socks that barely come over your knees. The right length does make a real beauty difference.

Women should wear thigh-highs far more often than they do. And not just in the bedroom. There's no reason they can't be a standard article of clothing.

You shouldn't normally take off chokers and thigh-highs along with your other clothes. Their erotic impact persists even when you're otherwise undressed. Let your lover remove them if he wants to. He may not. Once in a while you can also leave on high boots, or even shoes, for an interesting variety effect.

Juvenile clothing and props appeal to men's taste for youth. Very few men are attracted to prepubescent girls, but the large majority are turned on by these signals regardless. Don't be afraid to take advantage of them from time to time.

The giant-stuffed-animal prop evokes childhood and creates the illusion that the model's body is small. Pigtails contribute too. The overall effect is ridiculous and contradictory, but affects men on a pre-rational level.

Pleated miniskirts increase sex appeal. In this case it's not clear if the effect is due to something fundamental about the style of skirt or just an association with youth, but it works regardless. Plaid gets the “schoolgirl” effect best, though solid colors are fine too. And pleated skirts are a particularly good choice for anyone with weak hips, because they add volume and create the illusion of a better hourglass.

Pleated miniskirts are easily combined with high boots or thigh-high stockings.

Cat- and rabbit-ear headbands have a strong erotic impact on most men. This isn't because they evoke bestiality (animal print clothing isn't very popular with men), but because they add a unique cute factor. It's not hard to see why. Everyone knows cats and bunnies are cute. Just imagine you were aroused, as men are, by women who evoke cuteness. The value of animal ears isn't only in their cuteness though. Much of it is due to a variety effect. I'll explain how this works later.

d. Lingerie types

The bras worn by imaginary women almost always include lace. Sometimes they're entirely made of lace, but often they just incorporate lace accents. When they do omit the lace, they usually have exotic ornamentation instead, like ruffles, gems, or precious metals.

Plain white tennis shoes kept on to contrast with lacy black lingerie for an intriguing variety effect.

It's quite rare for imaginary women to appear in simple, solid bras with no ornamentation or other interesting features. Because erotic imagery shows lace so consistently, we can be confident it makes lingerie look significantly better.

I recommend you always choose bras that include lace. I'll address an exception to this rule a little later. If you're worried about the lace showing through your shirt, choose a bra with subtle lace accents instead of giving up and wearing something boring. Look through the images in this article for ideas.

This is the style of lingerie imaginary women wear the most often.

Going braless might be questionable in public, but it's a fine idea at home whatever your breast size. A private dinner is a great opportunity to try it with formal clothes.

Once again, the most impactful thing here isn't the absence of a bra itself, though of course that does benefit some dresses. It's visible nipple imprints. That said, showing them too consistently will dull the impact on your lover, so I recommend against giving up on bras entirely.

This is pretty and okay for lounging around, but sheerer than you should normally be aiming for. Even at home, it's best to keep your areolas hidden most of the time so something exciting remains to be revealed.

While elaborate lingerie can occasionally look nice, women overestimate its value because it's so heavily marketed. Complicated lingerie concoctions with straps and buckles all over the place are rarely seen on imaginary women, or glamour models, for that matter. And limiting yourself to lingerie when you're trying to look sexy at home is a mistake. There are plenty of other creative ways to show yourself off when you don't need to worry about public decorum. These extra-short skirts are just one example among many.

Sexy Styles Review Checklist

Bras and panties in lace or with lace accents
Braless with visible nipple imprints
Pleated miniskirts
Juvenile prints and props
Animal ears

Because men like variety, periodically changing your style will make it easier to retain or reawaken your mate's attention. That includes both short-term variation between conservative and provocative clothing and occasional long-term shifts in your wardrobe. I'll discuss this in detail in the section on seduction. Note, however, that it has little to do with following current fashion trends.

Contrary to what most beauty magazines, sites, and influencers claim or imply, up-to-the-minute clothing styles aren’t important. The fashion industry makes money by persuading you that you’ll be more beautiful if you buy the newest clothes, but this simply isn’t true.

These clothes are more than fifty years old and still look excellent.

While it would be odd to go out in your grandmother’s dress, it doesn’t really matter whether you wear this year’s fashions or last year’s. So there's no need to waste time chasing fads. Most are just hyped up to increase clothing sales and have little to do with beauty.

Men are typically less enthusiastic about formal dresses and unusual fashions than women are. What matters most to them are the fundamentals. If you have a poor fashion sense or little interest, don't worry. Provided you follow the basic guidelines explained in this section, it's okay to wear "normal" clothes and leave it at that. Fit is more important than fashion.

If it fits, it's probably fine.
Given the extensive criticism in this article, you might assume the author has a bias against fashion. To the contrary. Pretty clothes are aesthetically valuable and I encourage you to participate if you enjoy them. It remains true that few men care as much as you might hope, and high fashion in particular has gone down a harmful path.

f. Color choice

Men's relative indifference to clothing choices that are interesting, rare, or novel is particularly evident in their color preferences. I've tabulated these below.

This chart overstates the value of black and blue due to their specific popularity in lingerie and jeans respectively. So it's more informative to break it down further.

Most Attractive Colors For Tops And Dresses

White, Black, Red, Pink
Most Attractive Colors For Bottoms

Black, Denim Blue
Most Attractive Color For Lingerie


It's tempting to guess after the cause of men's narrow tastes, but for our purposes here we'll just stick to the facts. Men find women more attractive when they're dressed in a standard palette consisting of white, black, red, and pink, as well as denim blue.

Blue is good for jeans, but not great elsewhere.

Also a trendy color for oceans.

Gray and floral patterns are reasonably popular, and plaid is attractive in skirts. But men have less interest in the remaining colors. They find colors in the range of human flesh tones particularly unattractive. The more a color resembles your skin, the worse it is. Also notable is the complete absence of animal prints from my sample of over four hundred AI girls.

You might assume AI artists are just lazy about choosing clothes. But the distribution of colors is very far from random, and can't be an accident. A few men do prefer unusual colors, like the AI artist whose work is shown below. But it's a minority taste, not a common one.

To compare men's tastes to women's typical clothing choices, I counted the colors of over two hundred women in casual dress on a street corner in Gangnam and a boardwalk in Florida. Women in both places tend to wear too much beige, tan, gray, and blue, and not enough red and white. I also observed women passing through an airport terminal in Texas and saw even more egregious color failures there, with both olive green and gray markedly more common than pink, and blue tops worn far too often as well.

The few women who do wear red usually wear the wrong red, not the rich, ruby red men like most.

Not all reds are created equal. Ruby red is the most powerful, and several other rich reds work too. But primary red can be questionable, and orange-tinted reds don't hit the spot. All the reds in this photo are good.

Today other beauty writers promote an elaborate system of color "seasons." Unfortunately their system isn't evidence based, and the advice it produces is often poor. For instance, the seasons system tells women with a "true autumn" complexion to wear browns, oranges, and related neutrals, but these are among the least attractive colors.

If you don't trust evidence derived from AI girls as much as popular theories about "color seasons," just ask yourself whether a man and a woman with the exact same skin tone look equally attractive in hot pink. The answer is obvious, but how to explain it with color seasons and complexion is not.

It's true that complexion, hair color, and eye color can influence which shades flatter you. But the inherent appeal of the most-loved clothing colors is independent from this influence. Ignoring that fact is a mistake.

Our observations point us toward a few simple guidelines with universal value. First and foremost, avoid flesh tones, or colors that are close to flesh tones. That includes beige, peach, tan, taupe, and brown. You should also avoid army greens, which are greens mixed with tan or brown. Olive is the most common example of a bad green. I call this collection of flesh and camo tones the unlucky palette.

Second, prioritize the standard palette of white, black, denim, pink, and red in your wardrobe.

Red is too loud to wear all the time, but you should still consider wearing it more often than you probably do. You don't need to wear a red dress. Accents can help too.

On point. You can wear pink more frequently than red because it's less aggressive.

Third, wear a color from the “variety” palette occasionally. This palette consists of dark blue, green, purple, gold, orange, turquoise, teal, and variations on these colors. Once every week or two is probably good.

The variety palette is less attractive than the standard palette. However, if you use it sparingly, it has the advantage of novelty. For example, if you usually wear black and white, when you show up in violet it will draw interest and seem exciting. Redheads benefit more from unusual colors, and should use them a little more often.

You can stand out by wearing a particular signature color from the variety palette much more frequently than I've recommended. But the distinctiveness this grants you is likely to come at the expense of attractiveness. For most women that's not a great deal.

g. Lingerie color

Fourth, black lingerie is the most popular with men. Pink and white are good too. Pale pinks and mauves are distinctly better than hot pink here. Red is next on the list, but not quite as good as black, pink, and white when it comes to lingerie.

Black and red create a different character impression than pink and white. This applies to clothing in general of course, but the difference is stronger when it comes to lingerie, so you should consider it when you choose colors. Black and red are adult and directly sexual. They're also good colors if you want to emphasize sophisticated elegance.

Whites, pale pinks, and mauves are cute, innocent, and neotenous. And that innocent impression persists even for elaborately lacy lingerie young girls would never wear.

Some women who suffer from a Madonna-whore complex associate lacy lingerie with slutty behavior. This is misguided in the first place, but it's especially wrong for white lace, which makes a pure and innocent impression on men.

Lace is indispensable for white lingerie. Plain white bras with no lace tend to look boring or matronly, so you should avoid them.

Choose white lingerie that includes a meaningful amount of lace, though not necessarily this much.

Panties with a juvenile printed design have a neotenous effect with high sex appeal. This is a powerful trick for women who can pull it off. It works best in white and pink, but baby blue, turquoise, and lavender are also possible.

Ultra-cute tricks like juvenile-print lingerie are a big turn on for many men, but some find them annoying instead. They're worth trying despite the risk because the upside is very good.

These prints are an acceptable alternative to lace, and much more attractive than plain basics. Recall also that as you have smaller curves, it becomes more important to emphasize neoteny. Printed designs aren't forbidden to curvaceous women. But they're especially impactful for girls who are average or rather flat, and not too tall.

h. Never wear nudes

The lingerie-color issue is worthy of special attention because so many are getting it wrong. Most women wear flesh-colored bras most of the time. They're considered “normal,” and no one thinks twice about it. But it's a serious beauty error. In fact, not only do you not need them, you should actually never wear them. Don't believe me? Keep reading.

Lingerie companies try to present flesh colors as sexy in marketing, but they just aren't.

There are several reasons you shouldn't wear nude lingerie. First, it's the least attractive of all lingerie colors. Second, there are other, better colors that don't show through. And third, it's not always necessary to wear colors that don't show through. I'll explain in more detail in the following paragraphs.

Most women today wear ugly lingerie most of their lives for absolutely no reason at all. Make it stop.
Never wear nudes. Never.

Why is flesh-colored lingerie so ugly? Not just because beiges are boring, although, obviously, they are. The bigger problem is that it's too similar to your skin. By consequence, it makes you look like a burn victim. It's very unattractive. So unattractive that in the hundreds of AI girls whose clothing I counted, the incidence of flesh-colored bras was actually zero.

Prior to reading Dispelling Beauty Lies you've gone through life assuming you need to wear flesh-colored lingerie because “it's invisible.” That's wrong in multiple ways. Everyone pretends flesh-colored bras are invisible, but they're just pretending. In reality, there's no such thing as an invisible bra under a well-fitted white t-shirt. Although some colors mostly disappear from the front, the straps are always still apparent in the back. They're sometimes visible on your shoulders as well. And with a tank top or cami, they're extremely obvious.

This casual look doesn't win any fashion points, but it's still considerably more attractive than it would be with an otherwise identical beige bra.

So even when you're wearing a nude bra, people do see it. And the unattractive color makes glimpses of the straps very underwhelming. Flesh-colored straps aren't just bad on a fashion level. They're bad because they promise boredom. Mystery and subtle hints that promise excitement are an important part of feminine appeal. Promising boredom instead is a serious mistake.

Straps can be a fashion statement. This look is very pretty with a white strap and the effect would be decidedly worse with a beige one. A moment ago I mentioned that different lingerie colors create a different character impression. This applies to visible straps as well. White straps project innocence, whereas black straps are more directly erotic, and pink falls in between.

Nevertheless, for some circumstances and some outfits you still want your bra to disappear to the extent possible. The thing is, you don't need flesh colors to achieve this. Pinks, mauves, and even reds are much less visible under a white top than you assume. Usually at least one of these colors will disappear just as well or nearly as well as nudes do. They all look better than flesh colors when you take your top off, and also prettier and less boring when someone glimpses a strap under your shirt. To find which works best with your skin tone, you'll need to test them all.

It's time to start burning bras. Flesh-colored bras, that is.

Since you already own flesh-colored bras, you might think the easiest solution is to just keep wearing them and change into nicer colors when it matters. But let's be honest. In practice convenience will win, and most of the time you won't bother changing. It's best to avoid this problem by ruling out nude lingerie from the start. Unless your skin tone really doesn't work with any of the alternatives, it's not an exaggeration to say that your life will be better if you throw out all your flesh-colored lingerie right now.

Exotic lingerie colors have less seductive power than black, white, pink, and red. However they can be good from time to time, especially if exciting fashions are part of your appeal. Men who have a strong aesthetic sense will appreciate them as a point of interest. Turquoise, purple, and gold seem to be the best of these, though others are possible too.

Women have been worrying too much about whether their bra is invisible and not enough about whether it actually looks good. The second is more important. And unless the circumstances require a high level of modesty, making your bra as invisible as possible is the wrong goal. If pink or mauve do show through your shirt a little, it's not really a problem. In fact, much more evident colors can work in a casual setting.

A black bra is a great way to spice up a loose white shirt. The modesty of the loose shirt cancels out the immodesty of the visible bra, creating a more balanced overall effect. It's a rare case where baggy can actually be good, because you're treating the white top as if it were sheer. Wearing black panties under loose white linen or sheer pants is also good, but it's far more forward, and best reserved for private circumstances.

Fashion guides are wrong to list white under white as a faux pas. It does show through more, but sometimes looks good anyway. A black bra showing through your top is a great look even if it isn't appropriate for every occasion. Women should consider it more often. You can also let jewel tones like purple or turquoise show through occasionally for an interesting effect.

Pretty, though very loud. If you're feeling brave you can give this a try.

While modesty recommends against the braless look unless your top is especially thick or layered, it should be clear from what I wrote earlier that it too is much more attractive than nude lingerie.

Here red lipstick is a tiny but very important touch.

A few more cautionary words about color before we move on. Bikini colors come in a wider palette than everyday clothes, so you might be tempted to wear neon. Neon does grab attention, but it can easily look trashy, and there's no evidence it's especially attractive.

Gray is a color men like well enough, but you should select the shade with care and avoid wearing it too often. Light gray in particular can make you look washed out and dull. Gray is also a poor choice for lingerie, though metallic silver is fine. While you can wear black and white more often than gray, if you wear them exclusively without breaks or contrasting accents in more exciting colors, they eventually become boring too.

Let's sum up. Regardless of your complexion, it's best to focus your wardrobe on the standard palette of conventionally attractive colors. Especially so when you're in the mood to seduce. But neither the best artists nor the best glamour models strictly limit themselves to black, white, pink, and red, and you shouldn't either. Wear variety colors occasionally to create interest. Just make sure to avoid overdoing gray, blue, and the unlucky palette of flesh and camo tones, which is especially bad for lingerie.

i. Overrated accessories

The two items women overrate the most are handbags and shoes. Handbags have nearly zero impact on attractiveness. While you should of course choose your shoes well and own pairs in different styles, variety isn't so important that you need to collect them in large numbers. Obsession with buying shoes and handbags is addiction to consumerism, not beauty.

The matching handbag creates a nice aesthetic effect in this photo, but it's not something men care about in real life. Because handbags are perceived as external to your body, they don't affect your attractiveness to a meaningful degree unless they're so ugly they draw special attention. It should go without saying that the brand name on your handbag is completely irrelevant.

What type of shoes are best? Some men like bare feet, and particularly toes. So if you have nice feet it's sensible to choose footwear that makes them visible. Oddly enough, tall boots can also be attractive, probably because they direct the eye upward. They're especially worth wearing if you have nice legs. Heels are valuable not because the shoes themselves are appealing, but because they improve your posture and gait. This is a topic I'll return to later on.

Hands are more attractive than feet in men, but feet are more attractive than hands in women. Visible toes in particular can have an erotic effect.

Today few women follow any of the clothing recommendations in this section, let alone all of them. Eventually this will change and the recommendations will seem dated, not because they'll stop working, but because they'll be used so universally. Nevertheless, these paragraphs will still be valuable to keep fashion grounded in the reality of attractiveness. If the main points I've listed appear to go “out” of fashion, the new trends are likely missing the mark.

Yes, thigh-highs will still work in the future too.

3. Cosmetics and cosmetic surgery.

a. Breast augmentation works
b. Men are ignorant and dishonest about cosmetic surgery
c. Examples of ideal breasts
d. How implant size affects realism
e. 500-800cc implants have the best overall effect
f. Why small implants are a bad idea
g. Personalizing your implant selection
h. The surgeon matters
i. Other considerations
j. Avoid breast reductions
k. Butt surgeries
l. Ideal butt examples
m. Fat transfer
n. Lip fillers
o. Nose jobs
p. Dealing with facial complexity
q. Jealousy speaking
r. Extreme makeovers and experimental techniques
s. Well-chosen surgeries lastingly improve body image
t. The most common makeup errors
u. Cheeks
v. Nails

Unnaturally attractive.

a. Breast augmentation works

Cosmetic surgery is more common than you might assume. Once again, everyone lies. Women who’ve had work done normally deny it. Men are ignorant on the topic. They criticize artificiality, then ogle surgically-enhanced models. Men claim to care about “naturalness,” but in practice they’d rather see good results. Watch what people do, not what they say.

Most men prefer a breast size that’s rarely found in nature. In fact, it’s almost impossible to resemble some of the beauty examples in this article through natural means. One in twenty-five women now have implants, a number that’s increased steadily over time, and they’re especially common among glamour models who appeal to men. Today it's likely that the majority of slim women with large breasts have had surgical help.

Men are clueless about what's really natural. This model is surgically enhanced and wearing heavy makeup, but still creates a "natural" impression.

Why are so many people convinced that cosmetic surgery doesn't work? The worst results are obvious, while the best don't appear surgical at all. Because they stand out the most, people mistakenly assume the worst results are typical. I call this the "gaudy graveyard" fallacy.

Getting stacked is a lot easier than getting jacked. The effort men spend continually doing painful exercises to build and maintain their muscles is far greater than the effort required to have your breasts done. And when you consider years of gym-membership fees, a boob job is cheaper too.

I won’t advise you for or against surgery. Weighing the risks is a personal matter. You should ask your surgeon to thoroughly explain the chance of complications so you can make an informed decision. If you want to study the risks yourself, read proper scientific papers in PubMed rather than misleading anecdotes on gossip sites or Youtube. Your health and happiness should come first, and it's up to you to decide how much effort this type of beautification is worth. But the truth is, it usually works.

Men aren't looking at her earlobes and don't wish she had muscles. Really.

Just how well does it work? The academic psychology study below might lead you to believe that breast augmentation is less effective at increasing your attractiveness than waxing, tooth whitening, ear piercing, nail painting, and even building your muscles. This is comically wrong. Simple ignorance is largely to blame for the confusion, but denialism plays a role as well. Our society's bizarre refusal to admit that breast size matters is accompanied by a matching refusal to admit just how much implants boost attractiveness.

While you'll rarely hear anyone say so in public, a good boob job is the single most powerful way for a slim woman to increase her sex appeal. The effect is so strong that we can be confident breast augmentation will eventually become the norm rather than the secret advantage for a small fraction of women it is today. The reason is simple. Men want big boobs, and a breast augmentation buys them. Painted nails aren't remotely comparable in importance, and weight loss becomes counterproductive when taken too far.

UBI stands for Universal Basic Implants. In fact, the U.S. government could have bought every woman in the country an augmentation for less money than it spent to lose the Afghanistan War. If those aren't mixed-up priorities, what are?
Don't Take The Biggest Step First

Large breast implants increase a slim woman's attractiveness more than any other change. But that doesn't mean they're a good starting point for beautification. Because men evaluate your curves in relation to your waist rather than in isolation, you shouldn't arrange an augmentation before you've optimized your weight. More generally, I advise you not to consider cosmetic surgery of any kind until you've first made the most of your natural beauty.

Well-executed breast augmentations are difficult to distinguish from the real thing. Many of the top search results for “best breasts” are augmented, and some have an openly artificial appearance. For comparison, these vintage centerfolds are excellent reference examples of the best natural breasts.

Breast augmentation example from a surgeon's website.

b. Men are ignorant and dishonest about cosmetic surgery

Men instinctively lie about beauty in general, and about cosmetic surgery in particular. They'll literally promise you they hate implants and get off to videos of women with implants on the very same day. So to show how they really feel I had to resort to deception. I reversed the before and after photos of a breast augmentation and told them it was a reduction. Then I asked which they preferred.

Men chose the augmented breasts over the natural ones by a shocking ratio of more than thirty to one. Many described the big fakes as "perfect" and made demeaning comments about the flat photo. It's true that you can't trust polls to be accurate. But this result is stark and thought-provoking. It also fits our earlier finding that only 2-3% of men prefer a flat chest, which is coincidentally the same fraction of men that prefer prepubescent girls.

I'm not sure if this set is fake, and neither are you.

c. Examples of ideal breasts

Before we address augmentation in more detail, let's go over some examples of ideal breasts to ensure we have the right target in mind.

For a guide to shape, refer to this image. The top row shows photos selected by men as examples of perfect shape. Note that some (or all) of these are augmented. The bottom row shows the shape of breasts on sex dolls. The third sex doll has a combination of size and shape that's impossible in reality.

This survey compares the popularity of various shapes and sizes. An experienced surgeon has estimated the winner at the upper left to be approximately 1000ccs. The fraction of men who didn't find it attractive was almost insignificant.

The breast shapes of topless AI girls don't provide any new information, but you can see typical examples here and here.

You'll notice the breasts men ranked highest in these polls are a little larger than the median size found in sex dolls and AI girls. This is probably due to the indifference effect. Men who seek out larger breasts strongly prefer them them, whereas men who don't seek them out often just care less about size, so they're happy either way. Because of this, sizes that modestly overshoot the median taste win the most enthusiastic approval.

Seductive spirits from a Buddhist sculpture, circa 200AD.

As you can see from these examples, men prefer a little sag. A high and spherical look isn't a sign of perfection, it's the hallmark of a poor boob job. Upward-pointing nipples are thought to be advantageous, and can be found on some, but not all, of men's favorite breasts.

There's no evidence herbs, supplements, or pills can meaningfully increase breast size.
How Much Sagging Is Too Much?

If your breasts don’t match the most desired shape, don’t panic. To determine whether they're sagging too much, consult this compilation of images submitted by men as examples of their favorite shape. While the majority are perky, a few, like the image at the upper right, show considerable sag. A surgical lift isn’t worth the trouble until your breasts fall outside this range.

Men's tolerance for sagging increases with size, meaning it's more acceptable on larger breasts than smaller ones. When small breasts sag, the result is always poor.
You can achieve especially striking results by further augmenting breasts that are naturally large. This trick is sometimes used by glamour models.

d. How implant size affects realism

Just because the ideal breasts are a certain size and shape doesn't mean surgeons can achieve that size and shape. Let's look at some real augmentation outcomes and see what's possible.

A good surgeon can easily achieve this size.

The effect of each implant size depends on your starting point as well as your overall body shape, but here you can see common surgical outcomes compared to examples from this article. Contrary to what most people assume, small implants aren’t more convincing than large ones. However, extreme, oversized implants have a distorted shape and should be avoided.

Implants can't reach the size of this clothing-store mannequin without sacrificing shape. 

Since rarity increases with size, it would be advantageous to exceed the median preference to meet the unsatisfied demand. But the rule that "bigger is better" only holds as long as you can maintain a good shape. 800cc is around the upper limit for reliably beautiful breast implants at present, and even for professional glamour models it's hardly ever worth it to push that limit.

A good surgeon can augment the average woman to this size without introducing distortions.

In some parts of the world obvious plastic surgery has become a status symbol. But whenever status signaling interferes with feminine beauty, the result is less feminine beauty. It doesn't matter if it's excessively low bodyfat or flagrantly fake implants.

Become too good to be true.

This article promotes a naturalistic or too-good-to-be-true look, not an overdone look. Cosmetic surgery shouldn't announce itself as such. While a few men do fetishize the appearance of excessive surgery and blatantly fake breasts, a much larger number find it distasteful. The difference lies not in the size itself, as women tend to assume, but in the quality of the shape.

Nothing's more fake than the pixels your boyfriend's watching on his phone screen right now.
How Fake Is Too Fake?

The augmentation above is too spherical and too clearly outlined to look perfect. However, it's not flagrantly fake either. In such borderline cases men's taste for size overwhelms their concerns about subtle flaws. 79% rated the photo "very attractive," and only the familiar 3% rated it "not attractive" (n=1,691). That's an extremely high score. In contrast, just 49% rated the pre-op photo in the gallery below "very attractive" (n=1,016). So while you should aim for perfect shape, quantity does have a quality of its own. An augmentation doesn't need to be perfect to be effective.

This video shows a model with large implants (probably 800ccs) that are well done and have good shape, yet are clearly fake due to her low bodyfat level. However, her current look is very attractive to the majority of men despite its unnaturalness, and some will even prefer it. It does seem unrealistic, but not to a bothersome degree. If she were any leaner than this, the effect would indeed be poor. She could achieve a more natural look by gaining a little weight. A reasonable bodyfat level helps implants blend with your overall physique and reduces the impression of fakeness. This video shows the range of bodyfat levels I recommend for augmented women.

e. 500-800cc implants have the best overall effect

If your goal is to be as attractive as possible without undue risk, I recommend you request the largest size that can be achieved safely in a single surgery. For the average woman this is around 600cc, but it varies from 500cc to 800cc depending on the width of your chest. It's a size that looks impressive without sacrificing shape. Most surgeons today will still begin by proposing 350ccs, so you'll need to speak up and request the larger size yourself.

The expected augmentation outcome when a woman of average natural measurements follows the guidelines provided in this article.

f. Why small implants are a bad idea

You might be tempted to select smaller implants because you're afraid of excessive attention from men or retaliation from jealous friends. When choosing a size you should consider your personal comfort level, just as you do when choosing clothes. But keep in mind that 300cc implants entail nearly the same costs and risks as 600cc implants, while providing only half the benefits.

When the surgeon does his job correctly, almost all women will benefit from a 500-800cc breast augmentation.

This difference isn't just about raw size. Large implants will give you access to the full range of attractive motions, while small implants will not. The significance of this will become clear in a later section.

Other articles about breast augmentation ignore the reality that male preferences extend far above the popular implant size of 350cc. Before Dispelling Beauty Lies, knowledgeable women would discuss larger sizes amongst themselves, while popular online resources went on pretending they were weird, or didn't even exist at all. It's time to stop dissimulating and be open about what so many women already know.
Respectable publications have ignored reality and gone on pretending large augmentations aren't reasonable for far too long.

As far as beauty is concerned, augmentations below 500cc are a missed opportunity. Conservative tops will allow you to tone your chest down as needed, but an underwhelming boob job will always be underwhelming when it matters most.

"I started attracting a much wealthier and higher caliber of clientele once I got my boobs done."

Narrow hips and a flat butt aren't a good reason to limit yourself to small implants, because the effects of breasts, hips, and butts are mainly independent and additive. In other words, 1+1 > 1+0 > 0+0. "Balance" might sound respectable in conversation, but it has little effect on your attractiveness in itself. So don't downsize your implant goals because you're worried about balance.

g. Personalizing your implant selection

You shouldn't rely on cup letters when selecting your size. Cup letters can be misleading, and the bra sizes cited by surgeons are often smaller than those buxom women report to fit comfortably.

Breast augmentation takes less time than a male model spends bodybuilding on a single day. In the game of life, it's the closest thing to a cheat code there is.

It's also important not to fixate on numbers in isolation. 800cc implants usually create a slightly but noticeably unnatural shape on a woman with an average frame, because they're a little more than she can comfortably fit. But on a tall woman with a wide chest, they may not even look big at all. For instance, the model on the left below actually has larger implants than the model on the right.

Beware Advice From Frenemies

As soon as women realize how much size matters they become competitive about it. A sadly common story is for a friend to talk you down a size and then get herself a larger augmentation later. Your friends might wish you well most of the time, but they still don't want you to be hotter than them. So be careful whom you trust for advice about your augmentation.

Rice sizers help to visualize how larger breasts will look on your body. You can find instructions for making them online. Just keep adding rice until you resemble different images in this article, and see how you feel. However, rice sizers are less useful for their nominal purpose of sizing. Because they sit differently than implants, they can misrepresent sizes by 150ccs. Usually they look bigger than implants, but this isn't a hard rule. So don't choose your final implant size on the basis of a rice-sizer's measured volume.

Another post-op photo from a surgeon's website. Stay away from neon bikinis though.

The next two examples illustrate the full range of well-shaped breast-augmentation results. The model at left has small implants, probably around 300cc. The model at right is a good representation of the maximum effect, which most women shouldn't expect to match.

h. The surgeon matters

Breast augmentations have gotten better and more consistent over time, but even today there's a chance of botched or mediocre work. Not all surgeons are good at what they do, so it's important to research thoroughly before you commit. Needless to say, there's a massive difference between a good boob job and a botched one.

I never provide recommendations for particular surgeons, whether in this article or in private consultation. Finding a good one is entirely your responsibility.

First study all the linked images in this section so you know what ideal breasts should look like. The videos in the later section on motion are also good reference points. Then ask for clear photos of each surgeon's previous patients and compare their results to the examples I've provided. Bad augmentations tend to look unnaturally spherical, with the outlines of the implant too apparent. Avoid surgeons whose results have these flaws. Talk to patients about their experience if you can. Don't choose a surgeon at random and hope for luck, or you might be sorely disappointed.

Before the development of breast augmentation this was a one-in-a-million figure. Today you can buy it.

i. Other considerations

A common question is whether you can augment your breasts with fat transfer instead of implants. Fat transfer can only move small amounts of tissue at once, which means it would require many surgeries over a long period of time to achieve a significant increase in volume. So fat transfer isn't a practical alternative to implants. It can, however, be used in addition to implants for a small boost that may increase naturalness.

While it's hard to be sure, this look is probably a product of natural tissue, implants, and fat transfer.

It's a good idea to reevaluate your wardrobe after your augmentation. When you have large breasts, it's important to wear properly fitted tops, not shapeless ones. You may also want to consider higher necklines.

A nice style for a buxom woman.

j. Avoid breast reductions

To be clear, the sizes I've recommended above only apply to implant selection. Implants lose their shape above 800ccs, but natural breasts do not. So if you're naturally bigger, that isn't a weakness in need of surgical correction.

In the gallery below you'll find photos of a breast reduction. Even starting from an exceptional size well above the median preference, men did not consider it an improvement.

While several confounding factors may have biased this poll, none are as important as the supply-demand advantage that greatly favors her pre-op appearance. It was so rare that a 1% share of men's vote would already have been enough to make it valuable, let alone 58%. All things considered, we can be confident that reducing her breasts also reduced her attractiveness by a considerable margin.

It doesn't make sense to consider a reduction in a world where men are seeking out images like this, this, this, and even this. It's actually impossible to be too big.
Breast Reduction: Don't Do It

Don't let ideology and lies from the media drive you to make poor personal choices. A breast reduction is a terrible idea unless you're suffering real health problems that can't be corrected in any other way. Ignore what jealous women might tell you, and remember that there's no aesthetic upper limit to natural breast size. If you know someone who's contemplating a reduction, send her here.
When it comes to praising buxom girls, men are either awkward or reticent, because they're afraid of being attacked. Don't take it to heart. This model has millions of fans, and a reduction would be criminal.

k. Butt surgeries

Because large breasts are more popular than large rears in most of the world, butt augmentation will provide a lower return on investment than breast augmentation for the majority of readers. And as shape is more important than size, women with small rears can often make meaningful improvements with glutes training alone. So if you're not a professional model, financially well-off, or seeking to please men who prioritize butts, the benefits of a butt augmentation might not justify the expense.

A big butt is a valuable trait, but not necessarily worth obtaining surgically.
Boobs Versus Butts: Intergroup Differences

The relative importance men assign to breasts and butts varies more from group to group than any other major element of beauty. Butts are more important in South America, the Middle East, and especially Africa, while breasts are more important in Europe and Asia. For instance, in a large database of East-Asian erotic drawings, images tagged "breasts" occur six times as often as images tagged "butts." North America is heterogeneous and falls between these groups, yet a major American sex-doll retailer still carries about twice as many dolls with big breasts as big butts, implying breast size is more valuable there overall.

These group differences are so well known that they've taken on an exaggerated and unjustified importance in the popular mind. It's a mistake to assume butts are only appreciated in certain places, or that the taste for them elsewhere is a product of media pressure. That's not the case. For instance, here are two AI girls from Japan. Furthermore, different priorities aren't the same as different ideals. Men who mainly care about breasts still find shapely rears attractive, and prefer large ones often enough. The supposed indifference of “boob men” and “butt men” to the other trait is sometimes a flattering lie they tell lovers with lopsided endowments.
Butt-size preferences vary widely and are difficult to measure. This is a rough approximation of the size that's most popular and least likely to turn anyone off. Here's another excellent example that's a little larger and has a more natural-looking figure.

l. Ideal butt examples

If you do decide to get a butt lift, the gallery of AI girls in different sizes shown below is a useful reference for shape. The lower row exhibits the same salient traits men selected when I asked them to identify the best large butt shape in glamour models.

While men prefer breasts with some natural sag over spherical breasts, unusually round and prominent buttocks with minimal sag have high erotic value at all sizes. You can see an especially clear illustration of this below.

The most-prized buttocks are large and have the curve of an egg laid on its side, with a pronounced backward projection. Imaginary women sometimes display these characteristics to an extravagant degree, and glamour models use cosmetic surgery to cultivate a similar look.

Butt surgery can be effective, but you should research the risks thoroughly before you decide to proceed.

I cite these last examples to illustrate the range of male tastes without advising you to imitate them. Butt surgery is more dangerous than other types of plastic surgery. Although the results are usually good, you should take care to inform yourself about the risks before you proceed.

Posture can help to create the appearance of an attractive butt. I'll explain in more detail later on.

m. Fat transfer

Fat transfer can move fat from your waist to your hips, butt, and thighs. It's particularly effective for improving your waist-hip ratio, because it shrinks your waist and expands your hips at the same time. This technique is now widely used by glamour models. But because it's relatively new, it's hard to be sure about the long-term impact. Above all you shouldn't use it as a permanent substitute for healthy weight management. That kind of overreliance seems to be the cause of some unfortunate outcomes, rather than any issue with the procedure itself.

Glamour models use repeated fat transfer to achieve thick thighs and a small waist at the same time. However, it's possible to take this too far. Revealing your ab muscles, as in this photo, looks rather unnatural, and only appeals to a small number of men. It's best to leave some fat in the abdominal area.

Hip augmentation with implants can also meaningfully improve your hourglass. But it's not one of the first surgeries I'd recommend, and it's usually not worth the cost to women with a modest budget.

Above the hourglass lies the double-heart figure.

n. Lip fillers

Excessive lip fillers are sometimes intentionally used by glamour models because they pop well on phone screens. The same can be said for false eyelashes, which often look good in photos when they're implausibly large. In real life these excesses rarely work.

These lips are fine, but more would be too much. The eyelashes are good in a photo, but would be overkill in real life.

That said, both lip fillers and false eyelashes are now unfairly maligned because a few women have overdone them so egregiously. In moderation, they look good on the right person. You can see an example of lips that are very plump but not excessive here.

o. Nose jobs

Nose jobs have a big effect on a few women who have really bad natural noses, whereas breast augmentation has a big effect on basically everyone.

Not everyone should get a nose job, but in some cases it makes an enormous difference. The actress shown a moment ago had a nose job as well as a breast augmentation. Fixating on your nose can make it seem larger than it is, so don't obsess and have it reduced excessively.

Is There A Best Nose?

Nose shape is the element of facial beauty with the largest effect size. I asked men which of the three noses above they preferred. Then a few months later I asked them the same question about the photoshopped images below. A small nose upturned around thirty degrees was the clear winner in both cases.

This casts some doubt on the heartwarming theory that noses are very specific to faces. Nevertheless, if you have a large or even bent nose whose other characteristics are attractive, I don't advise you to change it. Due to the diversity of male tastes, it's not necessary for all women to have the same nose.

Poor selfie technique can create the illusion that you need a nose job when you don't. It distorts other features as well. It's important to stand back from the camera. And further back than you might think. Ten feet is a good distance. If you stand closer than that, or hold your phone out at arm's length, your selfies won't give you an accurate representation of your face. This makes a huge difference for angular faces with significant depth variation, like the one shown below. The model's nose looks too big and too long in the near photo, but in reality it's perfectly fine.

p. Dealing with facial complexity

As we discussed earlier, the best faces aren't just distinguished by a few obvious traits like noses, but by a large number of small, interacting advantages that collectively add up to a more attractive whole. The sheer number of relevant dimensions is overwhelming. And the kind of rough estimates that work perfectly well for breast augmentation simply can't deal with this level of complexity and subtlety.

Do you trust her?

One approach is to rely on an experienced cosmetic surgeon's professional opinion. Unfortunately it's not always easy to know which surgeon you can trust to tweak the finer details of your face. Some surgeons are talented artists, and some are not. Variation in salesmanship may make it difficult to distinguish one from the other in advance. Today, however, women who wish to optimize their faces can also begin by consulting AI.

I discuss the social and aesthetic impact of AI in my essay “Ultrahumanism.”

Although novel at the time of writing, the method I propose is simple. Use a beautifying face filter to visually transform your face into a more attractive version of itself. Then do what's necessary to make your face look like that better version of you. A face filter may provide useful ideas for cosmetic contouring or fillers that require minimal risk and expense, and useful ideas for surgical intervention as well.

Some changes you see in the filter may be impossible to achieve in reality, but others will be doable or even easy. Ask your surgeon to create a representation of the expected end result to make sure you're satisfied before you move ahead. Don't take any risks you're not comfortable with, and when in doubt, be satisfied with stopping at the most certain improvements.

AI-generated faces are less unique and compelling than the best human faces, but still far more attractive than average faces.

It's important to highlight potential issues. Beautification filters aren't perfected at the time of writing, so this recommendation is a little premature. Don't assume they provide correct information about every face. The face below was generated by an AI with the prompt "pretty woman," but it's not a good face. You should never blindly trust AI. Always use your own judgment, taking the examples in this article as a reference point.

This AI-generated image of a "pretty woman" replicates many common human misconceptions about feminine beauty, including excessive lips, hollow cheeks, and a masculine jawline. It's clearly been trained on images of fashion models in advertisements.

While quality and accuracy should improve over time, all existing filters have a more fundamental flaw. They’re not designed to account for supply and demand.

Current AI filters are unlikely to guide you toward a uniquely attractive face like this one, which includes small but interesting "flaws."

By consequence, filters promote generic faces that are pleasing to the majority rather than unique faces that are especially exciting to a minority. This won’t change until professionals design better software. To do that right is harder than it sounds, as it first requires a very large and sophisticated study that maps the diverse preferences of many men and compares them to the supply of faces in the female population. Such a study won't be done anytime soon, so don't hold your breath. In the meantime, you'll have to decide for yourself whether the face filter is guiding you in a direction that will make a positive impact on your life.

q. Jealousy speaking

This article may be dedicated to refuting beauty lies. However, there's still a social stigma surrounding cosmetic procedures in some parts of the world. So if you live in one of these regions and opt for surgery, it might be prudent to lie about it. You can shift the blame for this little crime to the author. I don't mind.

Fake or real? Are you sure you can tell?

Today some petty women will announce that anyone with nice curves "looks plastic," even when the claim is false, and even when no surgery was involved (here are three "obvious and very fake-looking BBLs"). In other words, they group natural curves and well-done surgery together with an ugly, overdone look to be demeaning.

In the majority of cases this is just jealousy speaking. They can't measure up, so they try to pull their competition down. Instead of taking it to heart, remind yourself that they're insulting you because they feel sexually inferior and have low moral standards. It's an ugly thing to say, but it's true, and their behavior doesn't merit minced words.

Yes, there are women who have this shape without surgery, and no, it doesn't look "plastic." Sometimes it's better to mock the transparently selfish motivations behind mean girls' insults than to turn the other cheek.

r. Extreme makeovers and experimental techniques

In the future improved medical techniques will surely replace the current ones. For instance, breast implants should eventually be replaced by noninvasive hormonal or gene therapy derived from studies of macromastia. However, where your body is concerned, innovations need to be treated with caution. Their long-term effects may be unknown. If you choose to use new or recently developed cosmetic technologies, please do your research first.

The guidelines provided in this section are intended for average women with a middle-class budget. I've highlighted the procedures that provide the biggest boost to attractiveness with the least effort and risk. But today’s professional glamour models take advantage of a wider array of procedures that are impractical for the average woman. Typically they won’t admit this in public. You shouldn’t assume you can afford to duplicate their results. And trying to do too much increases the risk something will go wrong. When in doubt, it's wise to use moderation.

s. Well-chosen surgeries lastingly improve body image

Some women are strangely offended by the assertion that plastic surgery works. They shouldn't be. It means you have the power to change your body if and when you want to. Whatever you decide, the option is liberating.

You might be surprised, but studies actually show that cosmetic surgery provides lasting increases to happiness. The biggest gains come from breast surgery.

Although women mistakenly assume nose jobs will work better, after their surgery they report much higher long-term satisfaction with boob jobs.

However, studies can be wrong, so if you’re considering a procedure, talk first to trustworthy women who have gone through with it. Ask them if they’re glad they did, and ask your doctor to explain the risks. Men tend to give dishonest or uninformed answers, so in most cases you’re better off not listening to them.

To Advanced Students Of Beauty

While this article was written for smart "normal" women, I realize it's now also being read by dedicated looksmaxxers and aspiring glamour models who are aiming to reach a very high bar and willing to do whatever it takes to get there. Unfortunately I don't have time to address every specialty procedure that might be of interest. I do recommend you study the photos of top glamour models included throughout. And not only with cosmetic surgery in mind. Notice how the high quality of the photography and fashions complement the models' beauty and offer additional elements of interest. Try to bring beauty to everything you do, and inspire the people you meet to see more of it in the world.

t. The most common makeup errors

Men’s ignorance about makeup is similar to their ignorance about surgery. Don’t be misled. Those who claim to prefer women without makeup actually prefer “natural-looking” makeup, but don’t realize it. The reality is that all women look better in makeup. Men's beauty advice is sometimes hard to distinguish from sabotage.

Fortunately you can get most of the benefits with a simple and efficient routine that doesn’t require hours every day. Makeup techniques are best learned from instructional videos, so I won't go into detail here. With experience and effort, most women do their makeup reasonably well. Below I'll just highlight a few common errors.

Even sex dolls with artificially flawless skin are designed to look like they're wearing makeup. Note that the color of the dress matches and brings out the color of the eyes. Red lipstick makes a huge difference for some faces.

Heavy Instagram-style makeup is meant to be effective when viewed on a small phone screen. To avoid looking clownish, make sure to tone it down for real life. The example below is wearing a little too much eyeshadow.

"The kohl under her eyes had mingled with sweat and tears and collected in the hollows of her face: her unnatural Occidental pallor seemed sickly and ghoulish in the flickering lamplight, like an omen of disaster."

Just because a style is trending doesn't mean it's smart. To avoid fashionable makeup mistakes, study AI-girl faces.


AI girls have thick eyebrows and plump cheeks. The most common makeup error is to create the opposite.

It's surprisingly common for women to do their eyebrows wrong. It's not necessary for everyone to cultivate an arch or a sharp point, and trying to force your eyebrows into a shape that doesn't suit your face leads to poor results. The important thing is to make sure they look dense and well defined. Don't make them into a thin line on purpose. The eyebrows shown at the left below are almost never seen in AI-girl faces.

u. Cheeks

A beauty mistake often seen in fashion advertising is using cosmetic contouring and even buccal fat removal to create or enhance the appearance of hollow cheeks. Don't do it. Like much of high fashion, this has a masculinizing effect. The large majority of men prefer full cheeks.

All of the top celebrity faces men selected as their favorites have full cheeks. Those who suffer from an eating disorder and believe they need to lose “face fat” should pay particular attention to this very clear evidence. In reasonably slim women “face fat” is a positive, not a negative.

You can confirm this by reexamining the images in the faces section. And women with full cheeks aren't just more beautiful when young. They also tend to age better and look younger longer. In fact, a procedure to increase cheek fullness should make some older faces seem more youthful. The fact that women today are doing the reverse instead is yet another sad reminder of just how disconnected fashions are from genuine beauty.

v. Nails

Nails aren't very important, and certainly much less important than women believe. Popular images of imaginary women hardly ever feature nails prominently, and long nails are especially rare. Painted nails do occur often enough, but natural nails and pastels are more common than intense colors. There aren't necessarily any rules where nails are concerned. But the safest default is to choose medium to short nails in a subtle color or clear polish. The evidence doesn't support the widespread view that long nails are the most attractive, nor even that painting is a must.

No claws, please. Men aren't as keen on long nails as you've been told.
The Moral Case for Cosmetics

Some people criticize cosmetics and cosmetic surgery on moral grounds. But they have it backwards. Maximizing your attractiveness is now a moral imperative, regardless of the means employed. That's not just because beauty is good in itself. Anything that helps make real human relationships more appealing than imaginary but increasingly addictive substitutes like pornography and AI-augmented egirls is a win for humanity. So if someone attacks your decision to improve your appearance, tell her hotter girls make the world a better place. It's true.

I refute arguments against cosmetic surgery in more detail here.
Evidence of good moral character.

4. Hair, skin, and eyes.

a. Hair
b. Body hair
c. Tanning
d. Eye color

a. Hair

The chart below shows the distribution of different hair colors at a major sex doll retailer.

Blonde and red hair are both overrepresented compared to their frequency in the general population, and blondes who would naturally have black hair are especially overrepresented among imaginary women of all kinds. So if you intend to dye your hair, you should consider these colors first.

This section isn't intended to be a complete guide to haircare and hairstyles. Flat hair that lacks volume is unattractive, and the right hairstyle can markedly improve the presentation of some faces.

Strange colors like purple, blue, and green are common in artistic representations of women, and sometimes shown in this article for that reason. Pink is the most popular of these, and in AI girls it occurs more often than red hair.

Men like pink hair in artistic imagery.

Outside an artistic context, however, men today report a strong preference for naturally occurring colors. This may be merely a matter of fashion that could change in the future. Nevertheless, for the time being I recommend you avoid risking unusual shades.

While blonde and red hair do tend to have an advantage in general terms, the best hair color for you will ultimately depend on your face and complexion. The famous faces most frequently submitted to my faces survey are actually framed by dark hair.

Is it time to dye your hair?

Hair length is far more important to men than hair color. Not a single beauty example above has short hair! This isn’t an accident. Almost all men dislike short hair. It was nearly absent from their submissions to my favorite faces study.

The shortest hairstyle available at a sex doll retailer that sells over a hundred detachable heads.

Below you can see the thirty standard hairstyle options one sex doll manufacturer offers with their full-body dolls. Styles descending below the breasts occur the most frequently. Most women can increase their attractiveness by wearing their hair longer. You may even want to consider growing it out to waist length.

Of course, there's some individual variability. A bob can look good on the right person. But it’s a mistake to cut your hair shorter. There are hardly any exceptions to this rule. If you've been considering a short hairstyle, please stop.

The hairstyles of imaginary women are highly variable, with only a few consistent features. The most important of these is good volume. Flat, thin hair is unattractive. Waves are popular, and straight hair is fine too. But curls are quite rare, so perming your hair to be too curly is a bad idea.

Pigtails boost sex appeal to around half of men, probably because they're associated with youth. You don't need to wear them all the time, but they're worth it once in a while.

While the impact is reduced somewhat, men still register your hair as “long” when you tie it into a bun. If convenience is an issue, this is a much better solution than cutting it short.

b. Body hair

Today at least some removal of body hair is widely considered a basic, unquestionable necessity for feminine beauty. Imaginary women support this view. They never have hairy legs, and very rarely have underarm hair. Shaving recreates a smooth, prepubescent appearance men seem to find attractive.

A rare pose, and frankly not very elegant. Images of imaginary women normally emphasize breasts, butts, thighs, and even feet, but not genitals. Female genitals aren't really comparable to male ones, and have less visual relevance than women assume. You shouldn't worry about their appearance, let alone consider surgical alterations.

Readers have asked me to research pubic hair in detail. It's counterintuitive, but the genital area is not an important element of feminine beauty. Only a few percent of AI-girl images show it clearly. Going through several thousand to find those few percent and categorize the pubic hair of a statistically significant number isn't my idea of a good time.

Camel toe appears reasonably often in images of AI girls, but unclothed genitals are rare except in representations of sex.

Nevertheless, my rough impression is that a hairless genital area is the most common, and untrimmed pubic hair is almost nonexistent. So your safest bet is to shave it entirely. Trimming it to be unobtrusive is a more convenient alternative. I especially recommend you avoid stubble, the “bacon strip” pattern, and any other shaving pattern that draws attention to itself.

Both underarm hair and thick pubic hair were considered unobjectionable in living memory, even for centerfold photo shoots. This suggests today's trend toward universal hairlessness is partly a matter of fashion. If you're tired of shaving, you may want to show your lover some images of attractive women with underarm hair, like those in the next gallery, and ask his opinion.

The case for removing underarm and pubic hair is not as absolute as some believe. Not only has there been considerable historical and regional variation in shaving expectations, but there's also clear evidence that some men still prefer unshaven underarms. Consider, for instance, the AI artist whose work is shown below. You should always avoid stubble and hairy legs, which aren't attractive to anyone. And removing underarm and pubic hair is the advisable default. But leaving it unshaven isn't out of the question, especially in places where that's customary.

c. Tanning

Classic paintings almost never depict beautiful women with a tan. Women once wore broad-brimmed hats and carried parasols to avoid them. Reader selections for best breast and butt shape are either untanned or lightly tanned, and AI girls and popular anime girls normally have no tan at all.

Below you'll find a composite image of skin patches from over a hundred randomly selected AI girls that were posted to the #aigirl hashtag on social media. All patches were clipped from the center of the chest, the typical focal point of AI-girl images, which provides the clearest and most consistent representation of coloration. The many patches with a grayish tint are dimly lit, not tanned.

You can see at a glance that untanned skin is far more common than tanned skin. In fact, fewer than ten percent of the images are distinctly tanned. Furthermore, around half are notably paler and brighter than human women in normal everyday lighting, suggesting that unnaturally luminous skin is particularly beautiful.

The generic sex-doll torsos discussed earlier also have untanned or lightly tanned skin. However, tanned and untanned skin occur with more equal frequency among the broader range of sex dolls, and uncensored search results display a range of skin tones nearly as diverse as those shown in this article.

This AI artist chose a color scheme that emphasizes her untanned skin tone. Imaginary women are tanned much less often than today's real glamour models. It's possible the latter are making a mistake.

The data is thus mixed, though the evidence against tanning is stronger than the evidence in its favor. Tanned skin appears to serve as a fashionable signal whose intrinsic effect on feminine beauty is neutral at best, and likely negative. At the very least, its value is overestimated by women today.

Historically, tanning was strongly dispreferred. Figures from classic paintings almost universally match the luminous skin tones of typical AI girls.

You can decide whether and how much to tan based on local conditions and fashions, as well as your personal style. But despite its popularity, there's no basis to recommend sunbathing for aesthetic purposes.

Since excessive sun exposure accelerates aging and tanning is unlikely to have a significant positive effect on your appearance, the default choice should be to avoid exposing your skin to more sun than is necessary for good health.

A good photo of a bad idea.

Heavy tan lines from sunbathing in bikinis have an especially unfortunate effect, and are best avoided.

If you're very pale and have no tan at all, don't let anyone tell you it makes your skin looks plain and sickly. This view is not supported by contemporary evidence, and it's strongly contradicted by historical representations of beauty.

Tanning: a loss for no gain.

d. Eye color

Because people generally perceive brighter colors as prettier than brown, it's natural to assume blue and green eyes are more attractive than brown eyes. However, the data doesn't clearly support this view.

When I surveyed men, a surprising fraction claimed they find eyeglasses attractive. They're nevertheless quite uncommon in imaginary women and erotic imagery. So while glasses may suit a few faces, it's safest to wear contact lenses.

Individual men do sometimes prefer a particular eye color. Yet the frequency of eye colors in sex dolls matches the frequency of eye colors in the population, implying it's a neutral trait on the group level. Academic studies also indicate that colorful eyes provide no advantage. Well-publicized research claiming otherwise is sponsored by companies that sell colored contact lenses, and of dubious quality.

It still seems logical that brighter colors would be more attractive. But the advantage is likely small, and overwhelmed by other factors. There's thus no particular need to change your eye color with contact lenses. Nor is there any harm in doing so if it suits your mood.

Nevertheless, certain eye colors combine well with certain cosmetic, clothing, and hair colors to create a pleasant overall effect, and this does tend to work better with light eyes. For instance, a green scarf will bring out green eyes. So if you have light-colored eyes, take advantage of them.

Matching colors can make your eyes pop.

5. Motion and posture.

a. Introducing attractive motions
b. Gait
c. Bounces, shakes, and sways
d. How to get started
e. Don't be afraid of butt motions
f. How to perform breast motions
g. A real-life striptease is easier than it sounds
h. Facial expressions
i. Examples rated
j. Posture

a. Introducing attractive motions

An attractive woman is more attractive when moving. Some otherwise beautiful women remain very stiff and still. This is a mistake that makes them less appealing. The effect of movement is so strong that many readers will consider the images in this section pornographic, even though they're clothed and no more revealing than those seen earlier in the article. It's impossible to cover the topic properly without such images, which is why no one else does. To provide you with the most useful and accurate information on feminine beauty, I'll go where others fear to tread. If you think they might bother you, please skip to the next section now.

"It seems you failed to execute the erotic wigglings and jigglings necessary to interest a man as jaded by the inexhaustible supply of flawless females as our dear sultan. Alas, in such cases beauty alone is not enough, and I am forced to provide remedial education in sexual gyrology to the ignorant at my own expense."

A small number of women have an excellent intuition for attractive motions. They'll find it ridiculous to hear them spelled out in instructions. But the reality is that almost all women need to learn. Prudish conventional beauty advice fails to explain thoroughly. Men typically aren't aware either, because a good performance creates the illusion of natural spontaneity. They don't spend time to consider that the girls they see on the internet have been coached and rehearsed. And there's nothing wrong with rehearsing. With a little practice, you can create the same illusion.

This motion was censored from a movie in the 1940s for being too sexual. You can still use it today to draw attention to your chest.

I'm going to go over the most attractive motions in detail and explain exactly how you can perform them. For examples I'll be using vintage gifs as well as modern videos. While these gifs do look dated, they ranked near the top of internet search results for many years, or even decades, and men still rate them highly today. That's strong evidence they're worthy examples with broad and enduring appeal.

b. Gait

Swaying hips and bouncing breasts are mesmerizing to men, especially in combination.

A small sway as you walk can have a powerful effect on men, especially if your posture is good. A bounce can show off your chest or rear. You don't need extravagant curves for this. Modest curves are enough. The examples above and below demonstrate how you can incorporate these into your gait. And this example shows that you can apply the same basic bounce and sway technique with subtlety and casualness.

While fundamentally similar to the previous, this gait is a little too pronounced for most circumstances.

To create an attractive sway, walk by placing each foot toward the opposite side of your body. You can strengthen or weaken the effect by increasing or decreasing the lateral displacement of your steps. The viral video below is one of the best examples, and you should learn to imitate it exactly. Afterwards you can tone it down as needed.


High heels encourage a swaying gait, so to look your best you should wear them whenever you can. Some advise a minimum of three inches, but even two will have a beneficial effect.

I recommend you always walk with a feminine gait. This will support the illusion that it's natural and unstudied. If anyone remarks on it, you should steadfastly maintain that it's "just the way I walk."


Note how the model gives extra emphasis to the last part of each outward hip motion. This emphasis increases the attractive power of her gait, but also makes it excessive in most circumstances.

However, you need to match the amount of sway and bounce to the occasion. The gaits shown immediately before and after this paragraph can stop traffic, especially when you're dressed to show them off. So much bounce is overkill in most public places, and best reserved for short bursts only. It's important to use moderation in daily life to ensure you attract the right kind of attention.


Both bouncing and swaying contribute to an attractive gait.

Going braless, especially with visible nipple imprints, will cause a powerful increase in the impact of a bouncing gait even for women with a small chest. But as we've already discussed, whether this is actually a good idea is another question entirely.


Effective at increasing sex appeal, though risky for other reasons. If you don't want to dress this way in public, you can still can use a braless bouncing gait to good effect at home.

What counts as moderation depends in large part on the customs where you live. The minimum dose is the safest, and there's nothing wrong with conservative poise and elegance. In a dance club or behind closed doors, on the other hand, you can be more liberal.

Modest curves are enough to make a powerful impact if you can dance well.

c. Bounces, shakes, and sways

Whether you're walking, standing, or kneeling, the most basic type of attractive motion is a shake or bounce that shows off your curves by causing them to change direction on a slight lag to the rest of your body. This can be done subtly, as in the left image below, or overtly, as in the right image. It goes without saying that the latter is best reserved for private use, but the concept is exactly the same.

The twerking movement being rehearsed in slow motion at the center below is sometimes practiced by large groups in gyms or dance studios. The example shown here is fine. But caution is in order. Despite its popularity, this mass of asses moving with an athletic and almost masculine forcefulness seems grotesque to some men. The left and right images demonstrate that violent movements aren't necessary to be seductive.

Men's critical remarks about strippers and the like may discourage you from trying to copy these examples. But don't take this disdain the wrong way. Context is often what makes the difference between trashy and sexy.

A bouncing monarchiste explains why you shouldn't minimize bodyfat.

You shouldn't be afraid to use the movements shown here in private. The fraction of men who will react badly is quite small, while the fraction of men who want to see them but feel awkward about asking is much larger. If you cede them to AIs and paid entertainers you'll only give these more power over men than they deserve. That's not morally pure. In fact, it hurts all of us.


AI has no inhibitions, and it's coming for your boyfriend. Pulling your punches when this erotic terminator is on the loose isn't just silly. It's immoral.

So don't be trapped by a misguided sense of shame. In the proper context it's morally righteous to be as sexy as possible.

The main thing good examples have in common is an impression of ease and fluidity. However, even timid motions can be more attractive than stillness, and they sometimes have a charming naivete, as in the right and left images above. A lighthearted mood and sense of fun will help to excuse any initial clumsiness.

What you should avoid above all is giving the impression that your movements are an unpleasant obligation that doesn't flow from self-expression. Every woman pictured here visibly enjoys putting on a show, including the awkward one wearing lavender shorts and a peach bra in the previous gallery and the demure girl seen earlier biting her sweater. This is quite important, for reasons I'll explain in the section on seduction.

If you're flat and thin with narrow hips, displays of elegance or youthful agility may prove more effective than the type of movement shown above. These are harder to execute and difficult to characterize in writing. Note that runway models aren't reliable exemplars for imitation, because their gaits are sometimes rather aggressive. This is intended to impress you with their confidence so you buy their clothes, not to look good to men.

Why Explicit Pornography Doesn't Tell Us Much About Beauty

Pornographic actresses are selected primarily for their willingness to perform sexual acts on camera, and only secondarily for their appearance. The most beautiful women have much stronger financial, social, and emotional incentives not to participate. Explicit pornography therefore typically features women of mediocre beauty. It compensates for this deficiency with theatrical, bizarre, and even disgusting behavior that can mislead inexperienced viewers and contradict beauty's role in eroticism.

Beautiful women are more willing to provide solo performances like those shown here because the costs are lower and the incentives are higher. Despite their limitations, these currently offer us the best examples of attractive motions. Steal their tricks, and use them to strengthen your relationship instead of selling your body.

d. How to get started

To get started, pick out the videos where the model most resembles your body type. Pay special attention to those with a style and mood you like. You don't have to rely on the video examples I've provided here. However, if you look elsewhere, use caution. There are heaps of mediocre videos out there.


By framing your motion as “just for fun,” you can lower the pressure so you won't feel embarrassed if it doesn't hit the spot. A juvenile print makes this pajama jumpsuit much more attractive than it would otherwise be.

Don't try to put together a dance routine. Simple is best, and many videos may be too involved. You'll have to do some experimentation to learn what works in real life. Your personality can influence the best choice of motions, so please read the later section on personality before you try to use motions you're uncomfortable with.


Some motions are so easy that the clumsiest person can learn them in a few minutes. And they still work.

You'll make the fastest progress by first practicing in a mirror or on video. Start by imitating your favorite from the images here, and repeat until your own video matches the model. When it does, you'll be confident you're looking good. You can learn each motion in just minutes, or a few hours at most. One day's study will benefit you for an entire lifetime. That's a better return for your time than any other beauty technique.


A viral video illustrating how you can use jouncing body language to put your chest in motion. All comments were men saying they couldn’t concentrate on her words, so save this for when you want to seduce, not when you're trying to say something important. Note that you don't necessarily need a low-cut top to present your chest attractively.

If you have a lover you feel comfortable with, you can present the search for his favorite motion as a humorous game where you playfully demonstrate various alternatives. For instance, start with one of the simplest motions and ask him if he likes it. Then perform it a little differently and ask if it's better or worse. Then repeat the process with a new motion. This kind of game will greatly speed up improvements to your technique. Naturally it should also be a fun experience on its own.


Both the bounce and the subtle sway are good motions. You can indeed use them as flirtatious one-offs, as in this video, but when things heat up it's usually better to repeat them. Note that even small tattoos are a bad idea.

Don't expect every motion to be a hit. Over time you'll find the limited collection of motions that best matches your body type and his taste, and learn how to perform them perfectly.

If you're too shy to use any of these motions yet, try gradually introducing sway into your gait as described earlier. Increase it a little each week from an almost imperceptible starting point so no one notices the change. This should help to break the ice. Then you can move on to using subtle movements like this one.

e. Don't be afraid of butt motions


Almost all men will find this video attractive, but a significant fraction will strongly prefer larger butts with more bounce.

As explained previously, men are much more divided about butt size than breast size. Men's taste in rear motions similarly varies more than their taste in breast motions. A clear majority of men do find swaying hips attractive, and an attractive gait is always a good idea. But bouncing or jiggling big butts are polarizing. Some find videos like this one unpleasant, while others find them very arousing. Men also disagree about the best way to bounce or jiggle.


A medium-sized butt bounce. Most but not all men will enjoy this video.

Butts might be divisive, but whether yours is big or small, you shouldn't be afraid to use it. For the right man it can be your greatest asset. A good rule of thumb is that if you had a big butt when you and your lover met, he likes the motions that show them off. If you developed one later, it's still better to test bouncing motions or ask his opinion about example videos than to avoid them out of fear.


If you have the rare combination of a large rear and a small waist you're going to be courted almost exclusively by men who want just that. So don't be afraid of using it.

f. How to perform breast motions

The list below covers all the main breast motions. Practice in front of a mirror until you can duplicate them effortlessly. They're not complicated, so learning should be quick and easy.


Don't be a self-conscious perfectionist. This is supposed to be fun.

Unclothed Breast-Motion Examples for Study

1. Drop reveal. Indispensable and universally loved by men. It's always good to dramatize the reveal and this is the most reliable method. Make sure you drop in a way that creates bounce. The first reveal on the left is not great because there's no bounce. The two models to her right are the best examples to imitate. It's often a good idea to follow up a drop reveal by creating a few additional bounces, as does the last model at center.
2. Subtle bounce. For building interest. Men notice even if you're wearing a t-shirt.
3. Light bounce. Good for a tease and still effective after things intensify. Note that this woman uses it to great benefit even though her breasts aren't especially large.
4. Medium bounce. The most impactful motion. Let gravity do the work.
5. Heavy bounce. A bit much for a tease, will happen naturally at the right time.
6. Fast and vigorous bounce. Best for firm breasts of moderate size, as shown here. Not recommended for huge breasts, which benefit from less vigorous motions as a general rule. No matter what your size, you should mix in fast tempos for variety, not use them continually. Medium tempos are more powerful.
7. Prone bounce. Will happen naturally, but you can also play it up.
8. Varying bounces. Changing your forcefulness and tempo helps to maintain interest over time.
9. Eye contact isn't necessary for good breast motions, but it can sometimes add a lot of charm, as it does in this example.
10. Swaying. More impactful with larger breasts, and good when supine. To create a hypnotic effect with huge breasts, maintain eye contact and keep the tempo somewhat slow.
11. Pinching, grabbing, caressing. More ways to draw attention and create interest. These can still work if your chest is too small to bounce well.
12. Arm support. You can use your arms to create any of the breast motions listed above. This is an easy way to get started if you're uncomfortable with the idea of bouncing your entire body. When you're giving a hand job, position your arms under your breasts so they cause a bounce whenever your hands move.

A tease just strings together these individual motions in an escalating progression. This magnifies their impact. Start with pinching and caressing, and then move toward swaying and bouncing. Remember that the medium bounce is the most impactful movement, and faster bounces are only mixed in for variety. When I polled men on social media, 97% (n=466) said they'd like to see their girlfriend perform this tease. Here is a much shorter tease that shows how you can present yourself with a sense of fun.

N.B. Any woman can obtain the size needed to perform all these motions by following the breast-implant recommendations given earlier. Once you've had your augmentation, make sure you take advantage of it by learning the full list.

In an online poll 93% of men rated this video “hot,” but 80% reported that their lovers never perform this or similar motions (n=970).

g. A real life striptease is easier than it sounds

Polling suggests most women aren't keen on the idea of giving a striptease for their lover. This aversion derives from the assumption that a tease needs to be long and theatrical, like a stage performance at a men's club, which sounds awkward and not fun.

If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right.

However, the assumption is wrong. A real-life tease should actually seem spontaneous and natural, as if you're acting on a compulsion. Not theatrical. And it doesn't take much time to make a big impact. This video is a good example.

That said, you shouldn't be too quick. This tease doesn't build up enough anticipation before the reveal. Her hand motions after the reveal are rather fast as well, and lack subtlety. It will still please men, but it's less exciting than it could be. Even good example videos typically make the buildup too short, because they're competing for attention online. For instance, the excellent previous video should have repeated the opening thirteen seconds twice.

For the maximum impact in real life, spend thirty seconds or so building anticipation. Afterward, spend another thirty seconds using attractive motions before you start to move closer and encourage him to intervene. Always go slow before you go fast. The full tease will usually take a minute or two, though you can extend it further if that suits the mood.

h. Facial expressions

Facial expressions, and especially expressive eye motions, can also make a valuable contribution. So do remember to pay attention to the eyes when you watch example videos. When possible you should usually look your partner in the eye while you perform these movements, without, of course, expecting him to maintain eye contact in return.

The "killshot" expression, discussed in the section on faces, has special power. It combines three seemingly contradictory elements: fear, pleasure, and painful longing. Practice in a mirror until you can make the composite expression without any sign of artificiality. Obviously you shouldn't use it at random. You'll need to wait for, or create, an appropriate circumstance.

Expressions that feature a slightly open mouth are usually more attractive than those where the mouth remains closed. Lip biting can also have an erotic effect. Both expressions and sounds of pleasure are attractive in themselves, so it's better to exaggerate them a little than to hide them. Chastely concealing pleasure and lust from your lover is counterproductive.

Stern, confidently assertive expressions are more attractive on men than on women. For instance, the expression below doesn't project confidence, but rather hopefulness with an underlying uncertainty that makes it feminine and extremely attractive.

While many men would find her large butt desirable on its own, her pose and facial expression are what take this image to the next level.

In fact, unconfident, fearful, and even outright embarrassed expressions can be attractive on women, especially when they're spiked with an undercurrent of anticipatory desire. Surprisingly, the expression doesn't need to look genuine. It will still have an erotic impact if it looks put-on and playful.

Below an artist explains how he prompted AI to sex up a popular cartoon character. The left image is before he finished the edits he describes, the right is after. The fact that displaying emotions associated with weakness can increase your feminine power, whereas displaying emotions associated with strength can reduce your feminine power, is an interesting paradox of human nature.

"I had to keep correcting prompts to 'timid,' 'shy,' 'embarassed' etc. and negate 'boss girl,' 'confident,' etc. The results kept trying to reset to a more assertive mean."

This is common practice, not just one artist's preference. When a different AI artist wanted to sex up a comic-book superheroine, he similarly replaced the confident expression she wears in Hollywood with a version of the killshot expression that emphasizes fearful longing, as you can see above.

It's fine to begin by directing your gaze downward shyly, but meeting his gaze when things heat up will increase the erotic effect.

Expressions and eye contact can sometimes enhance fellatio, especially if your face is your strong suit, because they naturally pull attention toward it.

One approach is to make your face the stage for a drama where lust is held back by the other emotions I've just mentioned (bashfulness, hopeful uncertainty, fear, embarrassment, and so on), but eventually overcomes them. This particular sequence of expressions is another one that can succeed even when it's obviously an act. I'll explain why it works on men in the next section.

The best facial expressions to use will depend in part on your personality.

If you have a particularly youthful face you can win hearts by making a show of cute and girlish mannerisms. This will fall flat unless you're the appropriate type, so evaluate yourself honestly before you try it. Neoteny is one of the most important aspects of beauty, but it's also the least durable. In contrast, the bodily motions shown in this section are still effective for fit middle-aged women.


In this viral video an adult woman used an AI filter and childish expressions to push neoteny to an extreme. While some reacted with horror or confusion, it nevertheless received countless ecstatic comments from adoring men.

It's true that sophisticated traditional dances are more beautiful and more impressive than any of the movements shown in this article. But while they require more skill, they don't achieve better results in today's environment. People may be impressed by ballroom dancing, but being impressed and actually caring are not the same thing.

Beauties from a bygone age.

i. Examples rated

Because there's so little hard data on motion preferences, I asked men to rate all the images in this section. You can see the results in the galleries below, presented in order of popularity. Men aren't good at separating motions from models, so one should always assume they're rating both. Recall that I intentionally chose dated gifs for these examples because they provide evidence of enduring appeal. Newer videos would receive higher scores.

These results require an important caveat beyond the usual warning about surveys. The votes show which images are popular, not which are best. Some popular motions may not work for your body type. Moreover, your lover may be most aroused by unpopular motions. That's why experimentation is indispensable. You should also vary the motions you use to avoid inducing boredom. Don't stop at learning just one or two easy motions. Novelty is an aphrodisiac for men.

The raw popularity scores are especially misleading where rear motions are concerned, due to the divided opinions I explained a moment ago. When a third of men rate a big butt motion "very attractive," that's actually a good score, because it implies that all the men who like big butts like the motion.

You might still worry that if you use sexy motions your lover will think less of you. So I specifically asked men whether they'd find them attractive or off-putting coming from their girlfriend. When shown an example from this section, a stunning 99% of men said they wished their girlfriend would use attractive motions in the bedroom. Not all men like the same motions, but all men do enjoy motions of some kind. It's only a matter of figuring out which ones your lover prefers.

The wide appeal of a feminine gait is worth highlighting again. Nearly everyone likes it, you have fine control over the degree of emphasis, and you can even use it in public, making it one of the best tools at your disposal.

The motion at center below is also worthy of special mention. Apart from a basic gait, this was the highest-rated motion that’s effective for any body type. It received a warm welcome from men even though the model has hardly any curves on display. While it's not guaranteed to work on every man, I still recommend every woman learn to imitate it exactly.

j. Posture

Before moving on to the next section I'll take a moment to address posture. Common sense already dictates that you should follow the normal rules of good posture. Hunching your shoulders inward is a widespread error you should take care to avoid.

Due to desk jobs and excessive screen time, poor posture is more common today than ever before. You can find stretches and exercises that claim to fix it, but most of these aren't sufficient to compensate for hours a day spent hunched over your phone. If you struggle with posture, rucking (walking with a weighted backpack or vest) several times a week might help. This strengthens the muscles needed for good posture and encourages better habits.

Be sure to remain upright while you walk. Hunching under your pack is counterproductive.

The less familiar posture shown below is also an important one to learn.

Men like to see the rear curled outward and upward, with a concave curve in the lower back. Because this posture often occurs in pornography, some confused women have come to believe men like it because it has a mechanical benefit. Actually the effect is visual, and men almost universally prefer it in any context.

Look again at the earlier examples and you'll see this curled posture repeated over and over, whenever the perspective is from behind, even if no sexual activity is implied, and regardless of whether the figure is sitting or standing.

Consider the postures in the diagram above. The posterior tilt at center is the worst. Not only does it look sloppy, it reduces both her chest and rear projection. The "good" right posture is unexciting, albeit not ugly. The "unhealthy" anterior tilt at left is the most attractive, and matches the posture commonly seen in representations of imaginary women. High heels encourage this position, which is yet another reason to wear them. Perhaps, however, not while lifting weights.

The same principle holds in a bent position. It's much more attractive to curl your rear out and pull your lower back inward than to do the reverse. This posture can become rather lewd when it's exaggerated, so as usual, you'll have to be sensitive to the context.

The above example is rather obvious. Below you can see a subtler error that's very common. The right postures shown in these two galleries, as well as here and here, are the ones you should use in the bedroom. The difference they make is quite significant, so learn to assume them correctly without thinking about it.

While it isn't an absolute rule, crossing your legs is usually more attractive than spreading them. This holds for both standing and sitting positions. The example at left below is particularly bad. It's both too overt and too aggressive.

Movement and posture can give you a real advantage over stiff women who look prettier than you in a photo. Not to mention sex dolls. They're free, easy to learn, and offer substantial benefits to women of all types. So don't just lie back and think of England. Put your beauty in motion.

The best standing and bent postures ultimately derive from this kneeling one. Similarly, the most attractive facial expressions derive from those that occur during sex.

As I'll explain in the next section, it's especially attractive to move and pose on your own initiative, without waiting for your partner to prompt you. This applies to subtle and frank motions alike.

After you've learned the steps well you can stop thinking about them and just enjoy dancing.
Second Nature Trumps First

Our society assigns such high value to beauty, romance, and sex that most people today consider these too sacred to be the subject of study. We want everything to work intuitively, like magic, and love stories encourage us to think it can. This is an error that will prevent you from enjoying the full power of your femininity, and prevent your relationships from being all that they could be.

Beauty, sex, seduction, and even romance are akin to a formal dance. They flow much more enjoyably and “naturally” after the steps have been learned and practiced in an artificial way. No one is born knowing how to tango. And so it is too for fellatio and eye shadow.
"To maintain a mood appropriate for the scheduled striptease, you must never entertain the petty thought that you are betraying your ancestors, your family, and your people by enthusiastically offering your virgin body to an evil foreign monarch, or at any rate one remarkably indifferent to human suffering and, to your unrefined Occidental perceptions, essentially indistinguishable from some lesser individual who is actually evil."

6. The most common misconception about seduction.

Most women are clueless about seduction. Their confusion is caused by a single root misunderstanding. In this section I'm going to explain what that misunderstanding is, and then show how all the essential principles of seduction naturally follow from correcting it.

a. What girls don't get
b. Pre-relationship basics
c. Why offering fellatio is so important
d. Improving your fellatio technique
e. How to initiate
f. Seductive character traits
g. Sounds and voices
h. How to be good in bed
i. Adapting to gender differences
j. Quantity matters
k. Simulating variety
l. Closing the domination gap
m. Intuition isn't enough
n. How to make the change
o. Summary and conclusion

Femininity, even in the most traditional sense, was never just passivity or subordination. It encompasses the power to charm, to inspire, and to tempt, without which men would lack the motivation to do all that they could.

a. What girls don't get

The most common misconception about seduction is that you should simply remain passive and wait for men to dominate you. This is not the case. While always being forward is too masculine and some degree of submissiveness is usually desirable, consistent passivity is unexciting. It raises no questions and elicits no interest. To be seductive you need to mix forwardness and passivity in the correct proportions. This is not a matter of taking a masculine role, because feminine forwardness is different from masculine dominance. Naturally, you can't duplicate seduction techniques men would use on you and expect them to work in reverse.

Motions or poses like these can show off your body while maintaining plausible deniability.

I'll draw your attention to some familiar evidence. The most common titillation scene in movies and television aimed at men is simply an attractive woman undressing without being asked. In fact, it's much more common than a man undressing her or asking her to undress, let alone forcing her to do so. This is not an accident. Men don't find passive submission optimally attractive, and they prefer enthusiastic partners over unwilling ones.

Academic research on fantasies, pornography statistics, and an analysis of popular fiction all support the idea that violence and power dynamics aren't important erotic triggers for the majority of men. In fact, most men are reluctant to even request all the things they'd enjoy, let alone try to compel you. This isn't because they're weak or lack confidence. By waiting for you to act on your own initiative, they can see a clearer signal of your affection.

In romance novels the heroine will deny she wants what she wants and hope the hero gives it to her anyway. Men do something similar by omission. They want you to act in a way that demonstrates your desire for them, but won't say so.

Because women love strength, to be loved men must hide their need to be loved. This is one of the great ironies of human nature. Much like women, men do want to be wanted. And for good reason. A partner who wants you is always more reliable, and therefore more valuable, than a partner who doesn't. That remains true no matter how strong and powerful you are. This is an important point you should read twice. There are no exceptions.

The Hidden Contradiction in Male Sexual “Domination”

It may be tempting to project a lust for domination onto men, but this gives you the wrong idea of what actually turns them on. Women are far more aroused by male violence and dominance than men are. BDSM is sexual entertainment for women, not men. And not only is violent pornography not reality, it's a false representation of male desire.

Men who engage in consensual violence beyond mild rough behavior usually do so to fulfill female sexual fantasies, not for their own pleasure. This means consensual violent male “domination” is in truth male submission to female wishes, and quite the reverse of genuine domination. When a man ties you up, gags you, or chokes you, he's submitting to you, not the other way around. If you want to be truly submissive, then please him without compulsion, using the information provided here.

If you reexamine the erotic imagery in the previous section, you'll notice women are always presented as warm and inviting and in a state of arousal or pleasure, never cold, hostile, resistant, or indifferent. Acting cold and hostile and waiting for men to conquer you is rarely an effective approach in reality, and the longer a relationship lasts, the more counterproductive it becomes. Evincing a low sex drive reduces your sex appeal too, and to an even greater extent. Indeed, sourness and sexual frigidity are the two most repellent traits. They tell men something's wrong with you psychologically or hormonally.

Enthusiasm is inherently more attractive than reticence. So much so that men fantasize about women who are unrealistically enthusiastic. However, this doesn't mean immediately giving men everything they want is a good idea. Part of seduction is about being elusive, and it's harmful to be too easy too soon. People don't value things they obtain too readily. After you've created interest, allow it time to grow in his mind. A little hunger is the best spice.

Forwardness isn't the same as masculine aggression.

Consider the stereotypical seductress, often a villain. She will flirt, then play hard to get, disappear, and then suddenly appear and drop her clothes, and the male will find her unexpected forwardness irresistible. In contrast, the slut will throw herself at anyone without hesitation, and the boring girl will quietly do nothing.

These stereotypes have a lesson to teach us. By adopting a flirtatious and coy attitude, using subtle motions to draw attention to your body, and punctuating passivity and elusiveness with frank sexual displays, you can use your beauty to maximum effect. The right combination of push and pull will both confuse and excite men.

Create temptation.

b. Pre-relationship basics

Some understand what push and pull means intuitively, but others feel clueless. So in the next paragraph I'll go over one of the most well-known methods in detail as a starting point for girls who are inexperienced and confused.

One way to draw a man in before or during the earliest stages of a new relationship is to alternate between showing interest and affection and being ambiguous and unavailable.

Don't show too much affection too soon. At first just make him wonder, “Maybe she likes me.” This can be as simple as a single smile at the right time. And don't be too off-putting either. Just make him wonder, “Maybe she doesn't like me that much after all.” This can be as simple as waiting too long to respond to his texts, or disappearing for a while when you know he's going to be looking for you. These conflicting messages create an instability in his mind that will pull him closer and make him more emotionally invested. They'll also shake off impatient players looking for an easy lay. Keep it subtle. Don't overdo it to the point that it feels manipulative.

Will he follow?

What you're really doing is encouraging him to chase you by showing him a lure and then pulling it away. You're whetting his interest and testing it at the same time. This stage helps your future relationship develop on a good course. However, the advice I'm giving here assumes there's a proper courtship period. If you want to “seduce” a man after a one-night stand, or if you're in a very structured, interview-like dating environment, you're on your own. Frankly those are just not great occasions for seduction.

If you feel awkward and unsure about how to flirt, ask leading questions. Men will often go on and on trying to impress you once you get them talking about themselves or their pet interests, and you won't have to say much at all.

Normal flirting is too subtle to teach here, and often comes down to vocal patterns, eye movements, and facial expressions. The video below shows a bolder, more sexual form of flirtation that's simple and powerful, but needs to be used judiciously. While this is a parody, it's a parody of tactics that work. The most important tactic shown here is indirectly drawing attention to your sexual features while speaking in a neotenous, girlish way.

Tattoos and 350cc implants are both beauty errors, and her voice would be more seductive if she pitched it higher. However, the video is worth watching despite these issues because the model's parody is admirably clever and concise, and her delivery is excellent.

If you directly say, “Please sexualize me now,” the effect will be poor. But if you imply it indirectly (“I hate looking so girly but my butt is too big and sexy to fit into normal pants”), the effect becomes seductive instead. This might seem ridiculous to you, because it's obvious that the underlying meaning is still, “Please sexualize me now,” and also because the literal content of the statement is false and even stupid. But the tiny fig leaf of indirectness makes a big difference. Instead of sounding crass, it sounds flirtatious.

Good delivery isn't just indispensable, it's the main substance here. You could almost copy-paste the words from the parody video and have a seductive impact, but only if you deliver them well. A wooden delivery would be dreadful. The tone needs to be girlish and playful. And the context has to be right as well. If you're this brazen at the wrong time you'll only come off as slutty. If you choose the perfect moment, you'll seem irresistible instead. Not all women have the right personality to pull this off.

"Oops, I dropped something."

Now, it's important to be realistic where any seduction technique is concerned. Some men aren't going to be into you, and trying harder to be seductive won't help. Being easy won't bring the result you want either. If you retreat a little and he doesn't follow, it's not because your seduction technique was poor, it's because the spark wasn't there. If you're not his style, if your face doesn't suit his preferences, or any number of other tastes don't match up, playing elaborate games or flirting better isn't going to bridge the gap. When you're trying to lure in a man, beauty is much more important than seductive games. Seduction actually becomes most important later.

Women overestimate the impact of pre-relationship seductiveness and underestimate the impact of in-relationship seductiveness.

The correct approach to seduction changes over time. In the early stages it's best to tempt him and then wait for him to pursue. But contrary to what you may have heard, frank sexual advances initiated by women are highly beneficial in the context of an established relationship, and can completely change men's attitude toward you. You'll be the hot girlfriend instead of the cute but boring one. And that makes your relationship more likely to endure.

"I've been waiting for you to get home."

The longer a relationship lasts, the more sexually forward you should be. Sadly, most women aren't aware of this basic principle. Seduction isn't just about catching a mate. It's mainly about sustaining a romance. And you can't maintain the initial excitement by behaving the same way you did at the beginning.

The seduction advice I give next only applies to established relationships. Don't use it to start a new one.

c. Why offering fellatio is so important

Men begged me to run the next poll and write the following segment. The purported four-point difference is clearly exaggerated, as one hardly ever sees the most attractive men dating women of mediocre appearance. Without a modest baseline of beauty, seduction isn't going to work. Nevertheless, it's true that enthusiasm, technique, and frequency in sexual matters can put you ahead of prettier women who fall short in these areas. Two points would be a safer estimate for the effect size.

What can we learn by studying fantasies? That fellatio is what men most desire. Well, after sex itself, presumably. In the poll above they imagine a good lover giving it three times a week. Fewer than one in ten men are indifferent. And not only is it the most common fantasy, it's by far the easiest to fulfill.

If fifteen minutes a week can have such a big impact, why do so few women spend it? An alien observer would assume they consider it an unpleasant chore, worse than a typical job, and which they're unwilling to do even for their lover. Yet the reverse is actually true. Most women report they enjoy giving fellatio.

When it can take less time than a massage and provide more pleasure to both parties, the neglect seems perplexing. But it's easily explained now that we've identified the most common misconception about seduction. Even women who particularly enjoy giving fellatio usually make a basic mistake. They wait for their lover to request it. And that turns what should be a big seductive advantage into a big missed opportunity.

Men don't ask for everything they desire. And this is especially true of fellatio. As I've already explained, timidity isn't the reason. They want you to demonstrate your attraction by volunteering, and you can only do that when they don't ask. So you need to judge your lover's desires by his reactions, not his requests. Don't expect all men to show instant ecstasy. Sensitivity varies considerably, and those with low sensitivity may like it for reasons that are more psychological than tactile. Assume he wants it unless you know otherwise.

You might try to understand the effect fellatio has on men by comparing it to the effect cunnilingus would have on you. But the analogy is bad. Even if they create the same physical pleasure, fellatio has far more seductive power. That's because cunnilingus puts the "wrong" sex in the submissive role of giving it. This makes it psychologically very different, and even opposite. It's not an accident that cunnilingus doesn't feature prominently in romance novels. Remember, men and women aren't symmetrical, but complementary, so what works on one never works quite the same on the other. In this case, fellatio will work much better than you expect.

d. Improving your fellatio technique

Men report that most women have poor oral skills, though of course they tell them the opposite. Good technique makes a difference, and it's a great opportunity to stand out as better than other women. The ability to give your lover intense pleasure at will can become a point of pride. But it doesn't come naturally. You need to make some effort to learn.

Start by watching videos that explain the anatomy and mechanics, and which points are sensitive in which ways. However, don't expect videos to teach you all that much. For example, using one hand to maintain pressure in the area between the testicles and anus throughout fellatio can increase overall pleasure significantly. Yet this is left out of videos because it's not visible from the standard camera angles. You also need to avoid scraping with your teeth, which isn't visible either.

Text explanations can help too, but don't trust everything you read or see.

Practice and experimentation are what really make perfect, if your communication is good. Here, at least, shyness doesn't pay. When you're learning, you need to try different things and insist on honest feedback. You're looking for specifics about what feels better or worse, not just an overall “that was great” or “that was okay.” These will differ a little from man to man. You might feel awkward about asking for specifics repeatedly, but it's the only way. And it won't take long to pay off.

You can't tell from a photo, but she's learned something you haven't. Fellatio's obviously not rocket science though. The reason most women are bad at giving it isn't that it's complicated. It's that they never get useful feedback, so they never improve.
The Feedback Rule

To learn the art of fellatio, insist your lover give you honest and detailed feedback until you can do it well.

While it's important to get the physical basis right, your attitude matters even more. Fellatio isn't a service, obligation, or transaction. It's first and foremost a demonstration of desire and affection. Good technique just helps you make this human connection in a more compelling way.

Make forever likelier with this one weird trick.

His experience will be more intense when you vividly display lust and pleasure, and you should certainly do this some of the time. But surprisingly, it's best to give casual, even inattentive oral some of the time too, provided you establish an underlying mood of affection rather than businesslike indifference.

It's counterintuitive, but quantity is more important than quality.

Imagine how you'd consume a popsicle while watching TV. You'd savor it, but in a relaxed and unpressured way, which could be quick or slow and lazy depending on your mood. There are significant advantages to adopting exactly the same level of casualness when giving fellatio. Always trying to make it into a big deal is a serious mistake that ends up turning it into a chore and reducing frequency. I'll explain why this matters later on.

Whether impassioned or inattentive, the essential thing is to make him sense that you both want to give it and enjoy giving it. You should seem genuinely fascinated by his member. Even better is to plead and say "pretty please" in a girlish way, and make him feel like he's doing you a favor by letting you. This might sound absurd, but you'll discover it works. Above all you must never create the impression that you're doing an unpleasant chore just to make him happy. He could get that from a prostitute, and it defeats the purpose. You're trying to demonstrate innate physical desire for him, and this is what enhances your value as a mate. Viewed in that light, the above should make perfect sense.

This section is written in generalities for the sake of brevity. A few men may prefer the “forced against her will” dynamic, and others may consider it interesting variety on occasion. But for the most part it arouses women, not men.

Fellatio plays a unique and invaluable role because it's active and yet submissive at the same time, in a way nothing else can match. Now that you've corrected the most common misconception about seduction, you should understand why this combination is so powerful. Try giving it to your lover a few times a week and see what happens. The exact number will vary by couple, two being a good minimum. However, this suggestion is only for a relationship that's well established. In a new relationship you should initiate much less often, or not at all. If he later senses your forwardness escalating as the relationship deepens, he'll appreciate you more, rather than taking you for granted as easy.

Some men don't like ice cream. The Last Rule Of Feminine Beauty might not apply to all men either, but it will work on most of them.
The Last Rule Of Feminine Beauty

Giving your lover a good blowjob several times a week without waiting for him to request it has a bigger impact than any beauty technique. And it's easier too.

Some women will object that even fifteen minutes a week is an unacceptably onerous obligation. Fortunately only half of men say that no fellatio is a dealbreaker, so it's not actually an obligation to keep a mate. If you find it that unpleasant, don't do it. Manual stimulation is the nearest substitute for fellatio, but it's not mandatory either. A fundamental message of this section is that men want you to like doing things that they like. Forcing yourself to do things you hate is a bad idea, and pretending to like them when you don't is even worse. It sets up expectations that won't be sustainable in the long term. Seduction is really about freeing yourself to behave in a way you enjoy, and the best approach will differ from woman to woman.

e. How to initiate

If you're hesitant to take the initiative in one way or another, perhaps the gallery of polls above will persuade you. Not initiating often enough is a significant mistake that's certain to put your lover off. A huge majority of men say they want their lover to be sexually forward in a relationship. They just can't tell her. This section of Dispelling Beauty Lies is the closest you'll come to hearing their request.

Become irresistible.
The 2:1 Rule

As a rough guideline, women in an established relationship should initiate sex around a third of the time. Always waiting for your lover to initiate makes you seem boring and uninterested and reduces your sex appeal.

When you're the one doing the initiating it helps to develop a good sense of timing. Since seduction scenes in movies always happen at night, most women assume that's the right time to initiate sex. This is a myth. It's a good time for fellatio, but it's less good for sex. Few men feel their most vigorous after a long work day.

Another widespread myth is that men are always in the mood. This simply isn't true, at least past their teenage years. He may be feeling ill, stressed, or just at a low point in his hormonal cycle. So if he doesn't respond when you want him to, don't be offended. Try again at a better time.

"Good morning."

Sunday and Saturday mornings may be the best time to draw interest. Approaching your lover very early, perhaps with a gentle touch before he's awake, is even worth an occasional try.

Unpredictability is a feminine quality. You'll be more seductive if you avoid behaving in overly consistent patterns.

Feminine means of initiation fall into two basic categories: visual display and direct touch. A simple way to begin is to partly undress. While motion isn't required, it's especially compelling to accompany this undressing with movements suitable for your body type, gradually building up into a brief tease. If you've never done this before, draw his attention and then start with something simple, like a slow drop reveal. It's best not to perform an elaborate tease every time you initiate, nor even most of the time, because that would risk monotony. Instead vary your approach with your mood, being simple and straightforward when you feel it suits.


Simple but effective.

When initiating through direct touch you should usually move gently with the intent to give pleasure. Brusque and assertive touch is useful as an occasional spice, but it's more masculine and less reliably seductive.

Sometimes you should draw interest, then delay a little, then draw interest again. This generates more excitement than if you're always available immediately.

Although playing hard to get is a bad idea in an established relationship, you can still build anticipation through other means. For instance, titillate him when time or circumstances don't allow for escalation, and then resume later. Or start him up, tell him it's an appetizer, then leave for a while and return in skimpier clothes. Create a little chase, even if it's one he knows he'll eventually win.


Unimpeachable physique, questionable backsplash. If you're reading Dispelling Beauty Lies long after it was written, I'd like you to know that the overuse of grays in home interiors and exteriors didn't even look good at the time. And contrary to popular opinion, this is a general rule for all bad fashion trends.

Incorporate subtly (or unsubtly) attractive motions into your daily routine, and make frequent use of attractive poses.

Wear sexy clothes while cooking, doing chores, and hanging out around the house.

And when you're at home, always wear attractive clothing. It doesn't make any sense at all to save your pretty clothes for the outside world and dress in ugly things when you're alone with your lover, but this is exactly what most women do.

"Oh, you're already late for work?"

f. Seductive character traits

Don't be cold toward your lover because you're afraid of seeming slutty. It's true that men value promiscuous women less, and that being too forward with strangers will invite distrust. And it's true that men prefer a woman with a low body count for a serious relationship. But what men want in the long run is faithfulness and exclusivity, not coldness or indifference. These are not the same. In fact, if you're too cold they're more likely to stray to women who apply the ideas just presented. Don't wait for them to tell you so, because it's unlikely they ever will. And remember that it's morally good to be sexy.

"Am I in your way?"
Lusty but Chaste: A Raradox

What most men desire for a relationship is a woman who exudes both high sexual energy and low promiscuity, or even chastity. In practice these traits are rarely found together, but they involve no logical contradiction. To catch the best quality mate, signal both at the same time. More concretely, try to manage your hormonal health to maximize your libido. This will actually make you more seductive.
A high libido makes you more attractive when it's combined with low promiscuity. Feigning a low libido is the wrong way to display purity and fidelity, because it reduces your overall attractiveness.

You don't need to be confident to seduce. In fact, bashfulness and timidity can be seductive. That doesn't contradict the advice already given, because bashfulness and forwardness aren't actually opposites, just as lustfulness and chastity aren't actually opposites. For instance, these AI girls' expressions and poses are timid and provocative at the same time.

Will you solemnly swear to use these forbidden secrets of seduction to conquer the world?

The apparent contradictions are easily explained. A man finds a woman especially desirable when she exhibits both bashfulness (implying youth, femininity, and low promiscuity), and also a desire for him that's strong enough to overcome this bashfulness (implying vitality, love, and faithfulness). It's obvious why these characteristics would make for a good mate.

The appeal of timidity isn't limited to eroticism. Watch Audrey Hepburn turn on the charm in this famous movie scene.

However, the most consistently positive impact doesn't come from genuine bashfulness. It comes from coyness. That is, affecting or simulating bashfulness in a flirtatious way.

Coyness works perfectly with the standard push-pull seduction strategy of teasing him and then retreating. And as I mentioned in the previous section, coyness and fearfulness are comportments that still have erotic appeal when you affect them in a transparently artificial manner. This makes it easy to use them on men. Even so, it's essential that the implied sexual desire underlying them seem genuine.

Don't underestimate the seductive appeal of cuteness and uncertainty.

The combination of womanly lustfulness and girlish bashfulness is the character equivalent of a voluptuous body with a juvenile face, so it should be no surprise that men find it so seductive. Yet it's almost never represented in Occidental movies and media, which show serious, confident maturity as the only seductive ideal. This is quite wrong. You don't need to have the confidence of a Hollywood actress to be seductive.

There's more than one way to seduce. The previous few paragraphs don't describe the only attractive traits, nor necessarily the best for you personally to emulate. Confidence can also work, provided you don't allow it to undermine your femininity. Mixing occasional coyness or bashfulness with your confidence may help to avoid an unpleasant masculine edge. There are other approaches as well, too many to analyze here. For example, if you tend to create an ice-queen impression, you can balance this out by demonstrating particularly intense sexuality in private, so your lover interprets you as repressed rather than frigid.

Women tend to underestimate the seductive power of girlish cuteness and overestimate the seductive power of sophisticated elegance. Most can pull off the first, whereas few can pull off the second. Even for those who can it will rarely work as well. If you reexamine the images men submitted for the “hot and beautiful” section, you'll notice that few of them exemplify sophisticated elegance.


Acting cute isn't a requirement, but it is often the easiest way to win.

Some women are afraid to act girlish because they assume only the worst men like it. But that's not true at all. Of course, little girls only seem “seductive” to a few men you'd rather avoid. But adult women acting girlish are an entirely different matter. Remember, it's the combination of juvenile and adult features that men find especially attractive, not one of these in isolation.

Attack Of The Cute

As I've just pointed out, nearly all men appreciate some cuteness. However, ultra-cute beauty and seduction techniques can be divisive. I've listed these below. While they're a big turn on for many men, others find them annoying instead. Because the upside is so good, I still recommend you try them, especially if your face, body type, and style are well suited to emphasizing neoteny. Women have been too scared of these techniques and they're underused today.

Super-cute voices
Meowing sounds
Cute facial expressions like exaggerated winks
Animal ears
Juvenile-print lingerie
Cute cosplay costumes
Have you mastered the art of the cute wink yet? If not, why not?
Smarts Aren't Sexy?

Intelligence can have a positive or negative effect on seductiveness depending on the context. Smart men tend to prefer smart women as mates. However, displays of smarts do interfere with erotic moods. So be clever in conversation, but when it's sexy time, turn it off and act girlish instead—even airheaded. A more mature, sophisticated approach will work too, provided you create the impression you're driven by eros and feminine instinct, not intellectualism.

I wrote earlier that the quintessentially feminine sins of pride and vanity are obstacles to achieving your full potential for beauty. So you might be surprised to hear that the right kind of pride can actually be beneficial. Look again at the two photos below, already seen previously. Both models seem equally proud of their attractive appearance. However, there's an important difference between them.

The left model's expression says that the admiring viewer only exists to boost her ego. I'm not trying to pick on this particular woman. It's very common to see this sort of expression on models, influencers, and celebrities. The right model's expression, in contrast, says that she's proud she can excite the viewer with her beauty and is enjoying the fact that she's creating an erotic reaction in him. In other words, the left is proud of what she takes, whereas the right is proud of what she gives. This difference may seem too subtle to matter, but the second attitude is far more seductive than the first.

Self-centered vanity isn't attractive to perceptive men, and low self-esteem isn't either, perhaps because it creates the impression you have nothing to give in the first place. But visibly taking pride in the aesthetic and sexual excitement you can create for your lover is attractive. Search within yourself and try to feel that pride when you arouse or inspire.

Unlearn What You Think You Know

Fashion and fashion-influenced photography doesn't just provide bad examples of seduction. It actually teaches women to be anti-seductive. The two examples above have excellent photographic quality, charming styles, and pretty models. But the net result is very unappealing, because the aloof expressions and moods show the wrong kind of pride and confidence. They tell men these models want to take, and would perhaps tolerate being taken, but feel no desire to give. The “I'm too good for you” gaze is not hot. If you want to seduce you need to unlearn everything you've learned from photo shoots like these and start over completely.

I already discussed facial expressions with general erotic appeal in the previous section. But seductive expressions are a special category. They serve as a tacit invitation that increases men's desire to pursue you. Compare the two photos below. Though they're superficially identical, the unseductive expression at left pushes the viewer away, whereas the seductive expression at right pulls him in.

Seductive expressions tend to display desire, whereas anti-seductive expressions tend to display disdain, aloofness, or egotism. However, the pattern isn't really that simple or consistent. For instance, cute and bashful expressions have higher seductive power than their desire component would suggest. So display desire first and foremost, but intermingle it with the other attractive feminine qualities mentioned in the preceding paragraphs. Don't fake it. Just show off the desire you feel.


Putting a thumb or finger in your mouth can be seductive. This video has especially high sex appeal, probably because it makes men think of fellatio.

The chart below organizes expressions by their seductive power. This isn't a precision measurement in perfect order, but it should still help you develop a rough sense for the pattern.

g. Sounds And Voices

Hollywood movies portray a deep, quiet contralto as the seductive ideal. This can work for some women with a naturally low voice. Nevertheless, it's entirely the wrong approach for those who don't. Although there are several attractive vocal styles, a cute and girlish soprano usually has the strongest erotic effect on men. The guidelines below explain how to create this voice.

This segment is only a brief overview. For more sounds, study the inarticulate noises (gasps, sighs, whines, etc.) used by the female love interests in erotic animes. Voice actresses have finely tuned these to be attractive to men. However, they're often a bit too high and exaggerated for real-life use. You should produce these noises a little higher than your normal voice, but not cartoon high. You can be playful about it. If you're a low alto, study characters with a deep voice instead.
Seven Rules for A Sexier Soprano

1. Use a higher pitch than your natural voice.
2. Use more breathiness.
3. Use very cute and girlish intonation.
4. Emphasize “whiny” sounds rather than moany or shrieky ones.
5. Make more inarticulate sounds more often than you're naturally inclined to.
6. Use a wavering intonation when speaking, especially at the end of phrases (sometimes represented in text with “~”).
7. Make all the above seem like real self-expression.

I'm going to examine lewd noises first, but as I'll explain in a moment, these rules also apply in conversation. Naturally I'm providing the examples below so you understand roughly what attractive noises sound like. Not to imply you need to imitate them exactly. The right noises for you should mostly flow from within.

Attractive "Whiny" Sounds

Voice actresses are the closest we can get to knowing how idealized imaginary women would sound. Obviously the cartoons they're voicing aren't a perfect representation of reality, but they are designed for maximum erotic impact, and in that respect their approach to erotic noises deserves to be taken seriously. The example above is an excerpt from the most popular erotic anime video of the month. While lewd, it's a good illustration of attractive "whiny" sounds.

Hentai Audiotrack #1 "Cheerful"

The next two longer clips are complete audiotracks of typical popular short hentai videos. These actresses have somewhat different styles, the first sounding cheerful, the second almost worried. The main thing to observe is that the sounds run continuously without any meaningful breaks. It's rare for men to complain about women vocalizing excessively. When they do, they're complaining about an excess of loud screeching. Most women should vocalize much more than they do, though predominantly at a moderate or quiet volume.

Hentai Audiotrack #2 "Worried"

In fact, it's likely that vocalizing continuously, as demonstrated here, will have a meaningful positive effect. Because of this I suggest you try vocalizing as much as possible. However, it's still important not to express things you don't feel. That would send a misleading signal. Just be vocal about the things you do feel.

Attractive Loud Sounds

In the short clip above you can hear a professional voice actress making louder sounds that men find attractive. Obviously these louder sounds are appropriate periodically, just not for uninterrupted use over long periods.

Sexy soprano ultra-cute conversation style.

The seven rules for sopranos given above aren't only suitable for sexual situations. They can easily be used in flirtatious conversation as well, or even generally. The videos above and below demonstrate this. The meaning of the dialogue isn't important for our purposes here. Just pay attention to the vocal intonation, as well as the inarticulate sounds. Don't use the same intonation at all times. As you become more flirtatious, you should turn up the cute level. Dumbing down your speech to be more girlish can also help, depending on the circumstances. See the earlier segment “Smarts Aren't Sexy?”

You don't need to push it this far. You can use subtler elements of this vocal style instead of you find it suits you better.

It's rare for female voice actresses to have alto voices, but you can hear one such example below. Deep voices seem to occur most often in videos where the female is thrusting rather than the male. They're associated with somewhat older women, who are portrayed as more sexually aggressive. There's a second reason this example is interesting. The first twenty-one seconds of the video show fellatio, while the remainder shows sex. Oddly enough, it's not uncommon for the female voice actress to produce sounds of pleasure during fellatio. This doesn't make logical sense, but it works because the sounds trigger men on a pre-rational level. To use this trick in reality, keep your vocalization subtle (quieter than in the example) and if asked, explain that you're just enjoying yourself.

Hentai Audiotrack #3 Alto Voice

Low grunts can be seductive, whether they're coming from a soprano or an alto. They're often used as interjections in popular music, and have a marked erotic effect. You can use them in the same way in real life. You might assume they sound too masculine, but that's not the case. In the next video they occur briefly at 0:42 and more prominently at 1:54.

Low erotic grunts in a popular song. Note also that the backing dancers' tights are striped at the mid-thigh point, and the singer's slight visual awkwardness, for instance at 1:32 and 4:18, is charming in a woman where it would be unappealing in a man.

h. How to be good in bed

The main points I've made about seduction also apply to sex itself. While it's normal for men to lead, lying motionless like a dead fish will seriously reduce your appeal. When you think of sex as a dance similar to tango or ballet this should be obvious. If the female dancer were just a limp object in the male's arms, the dance would be boring. And yet most women make this very mistake, effectively reducing themselves to mannequins.

Signs and sounds of sexual pleasure are attractive in themselves, and also important signals that help your lover understand what you like. So you should express enjoyment you feel openly rather than hiding it out of modesty.

It's sadly common to assume that women have no agency in bed and making sex good is men's responsibility. Even men become confused about this, because popular gurus tell them you'll magically turn into a good lover if they just dominate you harder. This might be the case occasionally, but it's quite wrong in general. You have as much power and responsibility as men do, it just takes a different form. And you should learn how to use it.

Always blaming men when women are bad in bed or crediting men when women are good in bed is stupid and counterproductive.

What makes a woman a good lover apart from offering oral several times a week? Fantasies are again a helpful clue. Men like sex to follow a particular "plot." You need to know what this plot is and how it differs from typical female fantasies. The following segments explain.

If you've corrected the most common misconception about seduction, men's fantasy plot should make perfect sense to you.
How Sex Is Usually Plotted In Women's Fantasies

1. Male approaches aggressively
2. Female resists
3. Male overcomes her resistance forcefully
4. Female enjoys it but remains passive
How Sex Is Usually Plotted In Men's Fantasies

1. Female makes a sexual display
2. Male approaches
3. Female hesitates first, then responds heatedly
4. Female intersperses sexual displays and occasionally takes an active role instead of remaining passive
In a sense sex always begins with the woman making a display. Sometimes this is an overt display like a striptease, and other times it's just sitting there looking pretty. These displays are the prime mover that inspires men to desire and to act. And that's why throwing in displays like attractive motions during sex is so beneficial.

To be a good lover, act out the female part from men's fantasy plot. We've already covered the first point, which is that you should dress well around the house and initiate reasonably often. Once he makes his approach, respond a little shyly (a neoteny signal), then heat up as you go. Intersperse encouraging displays and take a vigorously active, even aggressive role from time to time. The right dose is something you'll have to determine with experience. You should also show desire. There are many ways to do this, and it doesn't have to be hard. If you just ask your lover to take you in a seductive voice and do nothing else, that's already a big improvement over silent passivity.

If your approach to seduction emphasizes bashful girlishness, you can use fewer aggressive behaviors during sex and compensate with more attractive noises that express desire and pleasure. However, just staying passive and quiet is still a bad idea.

Descriptions of sex in romance novels written for women typically don't include events like, “And then I shook my hips for him,” or, “And then I flaunted my chest to excite him,” or, “And then I rolled on top of him.” But while the exact behaviors that work best will vary from woman to woman, these are the sorts of things that good lovers do. Most women are mediocre in bed because they just act out the female role from their own fantasy plot. In other words, they stay passive and sometimes avoid showing desire altogether. Men find this boring, and eventually off-putting too.

Men like everything at the beginning of a relationship because they have a strong taste for novelty. This can lull you into thinking that because you had a dead-fish sexual technique at the beginning and everything was fine, everything will always be fine. Nothing could be further from the truth. It becomes a major drag over time. As with other aspects of seduction, the longer you're in a relationship, the more important it is to be a good lover instead of just lying there.
How To Be Good In Bed (Yes, It's Really That Simple)

1. Intersperse attractive motions and sounds during and leading up to sex
2. Express desire through your words and/or behaviors
3. Occasionally behave aggressively and adopt the active role
The female part in men's fantasies may not come naturally to you. However, because it elicits more desire and a more vigorous response from men, it will prove more enjoyable than you might assume.

The purpose of all the seductive maneuvers I've described above doesn't lie only in the pleasure you might give your lover in brief moments here and there. Rather, by eliciting desire and giving pleasure in the most impactful ways, you create for yourself an erotic aura that transcends any individual moment and positively colors your lover's overall perception of your character. And this in turn increases your feeling of desirability, enhancing your own enjoyment. The last point deserves special emphasis. It's why seducing the right person always gives you back more than you put in.

Some men will neglect you no matter what you do. This section is about how to seduce men, not how to choose one worth seducing. If you're following the advice in this article and he's not making a reciprocal effort, it might be time to move on. Even the perfect seductress can't fix the wrong man.

Critics will still object that this section focuses too much on men's pleasure and not enough on women's, and that this is inherently inegalitarian, and therefore morally wrong. But its purpose is explicitly to inform women about what really attracts and pleases men. If the critics are keen to teach men what attracts and pleases women, I've no doubt they'll be happy to read about it. In a different article. More generally, the modern obsession with superficial "equality" leads to bad sex. The fact that it's equally bad sex isn't a win.

Is she fantasizing about equality? Or, maybe not?

i. Adapting to gender differences

Everyone Assumes They Understand Male Sexuality, But They Don't

Today's popular discourse on sex treats the nature of male pleasure and desire as obvious to everyone. I hope it's clear by now that this isn't the case. Everyone thinks they understand male sexuality, but they don't. They misunderstand it. Worse still, popular discourse fails to constructively address the consequences of aspects that really are obvious. Because these aspects seem morally problematic, they're impugned, or else swept under the rug where they don't have to be seen. This dismissive attitude hasn't helped anyone. Instead it's lead most people to overlook simple solutions that make happier relationships possible.
In stories sex is represented as continually reciprocal, with both lovers equally pleased at all times. But real life doesn't work that way. And trying to force it to work that way reduces overall enjoyment for everyone. Position 69 is a particularly clear example. It seems reciprocal and “equal,” and it's highly rated in popular lore. But it's actually ranked far below fellatio by both men and women.

One of the most important facts about seduction is that male and female pleasure, like masculine and feminine beauty, are inherently asymmetrical. Women's enjoyment of submission would be enough to make the conventional notion of equality inapplicable even if all else were the same. Yet other aspects of pleasure differ too. Women can experience an intense, extended sequence of orgasms, but men can only achieve the same amount of pleasure with shorter, less intense episodes of greater quantity and variety. To encourage that quantity and variety, Mother Nature subjects men to more consistently elevated desire, whereas women's desire waxes and wanes. Because of these and many other differences, identical and therefore “equal” behavior will always fail to satisfy either sex.

Ignoring the fundamental differences between male and female desire sets you up for frustration.

As soon as we stop pretending men and women are the same, it becomes easy to see how genuinely equal satisfaction can be achieved. Most problems are caused by just three main sexual differences. Quantity, quality, and variety. In the following paragraphs I'm going to explain simple ways we can adapt to these differences to sustain mutually satisfying relationships.

j. Quantity matters

Men need quantity to achieve the same level of satisfaction women derive from quality. This is a natural incompatibility that only second nature can compensate for.
Men usually sacrifice part of their own pleasure when they offer you quality, because it requires them to exert more self-control than they'd enjoy if they weren't trying to increase your enjoyment.

To satisfy women's need for quality, men should give them more extended, attentive pleasure than they're naturally inclined to. To satisfy men's need for quantity, women should give them shorter, casual pleasure more often than they're naturally inclined to. These efforts are complementary, because when women offer quantity, it's easier for men to provide quality, and when men provide quality, women feel better about offering quantity.

When your lover is very excited it's best to let him take you at whatever speed he desires, and then encourage him to be slower and more attentive in a second round. This obvious point is worth stating because it's not obvious to inexperienced people. If you don't do this, young men in particular typically err in one direction or the other, either always going too fast, or trying too hard to hold back, diminishing both spontaneity and enjoyment. Unfortunately there's no Truth About Masculine Beauty to set them straight, so you may have to explain everything to them yourself.

Insisting that quality always accompany quantity would become tiresome. The key to achieving quantity without fatigue is to alternate long and attentive sessions with shorter and more casual ones you treat as light fun. As we've already discussed, casually offering oral or manual stimulation on a regular basis without making it into a bigger deal than a massage is the easiest way to do this. Provided your lover meets you halfway, this can also allow sex to last longer and be more attentive to your needs.

Women who neglect to give their lovers quantity are strictly analogous to men who always finish in two minutes, and both deserve equal criticism. Nobody seems to have noticed this before, but as soon as you read these paragraphs it should become obvious.

Of course, frequent fellatio is only one possible approach. There are many other ways to follow the quantity-quality rule, and you should have no trouble imagining them without help. The right one will depend on the couple.

The Quantity-Quality Rule

Because male and female pleasure work differently, women should offer quantity and understand they deserve quality in return.
The quantity-quality rule doesn't imply transactional sex. These should be mutual gifts motivated by affection and understanding. If your lover isn't reciprocating, explain both sides of the rule to him, and remind him it's the first commandment of a serious relationship.

k. Simulating variety

Quantity and quality aren't the only troublesome sexual differences. You may be disturbed to know that a large majority of men have fantasies involving multiple partners that don't go away when they're in a relationship. In fact, they usually get stronger the longer a relationship lasts. At first glance men's desire for variety seems to create an insuperable problem. But once again, there's a simple solution. You can simulate variety and multiplicity by making significant changes to your clothing, makeup, hair, and comportment. Gradual, minor alterations will have little effect, because the purpose is to look like a “new” woman.

You should do this on two different time scales. First, consider a style refresh every couple of years. Second, dramatically change your style for a day, or a few hours, when you're in the mood. You don't need to do this constantly, but after you've been together for a while you ought to do it occasionally, and more often if you find it works well. Men's taste for variety is strong enough that even cutting your hair short, one of the worst beauty mistakes you can make, will briefly increase your lover's interest. Fortunately there are innumerable better ways to vary your style that make seduction easier in a lasting relationship.

Costumes and costume accessories are particularly effective for one-day style changes. Behaving a little in character can add to the appeal, though you don't need to engage in roleplay if you don't want to. For instance, a wig in a different color can already be enough to create the illusion of variety. An exotic article of clothing that you'd never normally wear will help.

And cat and rabbit ears are an especially valuable accessory. They're a very small change in reality, but they cause men's instincts to register you as a different person. Where full costumes are concerned, French-maid outfits and schoolgirl uniforms with pleated plaid miniskirts are the two most reliably attractive.

The Variety Rule

Because men need variety to sustain sexual interest, you should use styles, costumes, accessories, and comportment to create the illusion that you're multiple women. (It's also fun.)

l. Closing the domination gap

There's a fourth natural incompatibility that's worth mentioning even though it's not as universal as quantity, quality, and variety. As I explained earlier, men are happy to take the lead, but they dislike violent domination. Women, however, often do like violent domination. So there's a gap between the amount of domination women want to experience and the amount men want to give. You can reduce this gap by staging domination in a way that makes it appealing to men. I'll explain how in the next few paragraphs.

Note the stockings, a good complement to a pleated miniskirt. And choker and pigtails as well.

Men are considerably more keen on spanking than other forms of violence. Why? It's an exception that proves the rule. They don't enjoy it because it's violent or dominant. They enjoy it because the scenario implies neoteny and puts your rear on prominent display. By emphasizing these two elements, you can make it a form of domination that's pleasing to both parties and doesn't become tiresome with repetition. And that resolves the incompatibility.

If you want to be spanked, don't forget your ABCs (Always Be Cute).

For instance, wear a very short pleated skirt and behave in a bratty but cute way while assuming attractive poses that emphasize your rear. Or say something like, “I've been a bad girl,” in a playful, juvenile tone. Then make frequent use of rear motions throughout, always curling your butt up and your lower back in, like the image above. Don't adopt a serious, adult comportment, wear gloomy clothes, remain stiff, or ask for excessive force. Those will miss the mark and make it a chore for men.

Playful wrestling is another demonstration of dominant strength men are amenable to, and you can instigate it pretty easily if you enjoy it. While it's unlikely to excite them as much as spanking will, it can still be an effective prelude.

So if physical domination appeals to you, light spanking is the most compatible and indeed seductive form to elicit. However, for some women it isn't enough. The evidence below suggests a causal relationship between women's use of pornography and an escalating taste for violence. It should be clear from the account of seduction you've just read that training yourself to need more intense violence will make it harder to find men who can satisfy you without resorting to artifice. The escalation of desires is best avoided from the start, because it always becomes unfulfillable in the end. Women who only consume nonviolent pornography may not be subject to this effect, so if you do intend to watch, I suggest you find a nonviolent type you enjoy. I discuss this issue in more detail in my essay "The Illusion of Dominance."

After we accept reality and dissect it in the clear light of day, we discover the perennial problems that plague relationships are tractable. By giving pleasure regularly and casually you can satisfy men's need for quantity. By changing your style to seem like multiple women, you can satisfy their need for variety. By staging domination in the right way, you can make it enjoyable for them too. And by using all the seduction strategies I've described together, you'll overcome natural incompatibilities and strengthen your relationship. In return, you should expect the quality attention you enjoy the most.

Your boyfriend's never had fellatio from a cat-girl, but you could change that this Halloween.

m. Intuition isn't enough

I'm not sure why I have to be the one to explain these basics about the birds and the bees. But for whatever reason, no one has written them down properly, and the modern tendency to conflate symmetrical behavior with equal satisfaction has confused people's thinking about matters everyone should understand. Simply falling back on instinct isn't enough to fix this, because male and female instincts are imperfectly aligned for mutual satisfaction. So inexperienced couples end up fumbling in the dark unnecessarily, sometimes for years on end, which is a great waste. Making our relationships the best they can be requires knowledge and a little effort, not just instinct or luck.

If you doubt the accuracy of these recommendations, test them before you assert that they're wrong.

No explanation will quiet the shrieks of the most insistent critics, who will endlessly invent moralistic reasons everyone should be as miserable as they are. But this advice isn't written for them. It's written for women who do care about mutual satisfaction and enjoy creating it. And for women who think becoming a goddess of love sounds like, well, a rather tempting idea. If you'd prefer to engage in moral grandstanding or go shopping, you're reading the wrong article.

Peak human fulfillment, surely.

Seduction is a complex topic that merits a full article of its own, which will, alas, never be written. For lack of time I've described it in broad strokes using many rough generalizations, and it's up to you to work out the specifics. Not all men have the same tastes. For instance, a small minority enjoy being dominated by women, and will respond well to aggressive assertiveness that other men only appreciate as occasional variety. Experiment, then judge your success by his reactions. As with attractive motions, the unavoidable short-term risk of embarrassment or awkwardness is more than justified by the long-term benefits you'll enjoy after you get it right.

A complete sexual how-to manual for women is beyond the scope of this article. But beware of advice that's either too timid or too determinedly transgressive. Neither hits the mark.

n. How to make the change

Your lover may confirm the suggestions I've made if you ask him. But I recommend you don't. Good communication is normally important. However, when it comes to demonstrating enthusiasm, a premeditated or businesslike attitude would dampen the effect. Indeed, it's best to keep this entire article a secret. If you've long been passive in an established relationship, justify the change by first complaining about an unusually strong hormonal cycle. Buy some chocolate, leave it on the counter, and then act emotional about something unimportant. Afterward your behavior will seem spontaneous and natural. If he asks what's going on, you can "admit" you're especially in the mood this month. But you've never even heard of Dispelling Beauty Lies.

Men can't tell you to do what they desire most, which is for you to do what they most desire without being told, and to do it teasingly, motivated by the pleasure you take in being desired by someone you desire in return. This seemingly convoluted psychology is just a consequence of the fact that everyone wants to be wanted, and it's the key to correcting the most common misconception about seduction.

Suppose your lover has already read Dispelling Beauty Lies in full, and knows you have too? That makes seduction harder, but not impossible. What matters most isn't that you seem unschooled in the art. It's that you seem to be acting on an inwardly motivated sexual enthusiasm. If he does know you've studied seduction, you just need to demonstrate that enthusiasm with particular genuineness. Besides which, men were explicitly told not to read this section. If they did anyway, they'd best deny it.

Remember, high libido is an attractive trait. Making yours obvious can help a great deal to erase any sense that your seductive behavior isn't motivated by genuine desire.

You can start by explaining to him that you've always wanted to behave the way I've recommended here, but you assumed he wouldn't like it. Then for a while you can ignore the 2:1 rule and do most of the initiating. If you really do feel enthusiasm, it shouldn't be hard to show it once you've warmed up to the idea. And if you don't, I advise you not to pretend. Even if you're an expert actress, and no matter how seductive it might make you. Nobody wants to spend their whole life pretending. Starting to pretend now will only put you on the road to disappointment. It might be a short road or it might be a long road, but it will end in the same place. For a happy relationship, you need to tap into the true feminine energy within.

Before I conclude I'll address a difficult case. Consider a woman who's very shy, submissive, and lacking in confidence. She agrees with my account of seduction, but feels incapable of acting on it, even in the context of a loving relationship. Here I do suggest she ask her lover to read this section, even though that ruins some of the mystery. He can then “order” her to implement it. For instance, he can tell her, “Tomorrow afternoon you'll initiate sex by undressing.” He can then repeat similar orders for several weeks or months, gradually becoming less specific. For instance, “Next weekend you'll surprise me with something exciting.” At first this will feel artificial. However, it will also break the ice. Over time she'll gain more confidence, and eventually she'll be able to act on her own.

Wants to but just can't. If you explain this dilemma to your lover he'll appreciate your initiative and help make it happen.

o. Summary and conclusion

The Top Ten Things Women Don't Understand About Seduction

1. Being consistently passive isn't seductive, it's boring.
2. Seduction is more important to sustain a romance than to start one.
3. You should be more sexually forward the longer a relationship lasts (and harder to get at the beginning).
4. You should give your lover quantity and variety when he wants them and in return expect quality when you want it.
5. Men can't and won't tell you what they want. You need to figure it out on your own instead of waiting for them to demand it.
6. Regularly initiating fellatio is the single most impactful thing you can do, and the easiest way to satisfy men.
7. It's best to initiate sex about a third of the time.
8. To be good in bed you should mix in visual and audio displays, as well as occasional aggression.
9. You don't need to be confident to be seductive. Bashful cuteness is more effective than you think.
10. Violent domination appeals to women, not men. BDSM is fake submission that amounts to female domination. If you really want to be submissive, apply the ideas explained here instead.

If the ideas in this section have helped improve your love life, consider making a donation to support my work.

“Act naturally” is bad advice. But "act unnaturally" isn't great advice either. At first some parts of seduction and sexual technique will feel artificial. This stage is unavoidable. But you should try to make them seem like a natural form of self-expression anyway. Eventually you'll come to feel that they really are a natural form of self-expression.

Your personality can significantly influence the right way to apply the rules of seduction. And in many cases it's best to ease into seductive behavior gradually. So before you try to apply the ideas presented in this section, be sure to read the next one to the end as well.

Dear Virgins

I recommend you don't worry at all about seductive behaviors and motions that are intended for the bedroom until you have a little experience. Trying to implement these too soon will only be awkward. Just forget about them for a while and yes, act naturally, despite everything I've written above.

You should also have low expectations for your first time. It's nothing like it's shown in the movies. It can be emotionally special, but it's very unlikely to be good physically. This is partly because you'll be too overwhelmed by the novelty to enjoy yourself fully. But also because it's hard for a man to last long enough to please you on his first go, and the more attractive he finds you, the harder it is. In truth, you shouldn't expect this from him. If he cares about you, it will get much better over time, and that's the important point to keep in mind. Obviously, therefore, you should choose a man who does care about you and will stick around.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to point out that none of the beauty or seduction advice in this article is intended to promote promiscuity. Dispelling Beauty Lies is strictly about attractiveness, not sexual morality, but it's important to understand that you can be beautiful and seductive without being promiscuous. Promiscuity makes no positive contribution to beauty, and if anything the reverse is true. Thinking these go together is just another version of the Madonna-whore complex. They don't.
There's no hurry.

7. Personality and individuality.

a. Personality has little effect on visual beauty
b. Personality does matter for seduction

a. Personality has little effect on visual beauty

Let's step back from seduction for a moment and face a hard truth. As far as beauty is concerned, your personality doesn't matter nearly as much as you want it to. Becoming a saint won't make your nose any cuter than a sinner's.

Incidentally, nose piercings are not recommended.

It's true that some women show visually identifiable signs of poor character. But they can remain physically attractive despite this.

For instance, in the author's view the model below displays a particularly unpleasant personality, with a face that always seems to be expressing vain smugness, and dreadful long nails that compound the impression she's an empty, stupid, untrustworthy gold digger with nothing real to contribute to the world. However, she's also quite physically attractive, and she appears in this article several times because male readers have often submitted her as an example of ideal beauty.

You should try to have a good personality and you should try to be physically attractive. Both matter in life as a whole. But mixing the two up just leads to excuses in both directions. For instance, pretending your thighs are well-shaped because you're generous to people in need is nonsense that doesn't help anyone (and vice versa).

Women who insist on discussing their great personalities when the topic is beauty are often afraid they can't compete on physical attractiveness. Shifting the discussion to personality allows them to change the game to one they think they can win. Since the scorekeeping is nebulous, at least they know they can't lose.

"But I'm great at embroidery."

Advertising your virtues in this way makes sense on the whole. But it doesn't make sense here. Our goal here is to increase your beauty. Not to measure your value as a human. When you're learning to swim, you won't get better if you always excuse the flaws in your stroke by bragging about unrelated skills.

Dispelling Beauty Lies isn't intended as a complete guide to life, relationships, or virtue. To read about personality in a larger context you need to look elsewhere. However, you might first ask yourself whether beautiful girls with bland personalities, or even terrible character, really struggle to catch the mates they want.

In fairytales mean and conniving girls always lose, and morally admirable heroines (not pictured) just happen to be more beautiful.

Beauty creates a reality-distortion field that causes men to see women's personalities as better than they actually are. And women sometimes take this even further than men do, following celebrities famous for their beauty as if there were some other magic driving their success, when there is nothing, or even less than nothing. The most beautiful women aren't beautiful because they have great personalities, they have "great personalities" because they're beautiful.

Men think she's sweet.

The vast majority of us prefer a physically attractive lover with character flaws to an ugly angel. This is an uncomfortable truth we do our best to ignore. Yet in a way it's a good thing. It implies you don't need to pretend to be someone else to find love.

So personality doesn't matter as much as you might want it to, not only because its impact on physical beauty is so limited, but also because people prioritize that physical beauty to a large extent when choosing mates.

Nevertheless, visually expressing your personality is still a good idea. It distinguishes you from the crowd, puts your best qualities on display, and helps your ideal match find you more easily.

So first get the basics right with the generic beauty techniques we've already discussed. Then add some touches of character in the details. You can do this with clothing choices, accessories, or even makeup.

Be aware that other people don't value individuality or originality as much as they pretend to. In practice, quality trumps uniqueness.

The fact that the basics of beauty are generic and impersonal doesn't imply all women should conform to a single standard. Appealing to a minority taste can work too. Remember, it doesn't matter if most men are indifferent to you as long as some of them value you highly.

"Give them first a week alone with a strapping young man, a hookah, and an inexhaustible supply of hashish, and they break with reliable consistency."

Often the right approach is simply to make the best of what you already have. But don’t use this as an excuse to neglect fundamentals or maintain unhealthy habits.

Cars come in many colors of paint, but never with five wheels.
Built Like A Car

It's healthiest to think of the fundamentals of corporeal beauty as mechanical, with no deeper meaning than the best proportions for a car you might drive. Personal expression happens in the details. Although the opposite view might sound more heartwarming, it can scar you emotionally and block the road to self-improvement. If men ignore you, it's probably not because your soul is unworthy of love, but simply because your “car” doesn't drive as well as others. And cars can be fixed without replacing the driver.
"Mechanical, like the endless grinding of the stars."

b. Personality does matter for seduction

The remarks I've made so far in this section apply to the basic visual realm. Where seduction techniques are concerned, it's more important to take your personality into account. The same holds for motion, which we instinctively interpret as a form of self-expression. If you try to seduce, or move, in a way that doesn't seem to flow coherently from your personality, it can fall very flat.

This is most problematic in extreme cases. For instance, if a librarian who's stiff, awkward, self-conscious, and disconnected from her sexuality suddenly begins stripping and twerking for her boyfriend, the effect can be very bad. The trouble arises when her behavior seems tacked on and fake, like putting on a clown nose. You can't simply go through the motions of seductive behaviors. They need to appear to come from within in a way that makes sense.

Think carefully about which motions suit you best. Use these as a starting point, and then gradually experiment with others later. For a woman who resembles this particular AI girl, a slow breast sway is the best starting point.

That doesn't mean the basic principles of seduction really change from woman to woman. But the right way to apply them does. For example, instead of flamboyant motions our awkward librarian should use plain and simple ones. Instead of a full striptease, she should surprise her lover by making breakfast with her shirt off one morning. Instead of enthusiastic fellatio out of the blue, she should express curiosity about fellatio until her boyfriend “lets her try it” after which she can “find out” she “actually kind of likes it,” and then build from there.

Over time your sexual personality will flower and the range of techniques you can use convincingly will increase.

In contrast, a woman with an outgoing, jovial, and open personality can give a vigorous tease, twerk in a way that's half serious and half joking, or directly demand sex at a random time, and have an excellent seductive impact in each case. That's because these more forward behaviors convincingly flow from her inner self.

There isn't room to discuss all the possible combinations of personality and behavior here. The essential point is that seduction needs to seem like genuine self-expression, not something you've just tacked on. You can't pour ketchup indiscriminately over every recipe and expect good results, and the same is true of seduction techniques. You need to build a seductive aura that glows from within.

There's a hot girl inside you trying to get out. Will you let her?

For some women this will come quickly. Others will have a clumsy start and take time to get up to speed. If you're in the second group, be patient. Eventually you'll find a seductive style that works for you.

8. Beauty and aging.

No one seriously doubts women are more beautiful when they’re younger. However, the claim that they hit a "wall" at thirty and suddenly turn ugly isn't true. It’s possible for older women to remain attractive, so you shouldn’t give up just because you reach a certain age.

Older women are usually presented as more sexually aggressive in erotic imagery. So as you age, you should increase your use of the techniques described in the sections on motion and seduction, and initiate sex a larger fraction of the time than you did when you were younger.

Not as shy as she used to be.

While playacting like a child or feigning bashfulness will lose their effectiveness over time, men do find some youthful character traits attractive even in older women. The most basic of these is a warm, positive attitude about life. This isn't actually a matter of saying positive things rather than negative ones. It's more about the emotions you hint at in the way you say them. Consider, for instance, an unpleasant schoolteacher who always says nice things but somehow still seems mean-spirited. Many women let sourness or bitterness creep in as they age. These are quite noticeable to men, and hugely unappealing.

A youthful enthusiasm for life remains valuable long after the stuffed-animal trick stops working.

Choosing a mate who's older than you can also make you seem young to him regardless of your age. For more on this point, refer to the earlier discussion of age gaps.

The beauty techniques I’ve mentioned in this article work for older women just as well as younger women, and may even offer older women greater benefits. Careful attention to diet and exercise is essential. Of course, makeup and surgery also help.

The most common beauty mistake among women over thirty is adopting a short hairstyle for a “fresh and youthful look.” This invariably has the opposite effect. Don't dabble in androgyny when your fertility is fading. Short hair makes middle-aged women look older.

Some claim curves don’t age well. This one of the biggest beauty myths, and only applies if you don't take care of yourself. In fact, youthful skin is the least durable element of attractiveness. Because your other assets diminish faster, your basic silhouette is responsible for an increasing fraction of your sex appeal over time.

Since men who care more about curves appear to care less about youth, curvaceous women are more likely to attract mates who will stay sexually satisfied in the long term.

And the older you are, the more curves men want. For instance, imaginary women who look older than thirty almost always have large or huge breasts.

We can demonstrate this relationship between curves, age, and attractiveness statistically. In the same database of erotic drawings analyzed earlier in the article, images tagged “mature woman” have significantly larger breasts than the broader collection. Huge breasts in particular are six times more common. Images tagged “loli,” on the other hand, have significantly smaller breasts than the broader collection. The charts below show the change.

By comparing the three charts we can see that the shift toward curves sets in very early, and continues well past the end of puberty. Note that here “mature woman” doesn't refer to seniors, but to any woman over thirty. The next gallery will illustrate.

While breast size is the easiest to categorize, this shift is more about curves in general than breasts in particular. The women depicted in these images have wider hips, thicker thighs, larger butts, and a higher overall bodyfat level. Naturally they still retain the relatively small waist that characterizes an hourglass figure, without which the curves would be meaningless.

You might imagine men's preference for especially extravagant proportions in women over thirty is limited to anime, but that's not the case. When I examined AI girls posted on social media under the hashtag “#milf,” I found a similar pattern. The examples below are typical.

Sex dolls fit the pattern too. At a major retailer, most “milf” dolls are categorized as “curvy,” while most “teen” dolls are categorized as “petite.”

So not only are curves responsible for a larger fraction of your visual appeal as you age, but men who are still attracted to older women want more of them. If there's been a decline in your sex life over time, aging without enough curves might be a contributing factor.

Make sure you've optimized your weight according to the guidelines given earlier. Your ideal weight may be slightly higher than it was when you were younger. For those who aren't able to develop good natural curves, surgeries that create them artificially can recover some of your lost sex appeal. Breast implants are especially useful for older women, including those who never had curves when they were younger. Other surgeries that add curves should help too, though they usually have a lower impact.

This photo was taken at age 54. Long hair and implants work for older women as well as younger, and outlast youthful skin by many years.

Procedures to correct sagging skin are also worth considering. To determine if you'd benefit from a breast lift, see the earlier segment titled “How Much Sagging Is Too Much?” Unfortunately I don't have time to analyze all the cosmetic procedures intended to restore youthful features in detail here. Some of them work, and some of them don't. Some of them help slightly, but still don't make the kind of big differences people are hoping for.

A minority of men don't care about curves, and instead focus all their erotic interest on youth. Sadly there's not much you can do to keep these men interested as you age. If your lover is one of them, adding more curves won't help.

There are limits to what medicine can achieve today, and it’s important to be realistic. Surgery can’t truly reverse aging, and trying too hard to erase the years will do more harm than good. Creams and lotions currently advertised as rejuvenating have little real effect. Acting young can't make you young. Only genuine rejuvenation technology will get that job done.

The future can be much brighter than you imagine.

Rejuvenation medicine is more plausible than it might sound. Because aging is simply an accumulation of damage, reversing it is no different in principle to repairing an old car. Of course, the cellular machinery in our skin is far more sophisticated than an engine, so the task is quite difficult. But we'll accomplish it one day. And if demand is vocal enough, that day may even come soon enough for you to benefit. I explain further here. Public advocacy for rejuvenation research is a great way to help, especially for women who are good with social media. Inform yourself, and then inform your followers too.

Cherry blossoms might fall within weeks, but bougainvilleas give months of color without fading. Let's take inspiration from the latter.
The future, if you want it.

For now, however, no woman looks better at forty than at twenty-five. And while you age, the most eligible males are snatched away by other women. If you want the best long-term partner you can get, you shouldn’t waste time. Those who tell you otherwise don’t have your interests at heart. Find him sooner rather than later, then use modern technology and good health practices to retain your beauty longer.

Candlelight obscures minor flaws in your skin while leaving the most important things visible. That makes it especially valuable for older women. Use candlelight liberally, and especially try to arrange candlelight for romantic evenings and sex.

9. The top seven ways to look more attractive.

Here's a simplified checklist of the seven most effective ways to look more attractive. These may seem obvious, but hardly any women today cover them all.

1. Maintain a healthy weight.
2. Wear makeup.
3. Wear long hair.
4. Wear clothes that fit properly at the waist.
5. Do strength training focused on the glutes.
6. Get breast implants in the 500-800cc range if you're comfortable with the risks.
7. Get a nose job if you have a distinctly bad nose.

Bonus: Learn to move attractively.

Start at the top and work down. 1, 4, 5, and 6 will help develop or enhance an hourglass shape. 2, 3, and 7 will take care of the rest.

The loose waist of these jean shorts is an exception that proves the rule, because the bare midriff makes the model's waist visible.

Since seven is a more auspicious number than eight, I've listed motion as a bonus point. It actually has a multiplicative effect on all the others. Fear of seeming ridiculous during the learning curve prevents most women from taking what's actually an easy win. If you persist a short while and get it right, men won't be able to look away.

Implants and ruffled skirts with a fitted waist can create an hourglass figure for a woman who would otherwise seem too straight and thin.

Some women may feel uncomfortable to see surgery on the list. If you're morally opposed or have a low tolerance for risk, feel free to ignore it. Nevertheless, breast augmentation is one of the most effective beauty interventions. Breast size has a larger effect on the attractiveness of slim women than any other single trait. That's why the recommended size can add a full point on the ten-point beauty scale. Omitting it from the list to make readers feel more comfortable would go against the high-minded principles that motivate this article.

There's no point in getting your augmentation before you've optimized your weight, because men evaluate breast size in relation to waist size. The same holds for motions and gait. These only increase attractiveness for women who already have a good baseline. Otherwise they will fall flat. So it's best to go through the list in order.

The fashion industry wants you to think you can compensate with expensive designer handbags. You can't. They have zero effect on your attractiveness. Easily the most useless accessory.

Take a moment to consider just how little time and money is necessary to look more attractive. Only points six and seven on the list above require a significant commitment of resources. Most women aren't failing because they're not trying hard enough. They're failing because they're trying too hard to do the wrong things. Before you try harder, aim better.

Women who are first coming to grips with the facts about feminine beauty sometimes jump to the conclusion that only a boob job really matters. That's not the case. There are six more points on this list of basics, and many further techniques explained elsewhere in the article that will help to increase your attractiveness without adding silicone.

This top-seven list isn't exhaustive. However, as you go beyond it your returns will diminish. One of the most common beauty mistakes is to obsess over irrelevancies. Conventional beauty advice reinforces this mistake by encouraging you to worry about details that don't matter so you buy stuff that doesn't help.

I've kept it simple for good reason. Prioritize the basics and don't stress about the rest.

Too much stressing and obsessing will make you look worse, not better.

A closing note. No matter how well you apply these beauty techniques, you'll eventually run into limits. If you want to outperform your appearance, pay special attention to the section on seduction. There I've explained why men consider sexual enthusiasm in general, and oral skill and frequency in particular, the best way to compensate for other limitations. Giving your lover oral several times a week without waiting for him to request it is the single most powerful way to increase your desirability as a mate. I call this the Last Rule of Feminine Beauty. And since most women enjoy fellatio but hardly any understand the best way to take advantage of it, it's an opportunity for an easy win.

This article emphasizes feminine curves because they’re the main object of beauty lies and an important component of attractiveness. However, faces, expressions, mannerisms, and behaviors also contribute to sex appeal. Some women with minimal curves still have high sex appeal because they excel in these other areas.
Six Bonus Tips For Curveless Girls Who Want More Sex Appeal

1. Hit glutes exercises hard and often. The less natural volume you have the greater their impact will be.
2. Wear ruffled, flaring skirts to make your hips look wider. You can also wear tops that add volume, though they're not as effective.
3. Consider going braless where local customs allow. Flat women can often get away with this when others can't.
4. Adopt youthful mannerisms, clothes, hair, and vocal habits. For example, cute expressions, schoolgirl miniskirts, printed panties, and pigtails. Men who like curveless girls usually have an especially high neoteny preference. Young, short women are well positioned to exploit this, though it's likely to fall flat for tall older women.
5. Cultivate elegance in posture and movement. This applies above all to tall women, who are prone to looking awkward if they don't take special care.
6. Give fellatio frequently and learn to do it well. It's one of the few sexual techniques that works as well for curveless women as curvaceous ones. By making eye contact and using the attractive expressions discussed earlier, you can also turn your face into the erotic focus rather than your body. This will draw attention toward your strengths and away from your weaknesses.

I don't recommend flat girls use bras that are padded to add cup sizes if they're looking to attract a mate, because this kind of false advertising will create regrettable disappointment on the reveal. That said, there's no harm in wearing one for an occasional special event if it helps to fill out a formal dress.

XIII. Answering objections.

Here I'll directly answer the most common objections to this article.

a. "You objectify women"
b. "I'm afraid of being fetishized"
c. "Beauty isn't worth the trouble"
d. "Your conclusions are obvious"
e. "Only abnormal men agree"
f. "Your examples are cherry-picked"
g. "Big boobs make me furious"
h. "You're breaking the rules"
i. "It's heteronormative"
j. "You claim everyone likes the same thing"
k. "It's just about your personal taste"
l. "You're wrong because you're you"
m. "You're just being mean"
n. "What is a monarchiste?"
o. "But I wanna marry a status-seeker"
p. "It's too long"
q. "Will you write a similar article about masculine beauty?"
r. "How can I learn more about your other work?"

A divine beauty contest. Note that the painter gave all three goddesses the same face.

a. "You objectify women"

“The objectification of women” is a harmful meme we should all reject. Why? Because it uses the word “objectify” to conflate two distinct concepts.

1. Being treated like an inanimate thing (dehumanization)
2. Being perceived and acted on by a subject

1 is bad, but 2 can be good. The meme's payload is to denigrate 2 by association with 1.

It's okay to want to be seen.

Because many women enjoy being perceived and acted on, conflating this with dehumanization sets a psychological trap for them. It persuades them that they ought to have moral objections to their own enjoyment, and that conventional relations of male and female are inherently bad.

A human enjoying being the object of male attention.

There's nothing morally wrong with appealing to the male gaze. And you're not psychologically defective if you enjoy it. In fact, you're completely normal. So when you want to criticize dehumanization, do it explicitly instead of spreading the "objectification" meme. This meme actually hurts women.

Bitter professors have created a series of toxic memes intended to poison heterosexual relationships. They camouflage them as pro-female. Don't be fooled. They're not.

Finally, the purpose of this article is to empower women by offering them the truth. Not to dehumanize them. Any reader smarter than a sex doll should be able to understand that I've presented dolls and anime girls as useful examples of men's visual preferences, not as a recommendation to be vapid.

Beautiful, intelligent, wholesome, human, and an object of desire: yes, it's really possible to be all these things at once.

Enjoying the male gaze on an idyllic summer day.
Sour Grapes

Because plain women don't have the opportunity to enjoy the male gaze, some of them try to spoil it for you by making you feel guilty or weird. You're not. Just tune them out.
The female gaze subjectifies men.

b. "I'm afraid of being fetishized"

Another concern related to objectification is “fetishization.” Some women have a rare trait or exotic heritage that men find particularly attractive. This might feel a little strange, especially when the trait in question seems meaningless to you. However, many aspects of sex appeal are arbitrary and meaningless if you consider them objectively. As long as your lover appreciates you as a person too, it's not a reason to worry.

In fact, having an unusual trait that some men particularly like is a big advantage in your favor, as I've already explained many times. It gives you an edge over other women, and helps you catch a better mate than you could without it. It doesn't make sense to handicap yourself by throwing away that edge because some guys like it "too much." So instead of being ashamed of your rare trait or exotic background, I recommend you lean into it. Especially when you're alone with your lover. You'll have better results, higher self-esteem, and more fun too.

c. "Beauty isn't worth the trouble"

“Why should women care about looking more beautiful? It's already easy for them to get laid. Besides, most men aren't worth it.”

The third sentence above shows why the second is meaningless. Women aren't seeking quantity, but quality. And being more attractive makes it easier to catch quality mates.

Who's leaving on vacation with you?

Yet catching a quality mate is far from the only reason to look better. There are many others as well. I shouldn't need to point out that women like looking beautiful and feeling desirable. And indeed, more beauty and seductiveness improve sex for both partners. That makes life more enjoyable, and strengthens relationships too.

Would you feel better or worse if you were hotter? Is this a hard question?

Your beauty and charm inspire men to be all that they can be, and to achieve more than they otherwise could. And they help our society push back against the digital addictions that are threatening to swallow up real relationships. So making yourself more beautiful and seductive isn't just beneficial to you personally. It's morally righteous and admirable, because it improves the world as a whole and reinforces the physical foundation of human love.

For more on universal beautification and fighting digital addictions, read my essay "Ultrahumanism."

Lastly, beauty is a final good. Bringing more of it to the world is already a worthy goal for its own sake.

Imagine this street without the flowers. Was planting them a waste of time?

There are indeed so many reasons to pursue beauty that a better question is: “Why are you spending your time on frivolous things like scrolling Instagram, attending university classes, and watching Youtube influencers buy groceries, when you could be making yourself into a living work of art instead?”

d. "Your conclusions are obvious"

I agree that some of my conclusions are obvious. Indeed, the first words of this article are, “The facts about feminine beauty are simple and intuitive, even obvious.” However, facts that are obvious to some people aren't obvious to others. And many of my conclusions aren't obvious at all. While they'll one day seem like simple common sense, they differ markedly from both academic orthodoxy and public opinion at the time of writing. And I've received a large volume of negative and even hateful feedback denying any of it is true. This often includes includes slander directed at me personally.

Naive readers might find it hard to believe that a single free article, purportedly written in this highly aesthetic font by an Oriental sex slaver, could really provide more accurate and useful information about feminine beauty than the totality of previously published academic research (generated at a cost to the public of eight figures in professorial salaries). Not to mention the many misleading periodicals on fashion and beauty that consume even more money. Yet in an age dominated by liars, incompetents, and frauds, could it really be otherwise?

End Unearned Trust In Academics For Good

This article is the first to provide a thorough, accurate, and well-evidenced account of men's real beauty preferences. Eventually its ideas and methods will spread, and professors who've complacently wasted time and money for so long will be dragged kicking and screaming toward its conclusions. You should nevertheless remember the kind of people they've proven themselves to be. Morally weak conformists, content to mime the outer forms of genuine scientific inquiry so they can enjoy status and salary despite doing society more harm than good. Going along with the tide after it turns won't change anything about their character. Don't forget.
Thanks to compelling academic branding built on the real achievements of the hard sciences, social scientists benefit from a form of Gell-Mann amnesia that's allowed them to retain the public's respect and trust despite being badly wrong not just occasionally, but over and over for generations.

If you haven't experienced it firsthand, you can't imagine the amount of hate I've been subjected to for sharing the information you've read here. People object to my “obvious” conclusions vociferously. They can get nasty!

Someday it will be impossible to believe how consistent and fierce opposition to my ideas on feminine beauty really was.

Many girls seem to think that denigrating me, willfully misrepresenting my writing, or suppressing my data will make them more beautiful. (It won't.) The strength of public opposition has been such that I regret having wasted my time on a subject that's brought me so much trouble and so little personal benefit instead of pursuing my many other interests. If you've read this far, I sincerely hope you've gotten more from Dispelling Beauty Lies than I have.

Journalists can be worse still, as the example below makes clear. This offended journalist jumped straight into ad hominems without bothering to read more than a few lines of my writing. She dug up a months-old joke and used it to misrepresent my work to over 600,000 people, and ignored many requests to correct the record. She went on to attack my novels despite reading no further than the chapter titles, telling the public they're erotica when they're actually comedy, as any intelligent reader can verify in a few minutes. All because I provide evidence men like more curves than she has. Pretty lies might not make you pretty, but that doesn't mean ugly lies work any better.

To irrefutably debunk the claim that my conclusions are obvious, I present a popular beauty forum's complete and unedited reaction to Dispelling Beauty Lies in the gallery below. No, I don't expect you to read it all. I'm posting it here as a matter of public record. The chart shows the fraction of upvotes for positive, neutral, and negative comments. The woman who shared the link to this article was eventually shamed into deleting it, and later reposts were removed by moderators.

Fallacious reasoning, misplaced vanity, dishonesty, deception, defamation, and an overpowering urge to torture and execute the messenger are all on vivid display among my critics. And with tactics like those, who could lose?

Few are willing to risk reputational martyrdom for such an absurd cause.

Because we don't compare notes on taboo topics, there can be huge gaps in knowledge that we aren't aware of. These gaps reduce our collective quality of life. So even the obvious needs to be stated.

And in fact, many of the arguments I've presented are entirely novel. Dispelling Beauty Lies isn't just not obvious. It's a major, important innovation in beauty analysis and advice. Women today really don't know all the key facts explained above. If they did, there'd be no reason to resort to censorship, manipulation, and deceit to conceal them. But that's a topic I'll save for the next section.

Finally, when an attractive gait can be learned within a day but is hardly ever seen, it's clear that only a tiny minority of women have fully assimilated the truth about feminine beauty.

Sex dolls, erotic drawings, and AI girls are much better sources of information about male tastes than the statistics about centerfolds (from a single magazine) long relied on by academic researchers.

e. "Only abnormal men agree"

“Normal men don't buy sex dolls or look at anime girls. So, your conclusions are invalid.” And, “Normal women don't buy dildos. So, they prove nothing about the size women really prefer.” And, “This article is just about the tastes of porn-sick men. Not real, healthy tastes.”

It's true that most men don't buy sex dolls. But it's not true that the men who do buy them have aesthetic tastes that differ dramatically from the rest. Read carefully. The data from many sources confirms the same basic conclusions. These sources include not only sex dolls, cartoons, and AI girls, but also statues, paintings, search results, centerfolds, stereotypes, and common sense.

Yes, "normal" men like this too.

If you're grasping for excuses to dismiss all of it, you're rationalizing because you don't like the answer. And if the median sex doll seems like an abnormal representation of feminine beauty to you, you ought to take a step back and think harder. While some critics try to denounce it as bizarre, fetishistic, and extreme, it's really just a conventional “bombshell” figure.

What's especially funny is that many of the same women who strenuously object to using sex dolls as examples have a sexual technique of remaining totally motionless, effectively making themselves as indistinguishable from sex dolls as possible (and not in a good way). Lighten up, ladies.

f. "Your examples are cherry-picked"

Historical representations of feminine beauty aren't random. In fact, they show a definite pattern. As we've discussed, it's not hard to find variations and exceptions. But if you latch on to exceptions and pretend they're the rule, you're making a mistake.

Nevertheless, we live in the present, not the past. There's no reason to rely on the assumption that beauty standards never vary. Although historical archetypes of beauty can occident us in the right general direction, the contemporary data is more relevant and more reliable. And this contemporary data supports our conclusions.

Showing a little too much ear.

g. "Big boobs make me furious"

“This entire article is about how men like big boobs, but I don't have/want/like them, therefore you're totally wrong, and also evil. They don't matter at all. Delete your website right now.”

Would you be this angry if I said men like girls with large ears? No. You wouldn't. But why not?

More ears. Why is this website all about ears?

You're angry precisely because you know breast size is one of the most important elements of feminine beauty, whereas ear size is not. You just won't admit it to yourself. If you did, you might also notice that this article covers many other aspects of beauty at great length. In the end it's your own breast obsession that makes you see nothing but boobs everywhere.

The Maid Test

You're leaving on holiday for a month and need to hire a maid to care for your wealthy husband while you're gone. Two slim young women apply for the position. They're identical in every feature, except one has remarkably large breasts and the other does not. Which will you hire to minimize the risk of infidelity? Your answer reveals what you really think about breast size and attractiveness.
What could go wrong?

h. "You're breaking the rules"

“You write too positively about makeup, implants, and other cosmetic surgery.”

Beauty isn't a game with rules. But if it were, "cheat to win" would be good advice. Anything less is an unforced surrender to genetic luck.

Breast augmentation is extremely common in glamour models, and more common in the general population than most people suspect. The large majority of women with implants are glad they have them, but keep quiet because of the social stigma. In an article that aims at the truth, it's entirely correct to write positively.

A good set of large implants can give you a substantial advantage, because a significant fraction of men are obsessed with big breasts.

The approximate breast size and shape preferred by the average man. 99% of women can only achieve this look with a breast augmentation. So why shouldn't they?

The primary material reason not to go under the knife is the risk of complications or a botched surgery. The guidelines provided in this article are reasonable and measured, but it's impossible to eliminate risk entirely. That's why I highlight successful cosmetic surgery, but stop short of advising it for all women.

i. "It's heteronormative"

“The beauty standard described in this article is heteronormative.”


I'm concerned with determining the facts about straight men's tastes and the most effective techniques to satisfy them. Not with enforcing or subverting norms. How you use this information is up to you. You might be surprised to learn that transsexuals intent on duplicating men's ideal female body have been more receptive than the average woman to whom this article was originally addressed.

AI-generated erotic art. 

Most heterosexual women today would be unwilling to accept and profit from the strongest conceivable evidence that straight men consider the figure above ideal. Their indifference to heterosexual tastes seems inexplicably absolute. Instead they chase fashionable beauty standards shaped by gay men. Perhaps they too secretly wish to be trans?

An AI girl. How many women are keen to emulate her, and why is the number so low?

j. "You claim everyone likes the same thing"

“You claim all men like the same thing, but I don't like that thing, your article is wrong, you are dumb.”

No, I explicitly and repeatedly state otherwise. This is what it looks like when all men like the same thing:

And this is what it looks like when men like different things:

This article is intended for intelligent people with good reading comprehension and the ability to understand bar charts, as well as the logic of supply and demand. If you do not meet these criteria, please find a simpler beauty article to read instead of criticizing one you can't follow.

k. "It's just about your personal taste"

“This article is just an elaborate justification of your personal tastes.”

While some of the illustrations have been arbitrarily chosen by the author, the data has not. The reasoning is objective and honest, and applies generally. If you dislike the models below, you can indulge in an ad hominem. But it's not that easy to dismiss the conclusions.

And in point of fact, the author's favorite images clearly have a specific and uncommon style that anyone with a sense for aesthetics will recognize as quite distinct from the majority of those selected to represent men's tastes for this article. Many were submitted by readers, and aren't to the author's taste at all.

l. "You're wrong because you're you"

“You're wrong because you're a woman,” and, “You're wrong because you're a man,” and, “You're wrong because you're brown.”

Because I refused to reveal anything about my identity during the five years I spent producing Dispelling Beauty Lies, I often heard the first two “criticisms” at the same time, even in response to the very same passages. It astonishes me that people can behave in such a way without feeling ashamed of their own stupidity and low moral quality.

"Lord, please send me someone who's not retarded."

None of the arguments or data presented in this article are grounded in the author's personal authority. Nor are any of them above the understanding of a reasonably intelligent person, such that it would be necessary to refer to the author's identity to estimate their legitimacy. So I'll be blunt. Shame on you. Stop taking cheap shots that make you look like the utter moron you probably are. Use your brain to examine the arguments instead of the author. If you have one.

m. "You're just being mean"

“No one believes you and this article isn't helping anyone. Are you just trying to be mean?”

There are two groups who readily accept the truth. The first is men. The second is women who are already very attractive. Both of these groups have firsthand knowledge that what people publicly claim is beautiful isn't what men actually respond to. They're happy to read a coherent explanation of the reality they already see.

Note the combination of an embarrassed, uncertain expression and a provocative pose.

However, this article aims to help smart and open-minded women of average attractiveness, as well as women who are victims of an eating disorder. If you're one of these women you may have trouble accepting the truth, even if you recognize it subconsciously.

Cowgirl monarchiste.

It actually doesn't matter if you accept the data I've presented. Besides, we all know long arguments can obscure the truth as easily as they can reveal it. What does matter is whether acting on the claims increases your success with men and your quality of life.

So keep an open mind and a pragmatic attitude, and try the beauty tips above, starting with those that require the smallest investment and the minimum risk. They will help, and that's the important thing.

That feeling when you realize the article with the funny font and sex dolls was actually right about everything.

n. "What is a monarchiste?"

The monarchiste body type is a voluptuous and pronounced hourglass. The term was inspired by a real woman who resembled the model below, and described herself as a monarchiste awaiting the restoration.

Painted monarchiste.

This body type is still very popular with men. It was once common in paintings and considered the pinnacle of feminine beauty. But it's particularly ill-served by current fashions. Monarchistes today often dress badly and underestimate their own attractiveness. To rectify this situation, it's worth singling them out for praise with an amusing and historically resonant term.

After the victory of the suffragettes there was an abrupt devaluation of the hourglass figure that's evident even in orientalist paintings from the period. But men's affection for curves didn't vanish when fashion turned against them.

o. "But I wanna marry a status-seeker"

“I want to be a trophy wife in a social circle of wealthy status-seekers. Shouldn't I copy the high-status look promoted by today's media and fashion world instead of the 'truth' you write about?”

Probably. But look out for your husband's secretary. You should also ask yourself if a man who'd marry a status symbol instead of a woman he's actually attracted to is really the kind of man you want. As time wears on, your desire for him may not survive the nagging thought that he's emasculated himself just to impress others of his social class.

Some of today's elites are trapped in a negative-sum game where they sacrifice beauty to win status points. This game is refereed by fashion and art critics in places like New York and Milan. I explain how the process works in my companion article "Against Good Taste." Whether you should participate in this negative-sum game is ultimately a question for you to decide. This article is titled "The Truth About Feminine Beauty," not "How To Dig For Gold."

p. "It's too long"

Even people who claim to hate this article end up reading it to the end, which says a lot about the validity of the complaint.

Can't stand it but somehow can't put it down.

q. "Will you write a similar article about masculine beauty?"

No. Stupidity is making the same mistake twice.

There's only one Dispelling Beauty Lies. Accept no substitutes.

r. "How can I learn more about your other work?"

My bio is available here. Explore the rest of this website to discover my fiction, music, and essays, and subscribe if you find them interesting. You can also contact me or follow me on social media using the addresses listed here. For reasons I'll explain presently, I no longer maintain the account that was dedicated to promoting this article.

XIV. Censorship and suppression

a. How modern censorship works
b. How NGOs control what you see
c. A better vision for our future together
d. A final plea to the public

Don't worry, the thought-police are here to protect the world from dangerous information that could have made women more attractive.

a. How modern censorship works

The previous section covered the most common objections to this article. But it left the most important aspect of its reception out. Censorship. Lots of it.

There's ultimately no difference between freedom of speech and “freedom of reach.”

In today's world censorship needs to be understood broadly. It's not just burning books. A good modern definition of censorship is any intervention that reduces the public's access to information it might have otherwise encountered. And Dispelling Beauty Lies has suffered that kind of censorship in spades.

Are you ready to find out how the public-opinion-manipulation cake is baked?

In this section I'll give a thorough account of how and why my ideas on beauty have been either literally or effectively banned in so many places. I'll also dissect social-media manipulation techniques more generally, because these now have the biggest impact on what information actually reaches the public.

"Sure, you can have freedom of speech. In solitary confinement."

Censors have systematically suppressed my writing from social media for years, and continue to do so to this day. For instance, soon after a series of posts I wrote to summarize my research on feminine beauty began to go viral, content moderators shadowbanned them to prevent their spread. Links to this article have been removed repeatedly. My accounts have been flagged for violations that never happened and made invisible. I've been censored even for aesthetic commentary on ancient statues. To cite every similar instance of censorship would take far, far too long. And new accounts under new names have done nothing to escape the pattern. I've lost track of how many times I've started over only to be shadowbanned again.

Social media company employees have censored this article. Can you believe it?

Explicit pornography and extreme politics are demonstrably less suppressed than my analysis of feminine beauty. As I write these words, three of the top five search engines have banned direct links to Dispelling Beauty Lies. No, this is not about “safe search.” They're quite happy to provide links to pornographic sites.

Today's professional censors leave unpopular dissent alone to create the illusion of free speech. But when ideas they dislike begin to catch on, they manipulate procedural outcomes to tip the scales against their dissemination and favor their own cherished causes instead. For instance, through the inconsistent application of vague rules. By maintaining plausible deniability in this fashion they can shape society invisibly and pass off the result as the will of the public.

Twitter/X censored the title post at top left amidst a surge of interest. Ironically, they promoted the anti-censorship post at top right on the very same day. This sort of thing didn't just happen once, but repeatedly, whenever one of my posts began to go viral, and regardless of how many new accounts I created. They made my writing unsearchable, and finally they even made it impossible to see the hundreds of submissions to my faces study. A reader bought me a verified account, but it had no effect, and then bought me a second verification for a second account, which was again banned within two weeks. The comparison below shows this didn't happen by accident because I posted too many sexy photos. In fact, they suppressed my writing while giving explicit pornography nearly free rein.

Censors have targeted my work intentionally because it provides powerful evidence they don't want to be widely seen. This level of effort to censor something so benign doesn't make any sense to normal people. But today's censors aren't normal people. They're authoritarians or nutty ideologues wielding power to control the flow of information that even sane and balanced people should never have.

If you'd like to believe social-media algorithms are suppressing degenerate” content like my writing about women's fashion in order to prioritize higher-quality insights, you might want to take a second look at what does and doesn't get banned.

Below you can see some of the amazing accounts that share my name and rank higher than me in the algorithm, as indicated by search suggestions.

Corporate employees aren't the main source of trouble. Social media algorithms are set up in a way that allows a collective to silence ideas they don't like by downvoting, blocking, and reporting them. This can be exploited by a formal organization using a network of bots, or by randoms acting in aggregate. Are there really women out there so petty that they'd downvote, block, and report accurate information just for making them feel less attractive? To ask the questions is to answer it.

It makes sense for plain women to silence praise for attractive features they lack and promote slander instead. This strengthens their hand by demoralizing their competition. Of course, it's also evil. Not that that will stop them.

b. How NGOs control what you see

Most people don't take the more systematic deplatforming tactics seriously enough. Perhaps it sounds paranoid or conspiratorial when I claim that shadowy NGOs can abuse the system to shut down their opponents. So I'll take a moment to explain how simple and straightforward it really is.

"I work for a nonprofit."

Suppose there's an organization whose aim is to promote a certain agenda to the public. Staff members at this organization track trending topics on the main social media networks. They set up a number of bot accounts on these networks, and direct their bots to amplify content that supports their agenda with likes and reposts, and also to suppress content that contradicts their agenda using complaints.

They make a list of the voices that argue persuasively against their agenda and use their bots to silence these voices by issuing repeated complaints that appear to the social media system to come from different sources. The system then concludes the reported accounts are abusive or spam, and shuts them down, or else diminishes their reach considerably, which is effectively the same thing. The owners and managers of social media networks are by no means exempt from blame for the result. They've set up their systems to be open to this kind of abuse.

The tactic isn't powerful enough to silence influencers who already have a huge following, but it works perfectly well to silence smaller ones. Because I'm a lone individual making a unique argument, all it takes to bury the entire thing outside of public view is for a single activist organization to keep me on a list and regularly submit complaints. That's it. And because most of the process can be automated, it costs them very little time and effort. When you consider this, it's not hard to believe they would do it. It's hard to believe they wouldn't do it.

c. A better vision for our future together

What motive could activist organizations possibly have to suppress writing about feminine beauty that seems so innocuous? A superficial answer is that the promotion of alternative sexualities has become a celebrated political cause in recent years, and my analysis is irksome to this agenda. I've persuasively criticized homosexual fashion designers, lesbian professors, androgynous models, pornographers, AI companies, and online sex workers for shifting mass culture in ways that damage normal relationships. And I've done so in factual terms, without any trace of the blind bigotry most people today reject.

But there's a deeper reason as well. The weak need solidarity to resist the strong. That means atomization helps evil elites. The couple is the smallest social molecule. Smaller even than the family. So to achieve total atomization of society, you need to break couples up and replace them with commercial relationships. Namely, with sex work. Today's ubiquitous pornography is just the advance guard of this general movement. Its agenda is presented as “freedom,” but in reality it is dissolution, enabling enslavement.

In short, it's in the self-interest of some evil and powerful people to ensure normal women remain less attractive than sex workers (and soon AI girlfriends), because this neuters the last and most fundamental social instinct that binds us together and allows us to resist oppression. Fake solutions like “redpill” seduction advice and left-right partisan thinking actually contribute to the problem instead of solving it. And once the physical and romantic bond of the sexes is weakened, those same evil elites can get away with pitting men against women in a battle of the sexes all of us lose, leaving them to rule over the ashes.

Dispelling Beauty Lies offers the world an alternative vision for the future. One where real women become more beautiful and seductive than they've ever been before, where real relationships are strengthened, and where the commoditization of sex retreats instead of advancing. A world where the truth about beauty and seduction are finally and perhaps for the first time taught accurately to every young woman, so she has the fullest power to make of her relationships what she will. A world where love goddesses become human reality.

But that's not the world the powers that be want for you. They'd rather see you living alone on the wrong kind of UBI, “free” to choose between a set of VR goggles and a euthanization chamber. That's why they want pornographic actresses and prostitutes to be hot, and you not.

Or it could be like this.
If I'd just made pornography instead of teaching normal women how to look hotter, none of this censorship and suppression would have happened. Take a moment to think about that sad fact. The world's run by sick people, folks.
Nothing's more dangerous to the system than a hot girl who's not for sale.

Surely these last paragraphs veer too far into unsubstantiated paranoia? Maybe. Or maybe not. If I'd believed in advance, dear readers, that I'd end up having to fight against a sophisticated propaganda network funded by powerful elites just to tell girls to get their boobs done, I would have written about Ottoman history instead and be much better off now, with zero dramas. And yet this is the conclusion I've been forced toward, however ridiculous it might sound.

One of the great frustrations of modern soft censorship is that you can never confirm with certainty who's behind it and why they're doing it. You don't receive a letter specifying your thought-crime. You just disappear. Repeatedly. It could be an organization, an algorithm, a single anti-fan in a position of power, or a diffuse group of haters. “All of the above” is my best guess for why the suppression of my writing has been so thorough for so long. A simpler answer might sound less paranoid, but it wouldn't suffice to explain the sheer persistence and pervasiveness of the problem.

That's my best guess, and you're free to make your own. Fortunately the truth about feminine beauty doesn't depend on knowing who's suppressing it or why.

This is your brain on social media.
If you value Dispelling Beauty Lies and have the technical resources to do so, I suggest you make a complete backup of this site in case it ever goes offline.

All the forces who've worked to suppress this article have done a strange favor to the individual woman who's stumbled here by accident. What you've found is a secret guidebook. This guidebook is the best resource on feminine beauty and seduction ever written, and yet still unknown to the general public. And it's potent enough to give you a real advantage over your friends and enemies alike. I'd advise you to share it with them for the common good, but as soon as you realize how well it works, you'll decide they don't deserve it. Besides, even if you did share it, they wouldn't listen. So now it's your secret guidebook. Please use it wisely!

Though Dispelling Beauty Lies is her favorite book, she keeps it hidden under her pillow instead of displaying it on her living-room bookshelf.

d. A final plea to the public

That should suffice for a polite summary of the situation. If you want to learn more about how censors and propagandists manipulate public opinion, I'll refer you again to my essay “Trust Networks.” But before I move on I'd first like to divest myself of some less polite reflections.

Yeah, that's enough politeness for now.

What's both so troubling and so absurd today is that most men are masturbating on a daily or weekly basis to online strippers who make millions emulating precisely the principles of feminine beauty explained in this article, with a constant flow of cash payments confirming its accuracy, while the other women in our society, including their girlfriends and wives, continue half believing and half pretending that none of those principles are true, and that men don't like what they evidently do like.

Neoteny props and large breasts weaponized against kids who came online to play games. Egirls are inescapable.

And to make themselves seem better and their girlfriends feel better, these cowardly men will deny the whole thing if you confront them publicly, and let the gay fashion cabal keep pressuring their women to be boys. It's laughable. And not in a good way.

"She's only hot and not beautiful." "Rich men prefer flat girls." "My boyfriend would never." Which stock excuse will you use to keep pretending?

If girls only took their heads out of the sand and used the wealth of information I've provided here free of charge, the vast parade of strippers would diminish to a single-file line, real human relationships would improve, and some semblance of sanity could return. Instead, high on their own pride and vanity, they've been happy to help bury this resource in obscurity and let the strippers rule the roost uncontested.

"She needs to lose weight." "Big boobs are only for whores." "Stockings are for sluts." "Cat ears are gross." "I can't believe she's posing to show off her feet." "Something something AI something something." When you dismiss highly effective beauty techniques as the province of strippers and whores, you only make it easier for those same strippers and whores to steal hearts that should rightly belong to you. Ask yourself whether that makes sense.

So professional censors certainly play a role in the persistence of beauty lies. But the people are weak-willed and complicit. All of them, men and women alike, are to blame. And change, dear reader, has to begin with you. If you want it.

Appendix: survey results.

As I explained in the very first section, beauty surveys are unreliable. I've cited them above in rare cases where I could find no other source of information to answer an interesting question. You shouldn't interpret this inclusion as a confident endorsement.

Logic and solid evidence flow unnoticed through a sewer. Because they're more popular on social media than better sources, it was necessary to use polls for promotion, along with a vivid presentation style that increased visibility. These promotional polls may support my conclusions, but they by no means serve as their basis. For your entertainment, I provide a selection below. Most reached an audience that greatly exceeded my own following.

The trio of polls below show that runway models are barely more attractive to men than impossibly extreme physiques. Men may date them as status symbols, but few actually like them.

I asked men to rate reader-submitted photos of the most attractive large breasts for shape, ignoring size. Several days later I asked which they believed were fake. I'll share the result to satisfy your curiosity, with no guarantee of accuracy.

Respondents judged about half of the best-shaped breasts in the world to be fake, and assigned no quality premium to natural breasts. What's the correct number? You're welcome to make your own guess. Men's top choice in my best butt shape survey (at center) was actually photoshopped, which says a lot about the true value of naturalness.

I also asked men what traits they consider dealbreakers. In other words, single traits that are disqualifying even in an otherwise attractive woman. This is valuable information, though of course we can't be confident that men are reporting the truth in polls.

This doll is dressed and staged to amplify neoteny. Do you see how?

What I found was that men rarely consider physical flaws dealbreakers in isolation. For instance, only around a quarter of men consider a flat chest or a flat butt a dealbreaker in a woman who's otherwise attractive, even though these traits have a large influence on attractiveness. This suggests men perceive beauty holistically. So if there's one particular flaw that's bothering you, you probably shouldn't obsess about it. Being meaningfully overweight, on the other hand, is a real dealbreaker, because it distorts your entire figure.

No, this model is not overweight.

So, what dealbreakers do men claim are more important than physical flaws? A variety of negative character traits: uses hard drugs, only cares about money, bitchy, former sex worker, high body count, etc. Men also look poorly on women who are bad lovers, with most agreeing that being stiff in bed and never giving fellatio are dealbreakers. I don't believe they really consider these dealbreakers, but I also don't doubt that they consider them very significant negatives.

This AI girl doesn't do drugs.

You might suspect my poll results only reflect the opinions of my following, not the general public. That's a reasonable fear. But by comparing early and late responses to polls that reached a large audience, I've been able to establish that differences between the opinions of my most devoted followers and broader opinion on social media are normally minor.

Some skeptics insist that my followers are unusually obsessed with large breasts. But the early and late results to my widely viewed poll on an exceptionally buxom woman's reduction reveal that the general public is actually more keen. The evidence is below.

This isn't to say you should trust polls or that mine always accurately represent every group. For instance, the results of the poll below changed dramatically after it was reposted by a popular conservative influencer, whose followers reacted negatively to the idea of a female boss.

So I still maintain that polls are unreliable data. But my readers aren't to blame. They're actually pretty normal.

I'll conclude with one of my most memorable poll results. I wanted to know whether men’s taste in feminine beauty was related to their taste in other realms of aesthetics. So I asked them to indicate both their preferred body type and their preferred interior design style. The results showed a striking correlation.

Review: The Top Twenty-Two Worst Lies

She stayed up all night studying the section on seduction. Did you?


Perverse social dynamics mean that beauty lies will always persist to some degree. But by sharing this article you can help to spread the truth, and help more women to look their best. That’s good for men and women alike. So if you know someone who might benefit from learning the truth about feminine beauty, please send them a link, or better yet, be brave and post one on your social media account. Feel free to include the eye-catching infographics below, or the even more eye-catching "perfect shape" infographic here.

If you're a male and don't feel comfortable explaining to women what you find attractive, just show them this article instead. And if you need to maintain an air of respectability, share it with a critical comment like, “This piece gets all the facts about feminine beauty right but still somehow totally misses the big picture,” and then go on to explain how you actually prefer average-looking girls. Or, denigrate the article's author as an untrustworthy character while admitting with feigned reluctance that the claims are accurate.

"I normally only date human girls."

The feminine desire to be beautiful and the masculine desire to possess that beauty are basic human drives that should draw men and women together. Yet today liars and profiteers are manipulating them to drive the sexes apart. While the beauty industry and the media lure women toward a false representation of beauty cleverly designed to play on their vanity and ambitions, the sex industry is filling the resulting gap by selling men an empty simulacrum of possession. The foundations of love are being crowded out on both sides.

Unfortunately, the reasoned examination you've read here isn't enough to correct beauty lies on a larger scale. Women's intuitions about feminine beauty are based on the gradual, unconscious assimilation of social cues. By showing young women a vast quantity of fake social cues that are designed to be psychologically potent, modern media has broken their intuitions. It's similar to holding a magnet near a compass.

"The odalisques were lost, somewhere in the realm between wakefulness and sleep, their irises reduced to mirrors reflecting inward the sluggish convulsions of dizzy cranial fauna."

Only a small minority of women are capable of setting aside these broken intuitions, and their pride, to arrive at the truth. To help the deluded majority a massive social movement would be necessary, strong enough to outweigh both the persuasive power of modern media and the everyday lies men tell for convenience. It would have to rely on propagandistic methods like repetition and signaling, not reason. Such a movement is unlikely to arise any time soon.

“There are sex dolls in that article. It just can't be true. And have you seen the font?”

And perhaps it's for the best if it never does. The love and lust that surge up from deep within us are the most audible cries of truth in a society dominated by respectable liars. The truth, you see, hasn't agreed to be respectable in all cases; but the respectable have. So it's fitting that they go through life miming a simulacrum of eros, while beauty remains to the rest of us an open secret, whose querulous call awakens us too to other, quieter truths.

Status is just another form of mammon. Beauty, truth, and love are higher ideals, but few have the faith and courage to live up to them.

It may be irritating to watch people stubbornly clinging to beauty lies, but keep in mind that you can turn their errors to your advantage. You might even consider this, dear female readers, your induction to a secret society.

The divine purpose of banning my work from public view was so that you alone, the woman reading this, can possess seductive powers normal women only dream of.

Today women are taught that it's wrong to make any effort to please the "male gaze." But the male gaze is the most practically important yardstick for feminine beauty. Women who recognize this and learn what men find attractive have an opportunity to snatch the best mates away from their competitors and build stronger, happier, more lasting relationships.

Long hair can be useful as well as beautiful.

The first and most difficult step is to accept and acknowledge your own faults with good grace. Very few can do this! Then, while other women succumb to illusions and narcissistic delusions, you can get ahead by making use of the information I've presented here. You don't need to convince anyone with words. Men will react to true beauty instinctivelyand you'll win the game that really matters.

"I was already struggling to keep up with my clients’ insistent demands for redheads when an announcement came down to me from the palace—not directly, but through the slave of a messenger of an assistant to the secretary of the Chief Eunuchthat the royal harem required a new source of odalisques, the former supplier being indisposed after his recent beheading."

Good luck, dear female readers. And now that you’re prepared for your new life as an odalisque, it’s time to travel to the Orient!

"My vaunted sales prowess was not so great that I could turn the fashion world upside-down and restore her value to the average odalisque buyer in a single season."

For the remarkable tale of my wicked rise to almost absolute power, including bonus tips for the plundering and profitable resale of Occidental virgins, read my comic novel Memoirs of an Evil Vizier. You may also enjoy my article on beauty lies in the art world: Against Good Taste. To support my work, make a donation here.

"His master’s master had heard from another slaver, he informed me, that my odalisques might not arrive at the promised time, thus potentially triggering the sultan’s wrath in a manner that would be quite irreversible as far as my personal health was concerned, and he begged me to disabuse him of his well-intentioned concerns regarding the imminent non-existence of my obviously very respectable person."

Dispelling Beauty Lies was written in 2020 and revised and expanded from 2021-2025.

Also by J. Sanilac

An Introduction to My Music

Memoirs of an Evil Vizier

Trust Networks: How We Actually Know Things

Ultrahumanism: How We Can All Win

The Illusion of Dominance: Why The “Redpill” Is Wrong

GIMBY: A Movement For Low-Density Housing

Critique of the Mind-Body Problem

End Attached Garages Now

A Pragmatical Analysis of Religious Beliefs

Against Good Taste

Amor Fatty

Milgram Questions

The Computer-Simulation Theory Is Silly 

How to Seduce a Billionaire


Thanks for reading Dispelling Beauty Lies!